Prestisje – Kjønnsbalanse i forskningsledelse ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet (BALANSE)

Prestige - Gender Balance in Research Leadership at UiT The Arctic University of Norway

The Prestige project will engage with the university community on gender equality

The Prestige project will engage with the university community on gender equality, conduct research on the institional and relational mechanisms that maintain gender inequality in research  and provide recommendations on what is required to achieve the goal of a more evened distribution of power and resources within the university's major research efforts. Because this balance is affected by conditions at different levels of organization, the Prestige project involves a number of professional and administrative units in the work of gender balance.  The project's work is part of a process for long-term structural and cultural change in the UH sector. It is an interdisciplinary research and action project that encompasses many different academic environments It uses quantitative and qualitative methods from several academic traditions in a critical exploration of quality concepts, quality assessments and power relations in academia.
The project focuses in particular on: 
  • Assessments of quality and academic priorities at UiT
  • Institutional routines and action plans
  • Consciousness and cultural change

 The project consists of five work packages: 

  • Mapping of UiT's research groups and projects with regard to gender balance
  • Dialogue with research leaders on research, quality and gender balance
  • Workshop-based work on local challenges with gender balance
  • Knowledge development around academic history of quality and mechanisms for implicit bias
  • Implementation of findings and knowledge from the project in UiT's routines and action plans for gender equality
Prestige: Gender Balance in Research Leadership at UiT The Arctic University of Norway is a research and action project supported by the Norwegian Research Council's BALANSE program. Despite better management and increased awareness on the need for gender equality  in all aspects of academia, the largest and most prestigious research projects at UiT are still led by men.

Page administrator: Kjeldaas, Sigfrid
Last updated: 08.04.2022 12:44