Open Lecture by Professor Marc Lanteigne — The Svalbard Treaty: Views from China and Russia

As part of the Model NATO and Security in the North (5 ECTS) course, Professor Marc Lanteigne will be delivering a special lecture on the growing importance of the Arctic region. He will highlight how the Arctic has become an important priority for NATO over the years. But what complicates this is China's rising clout and its profound interest in the High North coupled with Russia's straetgic ambitions in the region. In particular, he will focus on the Svalbard Treaty and how Moscow as well as Beijing perceive it.

Professor Marc Lanteigne's lecture will be open to all staff members, students, and guests at UiT.

The Model NATO and Security in the North course is taking place from September 2 to September 6, 2024 under the auspices of the Centre for Peace Studies and The Grey Zone research group. It entails three days of thematic lectures and panel discussions followed by two days of an extensive crisis simulation. The course offers a deep dive into the aims, functions, and limitations of NATO, as well as robust training in dialogue and negotiations. Students from not only UiT but also Umeå University (Sweden) and the University of Lapland (Finland) are participating in the course.

For more information, please contact Arsalan Bilal (AB) at or Professor Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv at

When: 04.09.24 at 15.00–16.30
Where: CPS — Mandela Auditorium
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Employees, Students, Guests
Responsible: Arsalan Bilal
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