Reproductive toxicity and transgenerational effects of petroleum mixtures in fish (ToxiGen)

We often think of pollution as something that harms us here and now, right where it happens. But what if its impact stretched far beyond the present moment, affecting not just individuals but also future generations? This is the intriguing question at the heart of ToxiGen.

While we know that fish embryos and young fish are highly sensitive to oil spills when they're directly exposed, we know far less about how adult fish are affected, especially during critical life phases like reproduction. It's not always the youngest and most sensitive members of a species that make the population most vulnerable; the health of adult fish during reproduction can have a profound impact on the entire population too.

So, why is it crucial to investigate how oil exposure affects reproducing adult fish and what this means for the generations that follow? The answer lies in our commitment to evaluating the accuracy of our current models for assessing the impact and risk of oil spills on fish populations.

ToxiGen is taking a comprehensive approach to this challenge. We're using advanced techniques in chemistry and molecular biology to uncover the secrets of how crude oil components impact the reproductive success of fish and the health and survival of their descendants.

We're asking important questions:

  • Does exposure to oil disrupt the production of eggs and milt in adult fish?
  • Can harmful substances be passed from parent fish to their offspring, causing harm to future generations?
  • Does crude oil create effects that can be inherited and continue for many generations?

Our ultimate goal is to connect the changes we observe at the molecular level to the compounds parent fish absorb. We also want to understand how these changes affect reproductive success, as well as the health and well-being of fish in the first, second, and even third generations.

Once we've gathered all this valuable information, we'll present it in an assessment report to those who manage our natural resources. We'll determine whether our findings are of such concern that they require further investigation and even changes to our existing methods for assessing the risks and impacts of oil spills.

Join us on this journey of discovery, where science meets stewardship, as we uncover the secrets of pollution's legacy in the Arctic and work towards a more sustainable future for our precious fish stocks.

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ToxiGen is funded by the Norwegian Research Council (# 334541)
