UiT Talent

UiT's new strategy, Eallju–Drivkraft i nord, sets ambitious goals for UiT's professional activities in research, education, innovation and dissemination until 2030. It is necessary for UiT's development as a research university that the externally financed part of the activity is developed into increased capacity in research, education, innovation, and communication. Toward achieving that goal, effort and commitment is required from managers, scientific staff, and the research administrative support apparatus. UiT Talent is a comprehensive support program that includes tools that aim at inspiring and supporting an increased number of new project proposals for external funding, both nationally and internationally.
Active participation in the national and international research arenas is seen as crucial for the development of UiT as a leading research institution as desribed in UiT's strategy, Eallju–Drivkraft i nord. The comprehensive set of research support tools and programs within UiT Talent aim at underpinning UiT's strategy and strengtehning UiT as an institution of knowledge production by providing a solid support system for UiT researchers to define and achieve their middle- and long-term career goals, and develop research projects for external funding that are best fit for their career stage, skills, and profile as researchers. Furthermore, UiT Talent research also aims at proactively strengthening the competitive potential of research environments at UiT that do not yet have experience in acquiring external research funding. UiT Talent's cross-cutting tools complement the faculties' tools to strengthen academic quality and scope so that the institution can achieve its research goals.
UiT Aurora Outstanding
The talent development program UiT Aurora Outstanding is a part of UiT Talent. The program is designed to give selected young researchers at UiT the very best opportunities to qualify as international scientific leaders in their fields. The program aims at enhancing the participants career towards becoming a leader of an internationally recognized rsearch group, and to strenghten their opportunity to gain highly competitive external funding. The program is a collaboration betwenn UiT The Arctic University of Norway and Tromsø Research Foundation (TFS).
The participants in the program are young researchers who have already proven themselves competitive in the following arenas:
- Marie Skƚodowska-Curie Individual/Postdoctoral Fellowship
- ERC Starting Grant
- Tromsø Research Foundation Starting Grant
- RCN's Young Research Talents
- NCMM- Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway
Participants are offered training in various transferable skills, and a local, interdiciplinary and social network for young, ambitious researchers at UiT.
Sist oppdatert: 24.04.2023Arctic MSCA-PF Program
The Arctic MSCA-PF Program is a support program for postdoctoral candidates seeking funding through the EU's career and mobility program Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA-PF) with UiT The Arctic University of Norway as host. The Arctic MSCA-PF Program supports applicants for both European and Global Fellowships.
For more information about eligibility and program structure, visit the Arctic MSCA Program website.
Sist oppdatert: 26.04.2023Bridging the Gap MSCA-ERC
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellows (PFs) at UiT who have or will (within 1 year after the MSCA-PF period is ended) apply for ERC funding are eligible to apply for a transition grant (Bridging the Gap MSCA-ERC) to ensure funding in the period while waiting for the result of the ERC application.
The following guidelines apply to the application process and the implementation of the grant:
- Who can apply?
Postdoctoral researchers/researchers at UiT who have or in the last 12 months (at the relevant application deadline for the transition grant) have had funding through the EU's MSCA-IF or MSCA-PF who have submitted or will submit an application for an ERC Starting or Consolidator grant.
• What can be applied for?
You can apply for salary funds for up to one year. The ERC evaluation process is two-stage and the transition grant must at least cover the period up to the expected response to stage two.
- When can you apply?
Applications can be submitted during the period of project funding from MSCA-IF/PF and up to one year after the end of project funding from MSCA-IF /PF.
- Application requirements
The application is filled in by the applicant and sent to the dean/director with a copy to the research administration at the relevant faculty/unit by the deadline. Application form is available in the Teams ares for Aurora Outstanding Fellows.
- Application deadlines
There are 2 annual deadlines: 1 April and 1 October.
- Processing procedure and assessment criteria
The application is processed in a two-stage process. The faculties/units v/dean/director make the first assessment based on strategic assessments. In the case of several applications, a ranking is made. The applications are then sent to level 1 v/rector who makes the final assessment of support based on funds available in the strategic fund. If not all applications can be supported, applications are selected based on a lottery model.
Sist oppdatert: 28.04.2023ERC Mentoring Program
The European Research Council's grants are aimed at Europe's most outstanding researchers with high-risk projects that can potentially move the research front. ERC grants are divided into 4 main categories: Starting Grant (2-7 years after PhD), Consolidator Grant (7-12 years after PhD), Advanced Grant (10 years track record), as well as Synergy Grant (2-4 PIs from the mentioned categories apply together). Applying for these funds requires good planning and an understanding of what the main features of an ERC project are.
The ERC Mentoring Program offers
- open courses to all researchers at UiT interested in ERC grants. For more information, sign up for Forskernytt (see bottom of this page).
- pre-assessment of applicants' CV and project
- support in the application phase, including internal review of project proposals, assistance from external consultants, PES funds upto 100 000 NOK (for language cleaning, graphic illustrations, etc.), interview training if the proposal reaches Stage 2
For more information and to enrol in the program, contact Theresa Mikalsen at theresa.mikalsen@uit.no.
Sist oppdatert: 28.04.2023Priority Program
The Priority Program supports researchers who are developing project proposals for international cooperative projects in Horizon Europe's Pillar 2 (Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness). The instrument includes support tailored to the coordinating researcher's needs during the project development phase.
- Who can apply?
The Priority Program supports researchers who are developing projects proposals for Pillar 2 as coordinators, work-package leaders, or as partners.
- What kind of support is available?
The Priority Program offers flexible support tailored to the researchers' role in the project and their needs. Regardless of their role in the project, all researchers can apply for Project Establishment Support (PES), which provides them with financial means that they can freely use to support project development, consortium building, project meetings, etc. The amount of PES varies based on the role in the project (coordinator, WP-leader, or partner).
On top of the PES funds, project coordinators are also provided with external consultation throughout the whole project development phase and project development support from level 1.
For more details and to receive the confidential list of upcoming Pillar 2 calls (not yet available on the Funding and Tenders Portal) please contact your faculty EU administration or Kata Bohus at UiT's Central EU office. For tips and more information, visit the støtteportalen on UiT's intranet (requires login with Feide).
- How to apply?
To enrol in the Priority Program, contact Kata Bohus at kata.bohus@uit.no.
Sist oppdatert: 15.10.2024UiT High Score
This instrument is aimed at UiT researchers who have already applied for external funding and received a good evaluation ("high score"), but their project has not been funded. The instrument is part of the UIT Talent and aims to encourage these researchers to apply for external funding again.
There will be two annual calls for UiT High Score, one in April and one in October. The announcements (with details of the exact application deadline and procedure) will be announced on this page, through Forskernytt (subscribe to this newsletter here), as well as through letters to all faculties/units.
The application deadline for the next call is April 1st 2025.
UiT researchers who have already applied for external funding and received a good evaluation, but their application has not been funded, can apply for UiT High Score.
