autumn 2021
FYS-3031 Ultrasound imaging technology - 10 ECTS
Type of course
The course is available as a singular course. The course is also available to exchange students and Fulbright-students.
The course will only be taught if there is a sufficient number of students. If you are interested in following the course, please contact the student adviser as soon as possible.
Course content
The course provides a basic understanding of the physics and technology used in ultrasonic measurement and imaging systems. Central topics include wave propagation in fluid and solid materials, focused and unfocused transducers, array transducers, beamforming, scattering from tissue, and image formation. The course includes project assignments involving numerical modeling, experimental investigation of ultrasonic waves and signal processing of experimental data.Objectives of the course
Knowledge - The student can
- understand some measurement and imaging systems based on ultrasound.
- derive linear wave models used for fluids and solid materials
- understand single- and multi-element transducers used to generate and receive ultrasound
- understand techniques used for image generation like beam forming, phase-steering and scanning modes
Skills - The student can
- demonstrate wave propagation using numerical methods
- perform ultrasonic measurements in an experimental setup and understand the physical origin of acquired waveforms
- explore experimentally fundamental wave effects like wave scattering, reflection and attenuation
- derive numerical codes for processing experimental data
General compentence - The student can
- describe important models and assumptions used for acoustic waves in fluids and solid materials.
- understand image modes and methods for image generation.
- identify sources producing noise in time-series and methods for noise reduction.
Information to incoming exchange students
This course is open for inbound exchange student who meets the admission requirements. Please see the Admission requirements’ section.
Do you have questions about this module? Please check the following website to contact the course coordinator for exchange students at the faculty:
Coursework requirements:
- Participation in laboratory courses and up to 2 lab reports.
Access to the final examination requires completing and passing the mandatory assignments.
- Two lab-reports, counting 20% each
- A final oral exam, counting 60 %
Assessment scale: Letter grades A - F, F is failed
There is no access to a re-sit examination in this course
For further information, see chapter 5 in Regulations for studies and examinations at the UiT The arctic university of Norway.
- About the course
- Campus: Tromsø |
- ECTS: 10
- Course code: FYS-3031
- Responsible unit
- Department of Physics and Technology
- Contact persons
- Earlier years and semesters for this topic