A CubeSat formation for space debris characterisation (QBDebris)

QBDebris at Arendalsuka 2024

Our brilliant project member Pål Gunnar Ellingsen joined Arendalsuka to present how space debris is a rising threat for satellites in the event "Hva skjer over hodene på oss (what happens over our heads)".

The event was organized by Norsk Totalforsvarsforum, with the aim to discuss how our increasing dependency of satellite-based services has become a serious vulnerability, and what the consequences of satellite collisions, solar storms and military attacks would be for society.

Pål Gunnar Ellingsen presenting at Arendalsuka Foto: Karine Nigar Aarskog/UiT

More information here and here (Norwegian only). Ellingsen also used the opportunity to promote our plans for a Centre for sustainable space operations, aiming to provide solutions for the space debris problem in collaboration with industry.