Good evaluation ("high score") is defined as:
- The Norwegian Research Council: grade ≥ 61. For SFF/SFI, evaluation applies in step 2 (applicants who have not reached step 2 do not have access to apply for this instrument)
- EU's Horizon Europe: ≥ 85% (applies to MSCA-DN) or ≥ 13 points2, or progressed to step 2 in a two-step application process
- KG Jebsen: applicants who have reached stage 2
In order to be able to apply for UiT High Score, it is required that (i) the researcher3 has identified and plans to apply for a new call and (ii) that UiT must be the host/project owner for the new application as well.
Researchers can apply for UiT High Score within two years of the application deadline of the original application. If your UiT High Score application is rejected, you have the opportunity to apply again based on the same original application (which was evaluated "high score"). However, you have this opportunity only within the two year period after the application deadline of the original application that was evaluated "high score".
Researchers who have received Bridging the Gap MSCA-ERC, but have been rejected at stage 2 of their ERC application, do not have access to apply for UiT High Score based on their ERC application.
1The Norwegian Research Council operates with different grading systems. Sometimes an application receives 3 grades (Excellence, Impact and Implementation, other times there are two Excellence grades; potential for advancing the state-of-the-art and quality of R&D activities in addition to Impact and Implementation. For assessment of applications for the UiT High Score, Excellence weighs more than Impact and Implementation. Relevance to call is an additional category that is evaluated administratively by the Norwegian Research Council. This grade is not used as a basis in the assessment of allocation in the UiT High Score.
2In cases where the application has been given a overall grade (0-5 points), applications with ≥4 are defined as "high score".
3 It is open for assessment whether this should be the original applicant/project manager or whether there may be others in the research group (who were involved in the original application).
See an overview of the five categories and the available instruments here.
Researchers can apply for various measures, depending on which category the new application falls under1.
Researchers can apply for UiT High Score within two years of the application deadline of their original application (which was evaluated "high score").
A budget limit is set annually for UiT High Score, and if the budget limit is insufficient, applications may be rejected for budgetary reasons. In other words, the fact that the application meets the criteria for this instrument is no guarantee that funds will be awarded.
1 If, for example, you have applied and received a "high score" on an SFF application and want to revise the project idea to apply for a K.G. Jebsen Center you can apply for 1 postdoctoral position + operating funds: up to NOK 100,000/year for three years. The PhD position that is available for new SFF applications is therefore not available in this case.
The application form will be available here.
Note that the original application and evaluation letter must be attached.
The application should be sent via email to the Head of department, who approves it by forwarding the email to the Dean/faculty Director/faculty administration. The faculty uploads the application(s) in Elements 2025/33177 UiT High Score vår 2025 with access code F § 26.4. The uploaded application(s) are sent in Elements to SeFI, cc’d Theresa Mikalsen and Kata Bohus before the deadline April 1st 2025.
The applications will be assessed administratively and decided by the rectorate based on the original application. The following criteria are used as a basis in this order:
- Applications that have received a higher score are prioritized over applications with a lower score
- Project size (budget)
- The project's potential to connect international partners to UiT
If you have any questions, please contact us at euresearch@uit.no.
- I got 6,5,6 (overall assessment 6) on my NFR application. Can I apply for UiT High Score?
Yes. The starting point is the average grade (overall assessment) so you are eligible to apply for UiT High Score based on this application.
Award for EU evaluators
The European Commission is constantly in need for experts to evaluate proposals. This is an excellent opportunity to get an insight in how the EU system works, learn how to write succesful proposals and get insights in the state of the art within your research field.
Learn more about how to works as an expert and find link to registration here.
UiT researchers working as EU experts will be rewarded with 10 000,- per panel participation (funding available for research activities). To release the funding, please send an email to euresearch@uit.no including the following:
- Your name
- Your faculty affiliation
- Name of EU call you served as evaluator
- Attach the contract with the European Commission
Complementary financing of MSCA Postdoctoral Fellows and PhD candidates
UiT ensures equal pay for all postdoctoral fellows and PhD candidates regardless of the original funding source (internal, Norwegian Research Council, EU, etc) and thus complements the salaries of MSCA financed postdoctoral fellows and PhDs when necessary to match those of internally funded postdocs.
Sist oppdatert: 28.04.2023Financial room in negotiation of ERC contracts
Additional funding available to ensure flexibility in contract agreements between UiT and ERC grantees.
Sist oppdatert: 28.04.20231/3 strengthening of SFF/SFI, SFU, FME and KGJ
Additional funding of already approved centers totaling 1/3 of the project funding. This is an established practice at all Norwegian universities and is expected from both the applicant (UiT researcher) and the funder (The Research Council and KGJ). This additional funding is split 50:50 between levels 1 and 2.
Sist oppdatert: 27.04.2023Research Environment Stimulation (RES)
This support program aims at strengthening research environments (research groups) that currently have limited experience in applying for external research funding and/or during the last five years have received low scores in evaluations of applications for external funding. The goal of this intrument is to help selected research groups become more competitive in order to secure external funding for their own research. The funding instrument will have a test phase between 2024 and 2027. During this period, RES will be announced for two faculties per year who will have the opportunity to select a research group each to submit an application. For the year of 2023, BFE and HSL were invited to suggest groups to develop proposal for this instrument. For the year 2024, groups at the Faculty of Law and Faculty of Health are invited to develop projects within this category.
The duration of an RES instrument is three years. During this period, UiT covers from the institutional level:
- one recruitment position for a mentor: the selected faculty administers a mentoring scheme consisting of an experienced research group leader, preferably from another faculty at UiT who helps the selected research group develop a project application and guides them in establishing career development plans. The mentor is awarded one recruitment position after an applicaion is submitted for external funding by the mentored research group;
- NOK 200 000 in operating funds for the supported research group;
- and opportunity for funding of a new recruitment position at the supported research group for up to three years.
Sist oppdatert: 28.02.2024
UiT prioritizes strengthening the quality of teaching and education at its own institution, and UiT Talent Education is an important tool in this work. The purpose of UiT Talent Education is to motivate the development of new and innovative teaching and assessment methods at UiT to provide increased quality in education, and better and relevant learning for students. We also aim to contribute to the development and submission of even more good applications for external grants in the field of education. At present, UiT Talent Education includes two measures: the Program for Educational Quality and Project Establishment Support (PES funding).
The Program for Educational Quality is a call-based grant scheme that will fund development projects at UiT. These projects can form the basis for an application for external funding, but it is not a requirement. A new call for proposals is issued every year, and the thematic focus will vary. PES funding, on the other hand, is directly linked to external funding and aims to increase the number of applications from UiT for funding from the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, Erasmus+, or other external actors. The scheme aims to relieve UiT applicants in connection with the design of project proposals and grant application writing, both in terms of costs and time spent, as well as contributing to the quality of submitted grant applications for external funding.
