Relational Deep Learning for Energy Analytics (RELAY)

RELAY is a four-year research project led by Filippo Maria Bianchi at UiT the Arctic University of Tromsø . RELAY is funded by the Research Council of Norway through the "Young Research Talents" program. The RELAY project is pioneering the future of energy management by advancing the field of relational deep learning for processing energy-related data represented as time series and graphs.

🔥 Open positions 🔥

We are actively looking for PhD students and experienced postdoc fellows to join the project (1-3 years). You will have the opportunity of collaborating with a European-level network of universities and companies, with competitive salaries and benefits. Check the page for more details!

✉ Contact:

🗺 Location: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, UiT the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
