spring 2024
FYS-3007 Microwave techniques - 10 ECTS

Type of course

The course is available as a singular course. The course is also available to exchange students and Fulbright students.

The course will only be taught if there is a sufficient number of students. Are you interested in following the course, please contact the student advisor as soon as possible.

Admission requirements

Admission requirements are a Bachelor's degree in physics or similar education, including specialization in physics worth the equivalent of not less than 80 ECTS credits.

Local admission, application code 9371 - singular courses at Master's level.

Course overlap

If you pass the examination in this course, you will get an reduction in credits (as stated below), if you previously have passed the following courses:

FYS-352 Microwaves I 9 ects
FYS-8007 Microwave techniques 8 ects

Course content

The course covers fundamental concepts within microwave techniques. These concepts include transmission line theory, impedance matching, analysis and design of waveguides and transmission lines, microwave resonators, microwave network analysis, fundamental passive components, in addition to filter theory and design. In addition, active components such as amplifiers of various types will be covered. Exercises will be emphasized.

Recommended prerequisites

AUT-2006 Electronics, FYS-1002 Electromagnetism

Objectives of the course

Knowledge - The student will be able to:

  • understand basic building blocks of microwave systems
  • give an overview of the design and implementation stages of microwave systems
  • identify the physical principle behind a range of both passive and active microwave elements
  • explain microwave design principles as well as transmission and propagation of microwaves in lossy media
  • evaluate strength and weakness of microwave design tools

Skills - The student will be able to:

  • analyze and quantify the overall performance of microwave systems
  • derive and understand generalized transmission theory describing dynamic behavior and response of microwave systems
  • explain the concept performance parameters associated to microwaves in lumped elements and on printed circuit boards

General competence - The student will be able to:

  • understand the physical principles of electromagnetic waves in homogeneous and heterogeneous media
  • appreciate the technological applications that can be realized based on microwave transmission and observation theory

Language of instruction and examination

The language of instruction is English and all of the syllabus material is in English. Examination questions will be given in English, but may be answered either in English or a Scandinavian language.

Teaching methods

Lectures: 45 hours Exercises: 30 hours Laboratory exercises: 20 hours

Information to incoming exchange students

This course is open for inbound exchange student who meets the admission requirements. Please see the Admission requirements' section.

Do you have questions about this module? Please check the following website to contact the course coordinator for exchange students at the faculty: https://en.uit.no/education/art?p_document_id=510412


Examination: Date: Duration: Grade scale:
School exam 07.06.2024 09:00
4 Hours A–E, fail F

Coursework requirements:

To take an examination, the student must have passed the following coursework requirements:

Lab course Approved – not approved
UiT Exams homepage

More info about the coursework requirements

Mandatory attendance in the Lab-course

Re-sit examination

There is no access to re-site examination in this course
  • About the course
  • Campus: Tromsø |
  • ECTS: 10
  • Course code: FYS-3007
  • Earlier years and semesters for this topic