Program for Educational Quality 2024
UiT prioritizes strengthening the quality of teaching and education at its own institution. An important source of funding for the academic communities has been, and continues to be, the "Program for Educational Quality" (PUK), under the auspices of the Strategic Education Committee. This year, the instrument will finance educational development projects of up to two years. The goal is to stimulate the development of new teaching and assessment methods at UiT to increase the quality and relevance of the education.
The program is now open for applications for 2024, and we encourage all academic communities to take the opportunity to develop applications that can contribute to making the teaching even better. The setup for PUK 2024 is described below.
The application deadline is set for April 14, 2024. Applications should be sent to the Section for Learning Environment and Educational Quality via Nettskjema. If you have any questions, they can be directed to Ingfrid Osen Fossbakk or Kristina Svensen.
Welcome as an applicant!
Budget avalable
In 2024, project funds totaling NOK 5,000,000 will be announced, to be distributed to internal projects at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Applications can be made for amounts between NOK 200,000 and NOK 600,000.
The projects may be structured as projects or pilots with ambitions for (further) external funding if such opportunities exist. This could, for example, occur through the development of courses and educational programs that can subsequently be proposed for and financed by the EUGLOH alliance, or Erasmus+ grants and programs.
Eligible applicants
Any academic community at UiT The Arctic University of Norway may apply for project funding under this call for proposals. Applications may come from a single academic community, or from several different communities that have a shared idea that is not confined to a particular field of study. Collaboration across academic communities is encouraged where it can strengthen the project, but it is not a requirement. For projects falling under thematic focus 1, it is also considered beneficial if contact has been established and collaboration set up with partners from the labor and business sectors.
Thematic directions
As last year, the Programme for Educational Quality is closely linked to UiT's strategy towards 2030 Eallju – Developing the High North, and therefore funding is being made available for educational projects related to one of three thematic directions:
1. Development of education adapted to the business and community life in the north
2. Development of teaching and assessment methods for the digital transformation
3. Development of education with a focus on diversity, tolerance, and an inclusive learning environment
Project Requirements
- The content and results of the project must be shareable, reusable, and further developed.
- The content and results of the project must be able to be incorporated into education programs and sustained beyond the end of the project period. This means that one-time events, such as the hiring of external lecturers or excursions for students, will not be covered by the PUK 2024 funds. Conference participation will also not be covered unless the project for which funds are being applied is to be presented.
- Student participation and involvement must be ensured, and the application must detail how this will be achieved.
- Funds allocated to the project must not be used to cover general operating expenses or adjustments required by legislation or regulation changes. They should be used for specific initiatives and projects that contribute targeted to a substantial improvement in education quality.
- The project's outcomes must be communicated externally afterward, for example by participating in UiT's annual Conference on Education Quality MOKTA. Participation in other local, national, or international forums and arenas is also encouraged.
- A final report to the Section for Learning Environment and Educational Quality (maximum 4 pages) must be submitted no later than 6 months after the project's completion.
- A project financial statement must be presented at the end of the project.
Content of the application
- There must be a justification of the project's relevance in terms of how it relates to UiT's and the faculty's strategies and the academic and/or pedagogical challenges faced in the academic community/communities.
- There should be a clear concept about the project's objectives and expected outcomes.
- There must be a timeline for the project, that is, how the project will be realized within the planned time.
- A description of how students will be involved in the project must be included in the application.
- There must be a plan for the communication of the project.
- There must be a plan for the evaluation of the project.
- It should be outlined how the work will continue after the project period has ended, and how the results will be anchored in the applicant's academic community.
- Commitment/support of the applicant's own institute/faculty, including a 25% own effort in the form of finance/labour, must be detailed in the application. It is emphasized that this own effort is in addition to the allocated funds.
- A written confirmation from all institute leaders that the project is approved should be included.
- A cost estimate/budget must be uploaded using a rate of NOK 600 per working hour. The PUK2024 budget template should be used.
How to apply
The application form should be filled out and submitted via Nettskjema by April 14, 2024.
The process
All applications must be approved by the institute's management before being sent to SeLU (Section for Learning Environment and Quality) for case processing. This also applies to applications where several institutes/faculties are involved. The Strategic Education Committee at UiT will suggest who will ultimately be granted funds in the June meeting after a committee appointed by the Vice-Rector for Education has reviewed all applications. Allocated project funds will be disbursed once the institute has accepted the award and, if necessary, made the required changes to the budget and project content. SeLU acts as the secretariat for the application process and is responsible for the follow-up of the projects.
Sist oppdatert: 21.02.2024Development of education adapted to business and community life in the north
This thematic focus seeks educational projects aimed at making students attractive to the labor market and community life in the north, contributing to developing the competencies they need to face the challenges and opportunities in the region. UiT aims to develop education to meet the region's needs and educate candidates who can help create a sustainable future for the northern areas. This includes projects that assist students in learning and developing skills in demand by northern businesses and communities, or that give them opportunities to explore collaborative initiatives with the local labor and industry sectors. Projects that enhance academic and generic skills and provide opportunities for practical experience, such as participation in research work or internships, are also encouraged. The following areas can be central if one wishes to develop an educational project related to this theme, but we emphasize that this list is not exhaustive:
- Relevancy to the labor market and collaboration with industry
- Integration of generic and transversal skills such as critical thinking, creativity, innovation, interdisciplinarity, problem-solving, and teamwork abilities.
- Project-based learning, team-based learning, or challenge-based learning
- Active student involvement in research projects
- International collaboration
Development of teaching and assessment methods for digital transformation
The development of teaching and assessment methods for digital transformation is an important theme underscored by UiT's own strategy, the Government's Strategy for Digital Transformation in the Higher Education Sector, and the Directorate for Higher Education and Skills' Action Plan for Digital Transformation in Higher Education and Research. The goal is to strengthen students' competence and ability to handle challenges in today's digital society. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to develop a combination of teaching and assessment forms that consider the opportunities and limitations of digital technology. This will likely involve a greater degree of digital learning, active learning, and other methods that contribute to increased student engagement and collaboration. It will also require the adaptation of assessment forms to digital teaching aids and tools so that they can measure students' skills and competence effectively and accurately. Collectively, this will help students develop their digital skills.
Particularly encouraged to apply are projects addressing the development of flexible assessment methods. Flexible assessment methods refer to various methods that can be used to measure students' learning in a more diverse way. This includes initiatives like formative assessments, alternative assessment methods, and individual adjustments to assessments for students with special needs. The purpose of flexible assessment methods is to give a more comprehensive and representative evaluation of the students' knowledge and skills than traditional exams and, thereby, give students a better opportunity to demonstrate their understanding and knowledge.
