Arctic blue polygon pattern

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Thiyagarajan, Dhivya Borra

The Norwegian College of Fishery Science
Works with:
Radiation protection / Handling of chemicals / Laboratory safety / Teaching / Training / Histotechnique / PCR-Method / Protein analysis / Enzyme analysis / Molecular biology techniques / Isotopes / Microscopy Research interests:

Previous Research Interest : Role of proinflammatory cytokines and its effect on Nulceases in lupus nephritis and role of HSP75 in autoimmunity.

Current Research Interest : Our research focus is on early life of salmonids 

Eckhoff, Christian

PhD Peadriatic Resarch Group
Department of Clinical Medicine
Works with:
Research group / Programme descriptions / Quality of education / Courses / Research data management / Training / Statistics / Teaching / Academic supervision / Annual plan / Feature articles / Research communication / Clinic Research interests:

Mental health in youth and young adults. 

Mental health - public health and epidemiologi.

Psychosomatic research.

Pain and mental health.

Engkvist, Yngve

Department of Education

Hopmann, Karen

Assistant professor/ PhD candidate
Department of Psychology
Works with:
Training / Teaching Research interests:

1) Neuropsychological function, childhood trauma and vulnerability to depression - A 25-year follow-up study (PhD candidate)

2) ADHD in women (FemmExD project): Mental health and neuropsychological functioning in women with ADHD (collaborator)

3) Suicide prevention (Vivat coursleader + supervision students' theses)


Odei, Derrick Kwame

Head technician/ Institute for Arctic and Marine Biology/AMSE research group
Department of Arctic and Marine Biology

Hykkerud, Martin

Developer - Section for Enterprise Digital Services
Section for Enterprise Digital Services