autumn 2025
FRI-1010 Friluftsliv - practices and methods - 10 ECTS

Type of course

The subject can be taken as a single subject.

This course is mandatory for students in the one-year program Arktisk friluftsliv and the bachelor program Arktisk friluftsliv og naturguiding. The course is also included in the elective package for students from other programs, and open for exchange students. If capacity, it will open also for other students.

Admission requirements

Application code 9199

Course overlap

If you pass the examination in this course, you will get an reduction in credits (as stated below), if you previously have passed the following courses:

FRI-1805 Outdoor Life Activities 5 ects
FRI-1440 Arctic friluftsliv and outdoor leadership 1 10 ects
FRI-1435 Arctic Friluftsliv 10 ects

Course content

The course is taught in the first semester in the academic year. It is practically oriented, informed by theory. The course will provide the students with basic skills, knowledge and experiences in friluftsliv. The course includes field excursions of shorter and longer duration during autumn/ early winter, including overnight stays in tents. The excursions and activities take place in various natural environments such as mountains and plateaus, forests, lakes, and waterways. For all trips there are associated requirements.

The field trips require that students have a good physical capacity. That means students must be able to be active on excursions for multiple days and carry a personal backpack with sufficient equipment. Adequate early winter outdoor equipment is required, see equipment list. Previous experience from outdoor activities or sports is highly recommended. Experience from multiday hikes in the outdoors is an advantage. The students must be able to swim and should have basic first aid skills.

Objectives of the course


The student

  • Can acquire the theoretical background for the practical skills needed to travel safely in various natural environments
  • Has insight into sustainable travel in Arctic nature
  • Demonstrate an insight regarding the traditional usage of nature based on the underlying cultural heritage in the North
  • Understands the main concepts of Norwegian friluftsliv management
  • Comprehends friluftsliv and outdoor life in international contexts


The student

  • Can acquire the needed practical skills that enables the students to travel safely during different activities, independently and with a group
  • Has ability to navigate in various terrain and under different weather conditions
  • Has ability to demonstrate methods and routines for planning, performing, debriefing and risk assessment
  • Can apply theoretical perspectives before, during and after field trips, including writing academic texts
  • Can perform sustainable travel in nature in a natural and cultural context

General competence

The student can

  • Reflect on personal skills and experiences and the connection between theory and practice in outdoor life
  • Reflect on and apply collaborative skills and group dynamic processes to create good learning environments
  • Display a deeper understanding of a sustainable outdoor life

Language of instruction and examination

English. The exam must be completed in English or Scandinavian.

Teaching methods

The working methods and organization of the course are characterized by active outdoor life and student-driven learning activities. The teaching is facilitated through teacher-led activities indoors and outdoors, multi-day trips, self-guided journeys, student seminars, digital instruction, self-study, and other independent student work. There is a high degree of collaboration in groups where students collectively plan trips, educational activities, and communication of outdoor experiences.

Information to incoming exchange students

The Friluftsliv practices and methods course is available for inbound exchange students with a limited number of spaces. There are no academic prerequisites to add this module in your Learning Agreement. Previous experience from outdoor activities or sports is however recommended. The students must have a good physical capacity. Students must be able to be active on excursions for multiple days in the field and carry backpack with sufficient equipment. The students must also be able to swim and should have basic first aid skills



Examination: Duration: Grade scale:
School exam 5 Hours A–E, fail F

Coursework requirements:

To take an examination, the student must have passed the following coursework requirements:

Lectures and teaching sessions Approved – not approved
Field excursions and projects Approved – not approved
Pre- and post-work for excursions and projects Approved – not approved
Required skill-tests, oral student presentations and written papers Approved – not approved
UiT Exams homepage

More info about the coursework requirements

  • lectures and teaching sessions (80% participation)
  • field excursions and projects (100% participation)
  • pre-and post-work for excursions and projects (100% participation)
  • required skill-tests, oral student presentations and written papers

Overview of coursework and criteria for approval will be presented to students at course start.

Re-sit examination

Re-sit examination is offered for the course.
  • About the course
  • Campus: Alta |
  • ECTS: 10
  • Course code: FRI-1010
  • Earlier years and semesters for this topic