Other examples of key areas within this thematic focus may include:
- Teaching and assessment adapted to access and use of AI, as well as the active use of AI in teaching
- Digitalization of teaching and assessment
- Development of digital learning resources
- Pedagogical use of digital tools
- Use of digital tools for student-active learning in small and large groups
- Virtual mobility and Collaborative Online International Learning
Development of education with a focus on diversity, tolerance, and an inclusive learning environment
One of UiT's strategic priorities towards 2030 is talent development and diversity, and a diverse and inclusive learning environment is necessary to offer high-quality education. UiT aims to develop students' talents, ensure everyone can develop their potential, and utilize diversity as a driving force and resource. An inclusive and diverse learning environment involves creating an atmosphere where students feel safe, valued, and respected regardless of their background, cultural, ethnic, and individual differences. To achieve these objectives, it's important to focus on diversity, tolerance, and an inclusive environment in our educational development. An inclusive and safe learning environment is one that allows all students to actively participate, learn together, and develop their potentials. This may involve teaching methods that promote critical thinking, tolerance, respect, and teamwork skills, and that make students aware of their role in interaction with others in an educational environment. It can also be important to convey how to incorporate the diversity of a student group by drawing out the potential and creativity of each student. Developing education with a focus on diversity, tolerance, and an inclusive learning environment can be crucial to ensuring that all students are treated fairly and with dignity, and that the teaching environment is experienced as safe and tolerant. This can contribute to both enhancing the quality of education and simultaneously creating a more inclusive and tolerant culture in society at large. Suggestions for themes that can be included under this focus are as follows:
- Learning to learn
- The first-year experience
- Universal design for teaching and assessment
- Digital learning environment
- Gender and diversity perspectives within education
- To what extent does the project address the thematic focuses defined in the call for proposals?
- How relevant is the project to UiT's and the faculty's higher education strategies?
- How relevant is the project to meeting the academic and pedagogical challenges faced in the academic communities?
Innovation and originality
- How innovative is the project compared to existing practices?
- How original is the project in terms of the use of technology and/or pedagogical approach?
Quality and Feasibility
- How well is the project planned and structured to achieve the stated objectives?
- Are the project's goals and expected results realistic?
- How realistic is the project's timeline?
- How realistic is the project's budget?
- How will the project owner evaluate and measure the results and effects of the project?
- To what extent is student participation and involvement included in the project?
- Does the project comply with the lower and upper support amounts indicated in the call for proposals?
- Does the application contain the necessary approvals from the institute leader(s) to implement the project?
- Is the own contribution in the form of finance/working hours sufficiently documented and described in the application?
- Is there a concrete and realistic plan for how project results and implementation will be communicated to the professional communities internally and externally?
Program for Educational Quality 2023 sparked significant interest within our academic communities. By the application deadline, 33 excellent and exciting applications had been received, demonstrating the substantial interest and commitment towards educational quality and the development of teaching practices at UiT. The total amount requested in the applications was just under NOK 15 000 000, while the available funds were limited to NOK 3 000 000. As a result, there was considerable competition for the funds. Out of the total 33 received applications, 7 projects were awarded funding. These projects are presented below.
Thematic direction 1: Integration of Sami and/or Kven cultural competence in study programs or the development of modules that incorporate Sami and/or Kven cultural competence.
1. "Psy-sam: Sami Cultural Competence in Psychology Education": The project aims to integrate Sami cultural competence and perspectives into mental health work and ensure that candidates have the necessary knowledge of Sami culture, history, and identity to effectively engage with Sami patients, users, or relatives as psychologists.
2. "Sami in Early Childhood Teacher Education": The project seeks to develop education in Northern Sami for students with a Sami language background and provide content on Sami language, culture, and multilingualism for other students.
3. "(Arctic)Encultured Knowledge": The project aims to create a teaching and research platform that utilizes the northern context and integrates Sami/Kven cultural competence into arts education.
Thematic Focus 2: Development of teaching and assessment methods for complex problem-solving (wicked problems).
4. "Students' Experiences with Testing Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Learning": The project will explore how AI can contribute to improving and transforming the learning experience by developing prototypes and proposals for various AI-based tools and services to enhance learning effectiveness.
5. "AI-Based Tools in Education: Challenges, Possibilities, and Reflected Implementation (AI-EDU)": The project aims to develop an online training module for educators and two seminar modules focusing on the sustainable and ethical use of AI tools.
Thematic Focus 3: Integration of sustainability and/or internationalization in program and learning design.
6. "Internationalization in the Classroom – Sustainable, International Competence for First-Year Engineering Students": The project focuses on developing first-year engineering students' sustainable and international competence through active student methods, student projects, and collaboration with international students in the Norwegian study program.
7. "Teacher Education in New Cultural Contexts": The project is a collaborative effort between Norwegian and South African teacher education institutions, focusing on internationalization and cultural diversity. Its purpose is to create a documentary film for use in teaching, promoting reflection and knowledge about cultural encounters in the educational context.
Sist oppdatert: 21.02.2024Project Establishment Support (PES) - Education
If you are planning to apply for external funding for development of projects in the field of education, you can apply for a project establishment grant. The support scheme is run by internal funds from UiT and is administered by SeFI. The application form is filled out and submitted via Nettskjema.
If your goal is to establish a project under one of the centralized measures in Erasmus+, it is recommended that you instead apply for the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skill`s (HK-dir) support scheme specifically aimed at this.
Application deadline
The PES funds on the education side are intended to increase the proportion of applications from UiT for funding from HK-dir. and other external actors. The scheme also aims to motivate UiT teachers to develop good educational projects and stimulate the development of new and innovative teaching and assessment methods, courses and programs at UiT to provide increased quality in education and better and relevant learning for students. PES Education should also help relieve applicants from UiT in connection with the design of project proposals and application writing, both in terms of costs and time spent, as well as contribute to improving the quality of submitted applications for external funding.
About the announcement
The support from PES Education should contribute to improving the quality of submitted applications for external funding. If you want access to PES funds, you must therefore apply as early as possible, preferably as soon as a planned project begins to take shape. The funds are available in the project establishment phase until the EU application deadline. If you submit the PES application to SeFI after this deadline, the application will be rejected. The support is only paid out if the work results in a concrete project proposal within the relevant deadline. The allocation is triggered retrospectively. A financial report is submitted before the funds are paid out. If the application is not submitted, or is invalid, the department must be prepared to cover 100% of the support amount.
Who can apply?
All academic staff and academic communities at UiT who plan to apply for external funding to develop education can apply for project establishment support. Applications can be prepared from a single academic community or from several different academic communities that have a common idea that is not limited to a specific field of study. Approval from all involved department heads must be attached to the application for PES funds to be granted.
Eligibility for Support
- Salary and release time (“frikjøp”) for employees at the university who are awarded PES in connection with, for example, application writing or other tasks related to the establishment of the project.
- Travel and meeting costs for both the applicant and other partners in the project.
- And so on.
There are both national and international initiatives that target education at all levels, from bachelor's to Ph.D., and these can also include work across all of UiT's seven areas of quality assurance. Academic communities can either apply individually or collaborate with other institutions. If collaboration with partners outside of Norway is an ambition, we recommend to take a look at the EU programs or the other international initiatives. Additionally, UiT's participation in the university alliance EUGLOH offers a range of opportunities for funding and collaborative projects with one of the other partner universities.
