In this workshop you will learn how to write a proposal from two invited external experts. The workshop is for both beginners and experienced applicants and our focus is on Horizon Europe and NRC.
On Day 2, the first session will detail how to write each section for a winning proposal to Horizon Europe (Pillars 1-3). The final session is about communication and outreach activities to achieve Impact of your research.
Intited speakers are:
Dr. Catherine Halbert, founder and managing director of Halbert Research, Ireland. She has specialized in proposal writing focusing on Horizon Europe.
Dr. Anne Sofie Laegran, head of Knowledge Exchange and Impact, University of Edinburgh Research Office, Scotland. She has specialized in Impact and how strategic communication and communication plans can strengthen your proposal.
There is an upper limit in the total number of participants and priority is given to employees at the Faculty of Health Sciences. A smaller number of places are also offered to participants from other faculties at UiT and to employees at regional hospitals.
We encourage you to fill in a one-page proposal template and bring it with you to the workshop for discussions (not mandatory).
Program for the two days:
Day 1: October 5th
09:00-11:00 A proposal – what and why; basic principles [Catherine Halbert]
12:15-14:00 Impact – what is it? [Anne Sofie Laegran]
14:15-15:45 Horizon Europe – what it is and how to get started [Catherine Halbert]
Day 2: October 6th
08:30-11:30 Horizon Europe – the proposal [Catherine Halbert]
12:30-15:30 Communication and engagement for Impact [Anne Sofie Laegran / Stig Brøndbo]
Here is a short news article about the workshop (In Norwegian)