Trial lecture - Beate Steinveg

Master in Political Science Beate Steinveg will Friday 19 February 2021 10:15 hold her trial lecture for the PhD degree in Humanities and Social Science about the following subject:


«How Do Studies of Global Conferencing Change Scholarly and Commonplace Views of International Relations?»


You can follow the trial lecture live stream (Mediasite) here.


Disputas starts 12:15 PM the same day, where she will publically defend her thesis:

""Governance by conference? Actors and agendas in Arctic politics." " 


When: 19.02.21 at 10.15–11.00
Where: SVHUM B-1005
Location / Campus: Digital, Tromsø
Target group: Employees, Students, Guests, Invited
Contact: Michael Sverdrup Stenberg
Phone: 77645676

Deadline: 19.02.2021
Deadline has been reached. Sorry
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