National funding opportunities
In the government's proposal for the 2024 state budget, most of the grant schemes from the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir), including the Centre of Excellence in Education and the Scheme for Flexible and Decentralised Education, are proposed to be phased out from 2024. There will therefore be no new calls for proposals from HK-dir. All projects that have been granted funding up to and including decisions made in 2023 are guaranteed to be completed within the approved project period.
EU and Erasmus+ offer a range of grant schemes for mobility and collaboration projects across the entire educational pathway, as well as a program for digitalization and digital transformation within the sector. The list below is revised when new announcements are made:
- Cooperation projects (neste søknadsfrist 05.03.2024)
- Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (frist utløpt for 2023)
- Teachers Academies (neste søknadsfrist 06.06.2024)
- Alliances for Innovation (neste søknadsfrist 07.05.2024)
- Forward-looking Projects (frist utløpt for 2023)
- Policy Experimentation (neste søknadsfrist 04.06.2024)
- Capacity building in higher education (frist utløpt for 2023)
- Centres of vocational excellence (neste søknadsfrist 07.05.2024)
- Jean Monnet activities (frist utløpt for 2023)
- Virtual exhanges in higher education and youth (neste søknadsfrist 25.04.2024)
- Digital Europe Courses and programmes
Other International funding opportunities
- Nordplus høyere utdanning (frist utløpt for 2024)
- Nordplus horisontal - for samarbeid på tvers av sektorer (frist utløpt for 2024)
- INTPART (ingen utlysning for øyeblikket)
- UTFORSK (neste søknadsfrist 15.04.24)
- Norhed (ingen utlysning for øyeblikket)
- Norpart (neste utlysning kommer trolig våren 2024)
- Thoroughly read the call for proposals to ensure that your application aligns with the specific criteria and requirements listed. This also includes adhering to any formal application guidelines, such as length limitations or directives regarding the use of application templates.
- Dive deep into the terminologies used in the call for proposals, and make sure you have a complete understanding of the terms. For instance, if asked to demonstrate how you will ensure "student involvement," make sure you have a clear grasp of what this entails and explain it in the context of your own project.
- Clearly demonstrate that the project is relevant and aligns with the call for proposals. This can be achieved by incorporating specific keywords or phrases from the call into your application or by following the structure outlined in the call. This way, those evaluating the application will quickly recognize the relevance between your project and the call’s requirements.
- Ensure that the structure of your application distinctly highlights how different aspects of the project are interconnected. This involves illustrating the connection between the organization of the project and the specific activities you plan to undertake. For example, showing how activities coincide with the timeline and budget items. A logical flow in the application makes it easier for the reader to track the project's progress.
- Be specific when describing the project. Specify the actual activities that will be carried out. While highlighting the project's significance may be easier than describing the detailed actions that will be performed, it`s essential to maintain a balance between explaining why the project is important and detailing what will actually be done during the project period. This provides a clearer understanding of how you intend to achieve your project goals and aids in evaluating whether the activities are realistic and relevant.
- Carefully edit the text, avoiding unnecessary repetitions of phrases and information. This ensures that the project doesn't get lost within needless text and makes it easier to understand the project's objectives and content.
- Include a risk assessment. Be sincere about potential weaknesses in the project. Customize the project to minimize obvious risk factors or show that you have an alternative plan if challenges emerge.
Program UiT High Score dissemination
This initiative will build competence in communication among those who have been awarded the UiT High Score initiative in order to strengthen their ability to highlight professional qualities and results for other researchers and funding institutions nationally and internationally. In addition, they must receive training in how to write the communication section in applications for external funds, as well as convey the project when it has been granted.
The initiative will strengthen the research groups' opportunities to compete for external funding for research and innovation. The selected research groups will both participate in a competence program for communication and receive communication professional assistance to profile the group and to develop a strategic communication plan. There will be two annual calls for UiT High Score, one in April and one in October.
The announcements (with details of the exact application deadline and procedure) will be announced under UiT High Score, through Forskernytt (subscribe to the newsletter here), as well as through letters to all faculties/units.
The next application deadline is 28 October 2024.
Sist oppdatert: 27.09.2024Program national voices
In order to make UiT visible, strengthen a selection of our outstanding researchers and contribute to a knowledge-driven social debate, UiT will provide special training and support to a strategically selected group of researchers. The ambition is for participants in the program to become national voices in their fields, help set the political agenda and position themselves against external funding. During the program period, those selected will receive communication-related training and assistance, with the aim of getting a foothold in the national media and influence in the public debate (chronicles, interviews, presentations, social media, etc.).
The measure will contribute to the participants in the program becoming national voices in their fields. Researchers who are national voices in their fields will increase the visibility of UiT in national channels. Increased visibility will also be able to position the researchers in the work with increased external funding of research. During the program period, those selected will receive communication-related training and assistance when they need it.
The application deadline is 15 November 2024.
Sist oppdatert: 27.09.2024A total of NOK 650,000 has been set aside in 2025 for this measure. The sum will cover speakers, joint gatherings, travel and courses. Further description to come.
Sist oppdatert: 27.09.2024- Applicants must have a permanent position at UiT as associate professor/first lecturer or professor/docent.
- Applicants must represent a strategically important topic or subject at UiT, be motivated for the task and have the potential to reach out nationally or internationally.
- Researchers must be able to write and speak fluent Norwegian and English.
- Ten researchers at UiT will be selected each year.
Application form coming.
Sist oppdatert: 27.09.2024- The program is announced once a year.
- The first application deadline is 15 November 2024.
- The participants will be selected by 1 December 2024.
- The first collection is mid-December 2024.
UiT The Arctic University of Norway's strategy, Eallju – Developing the High North, provides direction for our academic activities within education, research, and innovation. The Action Plan for Innovation and Entrepreneurship concretizes the strategy, and will facilitate priorities and activities that contribute to UiT fulfilling its social mission. It is an objective that all publicly funded research shall benefit society through dissemination, dissemination of results and implementation of new knowledge. The instruments under UiT Talent innovation are part of the action plan for innovation and entrepreneurship, and from 2023 include innovation grants for master's and PhD students, UiT's innovation fund for employees and the announcement of 2-year innovation positions.
Innovation grant for master and PhD students
Much of the research that are carried out in connection with master's/PhD work has an innovation potential that can be followed up by providing additional resources. UiT's innovation grants will give the candidate time and opportunity to develop the idea further into a potential innovation. The innovation grant will be important for increasing UiT's innovation and entrepreneurship activity, as well as educating students who contribute to innovation and entrepreneurship. The scheme can also be used to strengthen R&D cooperation with private business and the public sector. The innovation grant should not be seen as an extension of master's/PhD work, but something that comes in addition to this. The research group is responsible for following up the candidate during the project period. Two scholarships are awarded per year.
