Genomics Support Center Tromsø


GSCT offers a large range of services to users

Most of the services rendered make use of the R language and the bioconductor package
The ability to interact with biological data at a programmatic level offers many advantages for users


Is the largest open source community dealing specifically with all sorts of biological data from NGS to protein arrays

  • Cooperate directly with produced R scripts with other experts in the field of bioinformatics
  • Use R statistics to look critically at the data and avoid black box errors
  • Compare results with other applications, algorithms, experiments
  • Integrate and compare data with online and constantly updated databases
  • Interpret results through integration with online resources
  • Effectively manage larger datasets
  • Ensures reproducibility through script command interface and therefore not reliant on individuals.


  • NGS sequence analysis from FASTQ to BAM , VCF and beyond
  • Microarray analysis (LIMMA) and datamining (GEOQuery)
  • Extended annotation with Bioconductors numerous annotation packages
  • Functional analyses with GSEA and other enrichment algorithms.
  • Explore up/down stream regions with Genomic Ranges
  • Create custom high quality figures for publication with R's extensive graphing library
  • Help with the visualization and interpretation of complex data
  • Help with file formats, headers, and statistics
  • Help with finding relevant and available resources and applications

Local Users

  • Stuck with a biological dataset?
  • Time running out?
  • Unsure of what to do and NO ONE is answering your emails?
  • Contact:,

Page administrator: Fenton, Christopher Graham
Last updated: 24.06.2024 11:17