Emre Sari

MSc in financial economics Emre Sari (HHT) will Tuesday November 7, 2023, at 12:15 defend his thesis for the PhD degree in Social Science. The title of his thesis is: 

“Grandparents Matter – Multigenerational transmission of health and health behaviors 

Evaluation Committee 

  • Professor Dorte Gyrd-Hansen, Department of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark (1. opponent) 
  • Professor Jonas Minet Kinge, Department fof Health Economics and Health Management, UiO (2. opponent) 
  • Professor Andrea Mannberg, HHT (internal member and leader of the committee) 


  • Professor Mikko Moilanen, HHT, main supervisor
  • Professor Sameline Grimsgaard, ISM, co-supervisor
  • Professor Inger Njølstad, ISM, co-supervisor

Streaming site

Both trial lecture and defense will be streamed from these web sites: 


The thesis is available in Munin

The diputation will be led by committee leader, professor Andrea Mannberg, HHT, UiT

When: 07.11.23 at 12.15–15.00
Where: Perspektivet auditorium, HHT
Location / Campus: Digital, Tromsø
Target group: Employees, Students, Guests, Invited, Unit
Contact: Lisbeth Stina Nordøy
E-mail: Lisbeth.Nordoy@uit.no
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