The application deadline for 2025 will be in April 2025. The call will be announced 6 weeks before the deadline. If you have any questions, these can be addressed to Inger Lin U. Ræder, Senior Adviser Research and Innovation, SeFI.
Call 2024
For 2024, funding totaling NOK 1 000 000 will be allocated to two grants of up to NOK 500,000 in total (up to 6 months' salary) from central level associated with follow-up of innovation and commercialization work. The faculty/department contributes with coverage of other costs, including laboratories/office space to the candidate.
The scholarship
- The grant from the strategic fund of up to NOK 500 000 in total will be used to finance up to 6 months' salary for PhD/master’s candidates who have an idea they wish to further develop into a potential innovation.
- The application type is open for funding of various types of innovation (product innovation, process innovation, service innovation, social innovation). This must be ticked in the application template. For product innovations (and possibly process innovations), the application type is open to early-phase projects (Proof-of-concept) before submission of DOFI (Disclosure of invention). There is, however, an expectation that a DOFI can be submitted during the grant period for this type of innovation.
- It is assumed that the faculty/department contributes by covering all other costs and provide laboratories and office space for the candidate.
- It is assumed that the research group contributes with own time to assist the candidate during the project period.
- When an innovation grant is granted, the applicant will be employed at the department at UiT where the research group belongs. The current rules for IPR are the same as for academic staff at UiT.
- The application template must be used, and the application must be submitted via Nettskjema.
- The projects must start during 2025.
- The candidate must be affiliated with a department at UiT. For master's level, the candidate must have submitted their master's thesis by 1st of June 2024 or have completed their education up to 12 months before the application deadline. For PhD level, the candidate must be studying at the start of the scholarship.
- The idea must be based on research conducted at UiT and must have innovation potential. It is an advantage if the need/market for the innovation has been identified.
- The probability of realising the innovation must be high. The research group must provide guidance and mentoring for the candidate. Being part of a research group that can demonstrate good results in innovation or can document close and good cooperation with business/public enterprises will be positive.
- The grant is intended to contribute to the realisation of the innovation and give the candidate the opportunity to develop, concretise or develop the idea further.
- Necessary own contribution must be available from the department and/or faculty. Any additional contributions from the faculty/institute that contribute to an extension of the scholarship period beyond 6 months must be specified and will count positively in the assessment.
- The application itself must contain a description of the idea, an explanation of why the idea and the applicant should receive an innovation grant, a description of the academic environment and available support from the department/faculty, and which relevant sources of funding it intends to apply for after the grant period has expired.
- The application must be approved by the head of department.
Application template and attachments
The application must contain information about the applicant, supervisor and any others involved. Furthermore, it must contain a description of the idea with a tick for the type of innovation, a justification as to why the idea and the applicant should receive an innovation grant, specification of the academic environment and a description of available support from the department/faculty. The application template must be used and can be found here.
The application must also contain the candidate's CV, a budget, and a confirmation of contribution from the faculty/institute. If a DOFI has been submitted, confirmation of this must also be attached. Candidates who have not submitted their master's thesis at the time of application must attach a confirmation from the faculty/institute that they will submit by 31/05/2024.
The application is submitted via Nettskjema. Only applications submitted via Nettskjema will be approved. Application deadline April.2025 at 13:00 (CET). The result is expected in June 2025.
Application processing
All applications must be approved by department management before they are sent to SeFI for processing.
The applications are assessed by a committee and “Strategisk utvalg for Innovasjon” (SUI) gives advice on which projects are to be funded. Allocated funding are transferred when the institute has accepted the grant and a project agreement has been made. SeFI is secretariat for the application process. A final report with a description of the results must be delivered to SeFI within 2 months after the end of the project.
Sist oppdatert: 31.10.2024Innovation fund for employees
An innovation fund was established at UiT in 2023 with the purpose of increasing the number of innovations among employees. The fund provides support for innovation ideas at UiT. You can apply for support within three different categories (pilot projects, main projects, and supplementary funding). The instrument is application-based. The pilot projects have an open deadline, the main projects will have deadline in April/May 2025, while the supplementary funding will have deadline november 2025.
The application must be delivered via Nettskjema. Application templates must be used.
Contact persons:
Inger Lin U. Ræder, senior adviser research and innovation, SeFI
Elisabeth Blix Bakkelund, senior adviser research and innovation, SeFI
Application templates
The template for main projects is based on the template from The Research Council of Norway for verification projects. The template for pilot projects is a simplified version of this. Applications for supplementary funding must attach the external application and evaluation report.
Sist oppdatert: 02.01.2025Pilot projects will support various types of innovation and are intended to capture innovative ideas from research groups. The projects will support early phase idea development so that you can check whether the idea is viable (for example Proof-of-concept before DOFI and for mapping of service needs). The projects will have a maximum duration of 6 months and you can apply for support of up to NOK 100 000. The type of innovation must be specified in the application form (product innovation, process innovation, service innovation, social innovation, other). The application must be approved by the faculty/department. It is expected that the pilot projects should result in the submission of DOFI,or clarification of the societal impact.
Total funding: 1 000 000 NOK
Deadline: Open, within the funding frame.
Application requirements:
- The applicant must be academic staff at UiT (might be in team with students).
- The project must be pre-start-up and cannot be directly linked to an existing company.
- Projects must be anchored institutionally, a faculty/department at UiT must support the project and approve the application.
- The projects must start during 2025.
Assessment criteria (se template for more details):
- Research results.
- Degree of innovation.
- Value proposition and benefit to society.
- Strategy for realisation.
- Project plan.
- Management, team, and expertise.
Funding can be allocated to:
- Personnel costs for necessary activities for concept development
- Consulting services, external R&D services
- Materials
- Travel costs
Costs that do not fit to the above categories must be specified in the application, for approvement.
What is NOT funded:
Basic research, development costs for companies, development and marketing of existing products and services, communication activities.
Administrative procedures:
Applications are assessed, and decisions on funding taken as they are received, within the total frame of the funding. Application assessment is done administratively, if necessary, in consultation with the professional environment at UiT and TTO. Final decision by level 1/rectorate.
The project leader is responsible for implementation and final reporting after the project has been finished.
Sist oppdatert: 02.01.2025Main projects can have a maximum time frame of 18 months, and you can apply for support of up to NOK 375 000. The grant will also trigger additional funds for support from Norinnova AS of up to NOK 200 000. This funding is primarily aimed at commercialization projects and requires a submitted DOFI together with an approval from faculty/department. The same project can only recieve support for a main project once.
Total funding: 1 500 000 NOK
Deadline: April/May 2025. The call will be announced 6 weeks before the deadline. The application must be delivered via Nettskjema.
Application requirements:
- The applicant must be academic staff at UiT and hold a ph.d. (might be in team with students).
- Projects must be based on a DOFI submitted to UiT where UiT has claimed rights, the conformation letter(s) of submitted DOFI must be attached.
