FDCIP: Forum for Development Cooperation with Indigenous Peoples


On this page you will find reports and other publications from the Forum for Development Cooperation with Indigenous Peoples. The publications are available as pdf-files unless other is noted in the title.

Annual Forum conference reports

2015: Indigenous People and the Sustainable Development Goals (short summary)

2014: Education, Learning and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights: What knowledge, skills and languages for sustainable livelihoods?

2013: Land and Sea Rights – Protecting the Rights of ­Indigenous Peoples to Land and Sea

2012: Changing standards and practices - the same rights and peoples?

2011: Stakes Replacing Rights – New Pathways for Indigenous Peoples in Development Cooperation?

2010: Indigenous Participation in Policy-making: Ideals, Realities and Possibilities

2009: Violent Conflicts, Ceasefires and Peace Accords through the Lens of Indigenous Peoples

2008: Indigenous Peoples, Natural Environments and Climate changes

2007: Indigenous Peoples – Migration and Urbanisation

2006: Words or action? Transition from Indigenous Activism to Political Power - Challenges from South America

2005: Globalization, Cultural Resources and Indigenous Peoples

2004: Indigenous Rights and Gendered Representations

2003: Indigenous Rights: Focus on the UN system. Cases from Asia

2002: Strategies for Development Cooperation with Indigenous Peoples

2001: Competence Building and Indigenous Peoples

2000: Forum for urfolksspørsmål i bistanden

Other reports and publications

2014: Brown bag seminar report: Desires of the recently dead (online) 2011: Referat fra åpent møte om urfolksdimensjonen i norsk bistandspolitikk 2011: Referat fra idé-verksted om Forumets framtid 2011: Evalueringsrapport av Forum for urfolksspørsmål i bistanden