Innlevering av masteroppgave for studenter på HSL-fakultetet/Submission of master's thesis for students at the HSL faculty

Submission of master's thesis for students at the HSL faculty

The master's thesis must be submitted via the portals MUNIN and WISEflow.

Link to MUNIN,

Deadlines for submission 

There are two main deadlines for master’s thesis submissions: 15 May in the spring semester and 1 November in the autumn semester. If the submission date falls on a weekend or public holiday, the deadline for submission will be the next ordinary business day.

Submission procedure 
Log in using your regular username and password (your student account). 

In MUNIN there are several fields that must be completed before you can submit your thesis. File format requirements in MUNIN. Your thesis must be submitted as a PDF file. Exceptions can be made for theses or attachments where the PDF format is not suitable, such as non-text material. If you need help with generating or converting to PDF, please contact the Oracle.

About submission of theses in MUNIN.

The thesis is not considered delivered until it has been submitted through MUNIN and WISEflow.

Information that should be provided before submission (in addition to your name and the title of the thesis) includes:

  • Your supervisor’s name and email address
  • A ½–1 page summary which you will be prompted to provide when uploading your file in MUNIN
  • Keywords you may want to include in order to make your thesis available for web searches 

The faculty wishes to provide information specifically on the following points: 

1. The thesis must be formatted for double-sided printing. After the cover/front page, we want a blank page to be inserted, completely without content. I.e.: Page 1 = UiT's cover page. Page 2 = blank / no content. Page 3 = Where your actual master’s thesis starts. 

2. Mandatory cover page template – a Norwegian and an English version can be found here. You must enter the subject code, subject, title, your name and time of delivery. Also note that the correct department/institute must be entered at the top of the cover page.

3. Upon submission in MUNIN you will be asked to provide a summary of and define some keywords for your thesis, in order to make it more searchable and accessible. Your supervisor can help you determine relevant keywords.

4. Please note that as a student you are responsible for ensuring that the PDF file submitted in MUNIN is complete. After submission through MUNIN, your supervisor will receive an electronic notification that the thesis has been submitted to MUNIN. After submission, you can no longer make any changes to the thesis. We therefore ask you to be careful and pay attention to details in the editing and submission of the thesis. If you need help converting to PDF, please contact the administrative staff in your department.

5. Please name the file thesis.pdf – the file name will be publicly visible upon publication. If you are attaching multiple files, please use a neutral name for the attachments as well.

6. Master's theses must also be submitted in WISEflow. It is important that the same file is uploaded to both platforms. It is the file submitted through WISEflow that will be forwarded to the committee of examiners, and the student is responsible for ensuring that the correct file is submitted. 

Theses submitted in MUNIN are published online by default. It is possible to opt out in some cases, for example in cases where the thesis includes sensitive information. Those who wish to opt out can do so by selecting the relevant box in the registration form in MUNIN. 
If the thesis does not achieve a passing grade, it will not be published. 

Proof of submission
After submission, a proof of submission will be sent to your student email address in your student IT account. You will be informed of this and which email address the proof of submission is sent to on the last page after you have completed your submission. 

This applies only to students at the HSL faculty: 
In MUNIN, there is a separate section where you can select how many printed copies you want – up to 10 black-and-white copies. Printing master’s theses is free of charge up to and including the spring semester 2023. After this, candidates must cover the cost of printing themselves. UiT printing office.

Page administrator: Evensen, Anita
Last updated: 22.01.2025 12:02