- The project must be pre-start-up and cannot be linked to an existing company.
- Projects must be anchored institutionally, a faculty/department at UiT must support the project and approve the application.
- The projects must start during 2025.
Assessment criteria:
The assesment criteria are the same as the assessment criteria used by The Research Council of Norway for verification projects.
You can apply for funding for:
- Personnel costs for necessary activities for idea development
- Consulting services, external R&D services
- Materials
- Travel costs
All costs that do not fit under the above categories must be specified in the application and approved.
What is NOT funded: Fundamental research, development costs for companies, development and marketing of existing products and services, communication activities.
Administrative procedures: The applications will be pre-ranked by representatives from UiT and Norinnova. «Strategisk utvalg for innovasjon» (SUI) will thereafter give advice on the ranking of proposals. Decision is taken by level 1/rectorate.
Reporting: The project leader is responsible for professional deliveries and for final reporting after the project has finished. The report must include how the funds have been used and a summary of the status of milestones.
Sist oppdatert: 02.01.2025UiT wants to facilitate increased innovation activity by contributing supplementary funding to externally funded innovation projects. The funding shall be used for additional activities that support or build on the externally funded project, and not for partial funding of the externally funded project.
Total funding: Total funds within this category will be a minimum of NOK 1 million per year. The amount may be higher, depending on the number of funded projects within the other categories. The amount of support will be assessed based on the size of the externally funded project, the need for supplementary support, and the available total funding.
Deadline: 15.11.2024 at 13:00 (CET). The application must be delivered via Nettskjema.
Application requirements:
- Ongoing UiT-leaded/coordinated projects that have been granted qualification- or verification projects from The Research Council of Norway or innovation grants from Horizon Europe (ERC PoC, EIC Pathfinder, EIC Transition and EIT KIC Actions) is eligible to apply.
- The project leader must be academic staff at UiT, and the support must be allocated to the project at UiT.
Assessment criteria: based on the external evaluation and the need for supplementary funding.
Administrative procedures: Relevant projects that have been granted external funding must apply for this supplementary funding by the deadline. SeFI processes the applications, and decision is taken by level 1/rectorate.
What is funded: The funding must be used for independent additional activities that support or build on the externally funded project and will not support activities that are already covered.
What is NOT funded: the support cannot be used as in-kind in the external application.
Applications for supplementary funding must attach the external application and evaluation report.
Sist oppdatert: 02.01.2025Innovation positions
In 2019, UiT introduced an instrument with the allocation of 2-year innovation positions to further develop ideas that have great innovative potential. This instrument is continued under UiT Talent. The call for 2024 is now open with deadline 13.12.2024 13.00 CET. Please see the complete call with eligibility- and evaluation criteria here.
Sist oppdatert: 31.10.2024Innovation laboratories
An innovation laboratory will open in 2025 as a collaboration between The Faculty of Health Sciences and The Faculty for Science and Technology.
Sist oppdatert: 31.10.2024Start-up grant
This instrument has staunet as the target group. The purpose of the funding is to help advance ideas, and applicants must show concrete measures/activities they wish to carry out. These will often be related to idea development, prototyping, research and testing of marked needs, etc. The funding cannot go to wages.
Guidelines and application form exits, but unfortunatly only in norwegian. Guidelines in norwegian.
Please do contact me; mette.r.midtgard@uit.no and I will help you through the process.
Sist oppdatert: 08.04.2024The Research Infrastructure instrument has two components: Scientific Equipment Category I and Scientific Equipment Category II. Category I is a continuation of the infrastructure scheme in the Strategic Fund, with some adjustments. Category II has been developed in connection with the establishment of UiT Talent. For both categories, annual calls for proposals will be conducted.
Category II is designed for research infrastructures with a total cost framework of 15-35 MNOK, which therefore require long-term financial planning. It is planned that the allocated funds will be set aside in a dedicated fund, to form co-financing with external funds and other internal funds. The scheme is intended to create financial maneuverability to plan for larger investments, in combination with other financing.
The Research Infrastructure instrument is intended to support externally financed research projects while also contributing to the foundation for project proposals to competitive arenas for research funding.
Both categories are based on calls for proposals that invite submissions, which are then ranked and prioritized by the Research Strategy Committee (FSU) with recommendations to the rector for funding. The case processing is done by the secretariat (Office of Research and Innovation) of the FSU.
Calls for proposals are announced via the Newsletter (requires subscription) and on the UiT Talent homepage.
Contact person: Steinar.paulsen@uit.no
Category I
Call for proposals: UiT Talent – Research infrastructure Category I
The Research infrastructure tool has two components: Scientific equipment category I and scientific equipment category II. Category I is a continuation of the scheme Infrastructure in the Strategic Fund, with some adjustments. Category II has been developed in connection with UiT Talent. Both categories have annual calls for proposals.
Category I is intended for scientific equipment that has a total cost (investment) of more than NOK 1.5 million in purchases. The guidelines for the instrument require a 50:50 distribution of the cost between the institution and faculty level, i.e. that up to 50% is covered by UiT Talent (institution level). There is in principle no upper financial limit for the investment. Available funds from UiT Talent in this category are NOK 20 million for 2024, and an total investments of up to NOK 40 million can thus be made under this call.
The funding instrument UiT Talent infrastructure will support externally funded research projects and at the same time help form the basis for new project proposals for competitive arenas for project funding.
Both categories (I and II) are based on calls for proposals for new or upgrading existing research infrastructure. The proposals are ranked and prioritized by the Research Strategy Committee (FSU), which advises the rector on funding. Proposal processing is done by the secretariat of FSU. The faculties/units will submit a list of their proposals, in a priority order. If necessary, FSU will engage a separate UiT internal group to assist in the selection.
Funding: To be worthy of support, the investment must have a total cost of over NOK 1.5 million, of which up to 50% is covered by UiT Talent (institution level).
Overall financial framework for the call: NOK 40 mill.
Application is submitted by use of Nettskjema. An application form must be used (Max 30 MB).
The application form and the assessment criteria is based on is based on the Research Council's national investment in research infrastructure- INFRA 2023
Contact: Steinar.paulsen@uit.no, Office of Reseaerch and Innovation.
Application deadline: 06.12.2024, 13:00 CEST.
The call is made public by the Newsletter (requires registration) and on the website www.uit.no/talent.
Who can apply? The applicant must hold a faculty position at UiT. The application must be supported by the faculty's management, i.e. the faculty must both prioritize and financially support the investment.
What can be supported by the funding program? The program context, research infrastructure is identified as advanced scientific equipment and equipment facilities, data infrastructure for FAIR data, as well as scientific databases and collections.
Funds from research infrastructure Category I can be used for investments in new and or upgrading of existing research infrastructures. The infrastructure's operating shall, in principle, be covered by externally funded projects that utilizes the research infrastructure. Thus, allocated funds cannot be used for the infrastructure's operation, nor for establishing the infrastructure.
