SymPCa 2023
Developments in symptom research in primary care
SymPCa 2023: Interdisciplinary symptom symposium
Time: Sept 21st – 22nd 2023
Place: Sommarøy, Tromsø, Norway
Abstracts: The deadline for submitting abstracts was February 17th. Authors have received an e-mail from us about acceptance.
SymPCa 2023 is hosted by the Research Unit for General Practice at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Our vision for this interdisciplinary symptom symposium is to engage the research community in new topics on symptom research in primary care. The four conference themes are to be approached broadly from several perspectives, covering both clinical, experience-based and existential dimensions. Each theme will have one or two keynotes, and hopefully a range of presentations from the participants.
Symposium themes