No admission for the academic year 2024/2025
Automation is the science and technology of designing systems where mechanisms and processes are controlled by computer-based algorithms or models. Automation can be applied at low-level via signal processing, at intermediate-level via control system modelling, and at high-level via decision-making. Automation includes a wide range of software and hardware technologies such as smart sensors, sensor fusion, control theory, remote sensing, simulation of physical systems, and machine learning. As student at the Automation specialization, you can choose among several courses and tailor your own Master’s Degree within the automation domain.
No admission for the academic year 2024/2025
Lisbeth Klausen
Puneet Sharma
Associate Professor
Automation focuses on advanced knowledge and skills associated with data collection, data handling, and decision-making with the aim of designing or analysing computer algorithms and models that can be used in automated systems.
Listed below are the learning outcomes for the discipline in Automation for the Master´s degree in Technology and Safety in the High North. For the general learning outcomes for the Master`s, see the main page.
- has a thorough knowledge and understanding of key theoretical and practical concepts and terminology in automation technology.
- has knowledge of advanced theoretical and practical modeling and simulation tools for automation technology
- has thorough knowledge of the theoretical foundation of advanced control techniques based on optimal control and state estimation
- has advanced knowledge and understanding of the elements of state of the art of embedded systems
- has knowledge of advanced concepts in selected optional topics
- can use existing knowledge and theories in automation technology for advanced analysis, planning and solving of automation related problems
- can se advanced theory and practical tools to optimization-based controllers for real advanced processes with multiple inputs and/or multiple outputs.
- can iplement integrated solutions using embedded system
See the study plan below for more info about the program strukture.
Institute | Country |
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology | Japan |
Politecnico di Milano University | Italia |
Thomas More University of Applied Sciences | Belgia |
University of Iceland | Island |
University of Tasmania | Australia |
Sharma, Puneet
I am working as Associate Professor (in Automation) at the Department of Automation & Process (IAP) UiT-The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway.
I teach bachelor students (in Automation) and masters students at IAP
Bachelor courses include: Industrial data communication, and Application development (using C Sharp).
Master courses include: Machine Vision.
In the past, I have been involved in an European research and innovation project supported under Horizon 2020 to develop and test within three years a novel way of industrial training enabled by smart Wearable Technology (WT). For details, please see
My research fields include: image processing, image analysis, machine learning, augmeneted reality, and wearables technology.
For publications, please see Cristin database.
Khawaja, Hassan Abbas
As an Associate Professor in the Department of Automation and Process Technology (IAP), Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology (IVT) and Research Group Leader of IR, Spectroscopy, and Numerical Modelling Research Group, my responsibilities are lecturing, developing/revising curriculums, assessing, supervising bachelor's, master's, doctorate's students, to lead research projects, and manage higher education administrative affairs.
Academic Qualifications:
- PhD in Engineering (2013), University of Cambridge, UK
- MPhil in Engineering (2009), University of Cambridge, UK
- Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering (2007), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan
Professional Qualifications:
- Executive MBA (2022), Quantic School of Business and Technology, USA
- Research Supervision (2019), RESULT, UiT-The Arctic University of Norway
- Chartered Engineer (2018), Engineering Council, UK
- Basic Pedagogical Competence for Higher Education (2015), RESULT, UiT-The Arctic University of Norway
- The Norwegian Association of Researchers (NAR)
- The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
- Cambridge Philosophical Society (CPS)
- Euro Mediterranean Academy of Arts and Sciences (EMAAS)
- Global Listening Centre (GLC)
Doctoral Thesis (Main Supervisor)
- An applied investigation of viscosity–density fluid sensors based on torsional resonators
- Monitoring of Marine Ice and its Thickness for Ship Anti-/De-icing
- Design of Intelligent Ice Protection System for Structures (project in progress...)
Doctoral Thesis (Co-Supervisor)
- Modelling and optimization studies on the supply of hydrogen energy from northern Norway
- Hydrological Modelling and Climate Change Impact Assessment on Future Floods in the Norwegian Arctic Catchments
- Sea Spray Flux Estimation for the Evaluation of Marine Icing (project in progress...)
- CFD modeling of Airflow Distribution Method Towards Minimizing Airborne Transmission Risk (project in progress...)
- Development, Optimization & Validation of Numerical Methods for the Multiphysics Interactions of Particle Laden Flows (project in progress...)
- Fluid-Structure Interaction Study of Icing on UAV (project in progress...)
- Laser-induced pyrolysis of polymeric molecules (project in progress...)
Master Thesis (Main Supervisor)
- Thermal Properties of Neoprene and Natural Rubber in Surfing Wetsuits
- Comfort Level against Cold due to Shoe Insoles
- Preventing Snow Accumulation on Roofs using Airflows
- Windtech Device - Determine Relationship between Variables
- CFD Modelling of Pollutant Transport
- Thermal analysis of PTC heaters
- Friction Tests on Polyurethane and Concrete
- Thermography and Tensile Tests of Steel Samples
- Device for Monitoring Workers in Cold Environment
- Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Polyurethane
- Mechanical and Impact Tests of CFRP
- Finite Element Analysis of Materials for Aquaculture Net Cages
- Improving Mechanical Grip on Winter Tires
- Wind Chill Effect & Thermal Insulation
- Study of Refrigerants for Heat Pumps in Colder Climate
- Optimization of Search Algorithm for DEM Simulation
- A Technical Study of Shock Tube Experiment Setup
- Response of Shell Structure under Transient Impulsive Loading
Master Thesis (Co-Supervisor)
- MarSpray LiDAR (MSL) for the comprehensive measurement of Sea Spray
- Field Tests with Windtech Device
- A Study on Windtech Device
Bachelor Thesis (Supervisor)
- Efficiency and optimizing the total degree of purification in treatment plants and overflows, Tromsø Municipality
- Water levels and variation of treatment of the municipality wastewater, Tromsø Municipality
- Utilization of cooling cycle surplus heat in conjunction with seasonal heat storage & solar collectors, COWI AS
- Calculation of capacity and constraints in view of further development of Kvitebjørn Varme AS heating network
- A Study of Organic Rankine Cycle for Kvitebjørn Varme AS
- Exhaust gas recovery from condensate tank in Melkøya, Statoil AS
- Challenges related to the operation and design of sewage pumping stations, Tromsø Municipality
- The pump system in the Vardø tunnel, a project from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration
- Optimization of ammonia heat pump, a project from Kuldeteknisk AS
- Design of treatment plants for Macks Ølbryggeri AS
- Analysis and optimization of the compression train at FPSO Norne
- Cold accumulation at Macks Ølbryggeri AS
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