The operation of the infrastructure must be planned within a business model where projects that use the infrastructure must contribute to financing the operating costs. The business model must therefore contain a model for how the capacity in the infrastructure will be utilized by making the infrastructure available to users both internally across faculty borders as well as outside UiT including public or private sector.
Assessment criteria
Grant applications will be assessed in light of the objective of the call and the following criteria (as for INFRA 2023):
Sist oppdatert: 14.10.2024Category II
Call for proposals: UiT Talent – Research infrastructure Category II
The Research infrastructure tool has two components: Scientific equipment category I and Scientific equipment category II. Category I is a continuation of the scheme Infrastructure in the Strategic Fund, with some adjustments. Category II has been developed in connection with UiT Talent. Both categories have annual calls for proposals.
Category II is designed for research infrastructures that exceed investments that can be covered via category I and which thus require long-term planning for funding. The purchase of the infrastructure in category II can have a total cost between 15-35 MNOK. Here, it is planned that allocated funds will be set aside in a dedicated fund, to achieve co-funding with external funds and other internal funds. Available funds from UiT Talent in this category 27,8 MNOK for 2024, and a total investment of up to 55,6 MNOK can be made under this call.
The funding instrument UiT Talent infrastructure will support externally funded research projects and at the same time help form the basis for new project proposals for competitive arenas for project funding.
Both categories (I and II) are based on calls for proposals for new or upgrading existing research infrastructure. The proposals are ranked and prioritized by the Research Strategy Committee (FSU), which advises the rector on funding. Proposal processing is done by the secretariat of FSU. The faculties/units will submit a list of their proposals, in a priority order. If necessary, FSU will engage a separate UiT internal group to assist in the selection.
Funding: To be worthy of support, the investment must have a total cost in the 15-35 MNOK interval, of which up to 50% is covered by UiT Talent (institution level).
Overall financial framework for the call: 2 x 27,8 MNOK.
Application is submitted by use of Nettskjema. An application form must be used (Max 30 MB).
The application form and the assessment criteria is based on is based on the Research Council's national investment in research infrastructure- INFRA 2023
Contact: Steinar.paulsen@uit.no, Office of Reseaerch and Innovation.
Application deadline: 06.12.2024, 13:00 CEST.
The call is made public by the Newsletter (requires registration) and on the website www.uit.no/talent.
Who can apply? The applicant must hold a faculty position at UiT. The application must be supported by the faculty's management, i.e. the faculty must both prioritize and financially support the investment.
What can be supported by the funding program? The program context, research infrastructure is identified as advanced scientific equipment and equipment facilities, data infrastructure for FAIR data, as well as scientific databases and collections.
Funds from research infrastructure Category II can be used for investments in new and or upgrading of existing research infrastructures. The infrastructure's operating shall, in principle, be covered by externally funded projects that utilizes the research infrastructure. Thus, allocated funds cannot be used for the infrastructure's operation, nor for establishing the infrastructure.
The operation of the infrastructure must be planned within a business model where projects that use the infrastructure must contribute to financing the operating costs. The business model must therefore contain a model for how the capacity in the infrastructure will be utilized by making the infrastructure available to users both internally across faculty borders as well as outside UiT including public or private sector.
Assessment criteria
Grant applications will be assessed in light of the objective of the call and the following criteria (as for INFRA 2023):
The extent to which the infrastructure will contribute to scientific renewal and/or scope
• The extent to which the infrastructure will help to elevate UiT led research to a top international level;
• The extent to which the infrastructure provides services that meet the needs of relevant research communities or research areas.
The quality and uniqueness of the infrastructure
• The extent to which the infrastructure is "state-of-the-art" – the best technological solutions are being chosen;
• How the infrastructure is aligned with the landscape of existing, relevant infrastructures, and the extent to which the proposal has been coordinated with these.
Potential impacts
•The extent to which the infrastructure will have a potential impact on:
- the research system;
- innovation;
- society.
Accessibility and utilization
• The extent to which:
- the infrastructure will be made accessible to all relevant users;
- there will be dissemination and communication activities targeted towards all relevant stakeholders/users;
- the infrastructure facilitates user participation from research communities, the business sector, public administration, and other relevant contributors.
Quality of project management and organization
• The extent to which:
- the project manager has the necessary qualifications to lead the project;
- the project group has the relevant expertise and resources needed to establish, operate and offer services to relevant user groups;
- the project organization is suitable for the infrastructure.
Plans for establishment/upgrade and operation of the infrastructure
• The extent to which:
- there is a carefully weighed, realistic plan for establishing/upgrading the infrastructure, including breakdown into work packages/sub-projects, milestones, deliverables, costs and resource needs;
- there are plans for how to make optimal use of the infrastructure;
- there are well thought out plans for how the data that the infrastructure generates/manages are to be structured, stored and published or otherwise made accessible;
- there is a risk assessment and proposed measures for dealing with any high-risk incidents.
Assessment of technical solutions
• The extent to which the proposed technical solutions are sufficiently mature to warrant establishment of the infrastructure;
• Projects involving independent development of equipment and technical solutions will also be assessed as to:
- whether it is documented that no available solutions exist in the market, which justify the independent development;
- whether the underlying methodology/technology has been demonstrated as functional in a relevant environment (TRL 6 as defined in the European Commission).
National importance
- Assessment of the extent to which the infrastructure:
- is of widespread national interest;
- will be available in only one or a few locations in Norway;
- supports national priority research areas and strategies.
Cooperation and task-sharing
- Assessment of the extent to which the project:
- contributes to the constructive distribution of tasks and responsibilities at the national level;
- will make use of national research expertise;
- promotes national cooperation on investments in and operation of research infrastructures.
• When relevant, assessment of the extent to which the project:
- cooperates with other relevant national and/or international infrastructures.
Strategic basis within the institution
- Assessment of the extent to which the project reflects the strategic basis of UiT, and its role in relation to UiT’s and its partners’ strategic objectives and plans.
Benefits to society
- The extent to which the infrastructure will promote:
- innovation and/or value creation in the business and/or the public sector, when relevant;
- increased knowledge/expertise of importance to society.
Implementation and organization
- The extent to which:
- the project has a financially robust operational model for the infrastructure;
- the funding plan for establishing/upgrading the infrastructure is well thought out and realistic;
- good plans are in place to make the infrastructure accessible to users outside the host institutions;
- the project incorporates adequate coordination and an appropriate distribution of tasks and obligations regarding the establishment/upgrade and operation of the infrastructure;
o For applications for upgrades/further development of an existing infrastructure, the achievement of targets in previous phases funded by the Research Council will be assessed.
o For applications for long-term basic funding for operation, the need for support will be based on the information provided by the applicant in a special attachment.
- the project is sufficiently mature for implementation;
- it is possible to plan for phase-by-phase implementation and whether the budgetary framework can be reduced while maintaining the project’s objectives.