Deconstructing the Israeli narrative of «human shields» in Palestine

Welcome to a seminar about Israel's narrative on "human shields" to justify violence against Palestinians. Law graduate Coline Proy will give a presentation based on her research on the topic. Prof.em. Mads Gilbert will talk about how Israel uses this narrative to attack hospitals in occupied Palestine.

The presentations are followed by a Q&A. The seminar will be in hybrid format (link to participate digitally:, and in English. Both people physically and digitally present can ask questions during the Q&A.

Coline Proy is a law graduate from Lund University and currently working at UiT as an Erasmus Research Trainee at the Faculty of Law. Her master thesis is entitled The Classification of Civilians as Human Shields: a Means to Justify Violence?

Mads Gilbert is a professor emeritus specialised in Emergency Medicine and medical doctor specialised in anesthesiology. He has written two books where he presents eye-witness accounts from Gaza under siege and attack in 2009 and 2014 respectively.

When: 12.03.24 at 13.15–14.30
Where: Auditorium Didaktikken (ILP-bygget 1.059)
Location / Campus: Digital, Tromsø
Target group: Employees, Students, Guests, Invited, Unit
Responsible: Anna Loppacher
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