Bilde av Thiyagarajan, Dhivya Borra
Bilde av Thiyagarajan, Dhivya Borra
Researcher The Norwegian College of Fishery Science +4777660638 Tromsø You can find me here

Dhivya Borra Thiyagarajan

Job description

 As a Researcher I am involved in several projects funded by RCN focusing on cell -cell communication in salmon " (Roy Dalmo)

I am involved in co-supervising PhD students and supervising several master students  (Molecular biology/cellbiology/Histology). 

Involved in giving lectures in microbial growth/Host microbe interaction (FSK 1122)


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Research interests

Previous Research Interest : Role of proinflammatory cytokines and its effect on Nulceases in lupus nephritis and role of HSP75 in autoimmunity.

Current Research Interest : Our research focus is on early life of salmonids 


Master supervision( currently supervising 2 students in Aquamedicine)

Laboratory course in Fish Physiology BIO-2504 and BIO-3512

Lecture on Gene interactions for BIO-2018-1 22V Genetikk, molekylærbiologi og bioinformatikk

MBI-3006 Biotechnology: Basic Biotechnology and its application (2018)

Sensor for PhD kurs Bio-8302 Molecular and Clinical Aspects of Cancer (spring ,Autumn)