CloudEARTHi's Christmas Celebration

Illustrasjons-/bannerbilde for CloudEARTHi's Christmas Celebration
Valentina Lanci

CloudEARTHi is pleased to invite all UiT colleagues and students to a special Christmas party. It is the time of year to spread cheer and good tidings, and what better way than to celebrate together.  The event will take place on the 29th of November at 11:00 am at the UiT University Library.

During the event, the CloudEARTHi team will give a short presentation about the project, exchange ideas with all attendees and discuss any questions.

Snacks, cakes and drinks will be served at the event.

Invitation Christmas Celebration - CloudEARTHi 


The CloudEARTHi initiative is an EU-funded initiative that includes 4 EU projects. The initiative and the consortium are led by UiT and contain 13 EU countries and 23 partners (businesses, academic institutes, NGOs and governmental institutes).

The initiative is led and hosted by the Arctic Sustainability Lab ( in collaboration with the Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics and in synergy with the Ocean Leadership Programme ( ).

The lead of CloudEARTHi is Tamer Abu-Alam (Assistant Prof. at Arctic Marine Biology).

The central vision of CloudEARTHi is to develop and build capacity for innovation among High Education Institutes (HEIs), students and businesses in the areas of big data, environmental science, sustainability and circular economy, which will ultimately benefit society. The consortium sees the IVAP (Innovation Vision Action Plan) as a starting point for long-term collaboration between our institutions, with a vision to be the driving force to increase innovation in this area.


When: 29.11.23 at 11.00–13.00
Where: The University Library - Culture and Social science - UiT
Location / Campus: Digital, Tromsø
Target group: Employees, Students
Link: Klikk her
Contact: Tamer Abu-Alam
Phone: +47 77 64 54 33
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