Bilde av Uhre, Kjerstin Elisabeth
Bilde av Uhre, Kjerstin Elisabeth
Associate professor in Landscape Architecture Academy of Arts +4777660258 +47 99 56 22 68 You can find me here

Kjerstin Elisabeth Uhre

Job description

Kjerstin Uhre is head of the Landscape Architecture programme at the Academy of Fine Arts in Tromsø and a partner at Dahl & Uhre architects, who have received awards for their urban and built projects. She took her diploma in architecture at Bergen School of Architecture. Her PhD thesis -  Perforated Landscapes, contested prospects in Sápmi - is associated with Future North at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. Through her landscape studio teaching, she explores together with students how Arctic and sub-Arctic world experiences can renew approaches, practices and methods in the field of landscape architecture.



  • Kjerstin Uhre, Eli Ristin Nergård :
    The Living and Breathing Map of Sámi Reindeer Herding
  • Kjerstin Uhre :
    The Perforated Landscape
    Routledge 2018 DOI
  • Kjerstin Uhre, Knut Eirik Dahl :
    Envisioning Dialogues of New Urban Landscapes in Nuuk
    Routledge 2017
  • Kjerstin Uhre :
    Sápmi and the Fennoscandian Shield: On and Off the Map
    Moving Worlds: A Journal of Transcultural Writings 2015
  • Knut Eirik Dahl , Kjerstin Uhre :
    Appearing and Disappearing Landscapes 2.0
  • Knut Eirik Dahl, Kjerstin Uhre :
    En ny kartografi
    Arkitektur N 2010
  • Kjerstin Uhre :
    Critical Futures, Prospective Landscapes
  • Trude Kristin Borch, Kathrine Ivsett Johnsen, Inger Marie Gaup Eira, Kjerstin Uhre, Julia Lutz :
    Det ene året er ikke det andre årets bror
    Ottar 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Kjerstin Elisabeth Uhre :
  • Kjerstin Elisabeth Uhre :
    The Perforated Landscape. Contested prospects in Sápmi
    Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Kjerstin Elisabeth Uhre :
    Counter Prospecting
  • Kjerstin Elisabeth Uhre :
    Oceanic Openings–Counter Prospecting
  • Kjerstin Uhre :
    The Circannual Arctic
  • Ben Stringer, Ben Stringer, Kjerstin Uhre :
    Rurality Re-imagined: Villagers, Farmers, Wanderers and Wild Things
  • Kjerstin Uhre :
    When the Migratory Route is Home
  • Kjerstin Uhre :
    Det perforerte landskap/ Suokkisin ráigojuvvon duovdagat
  • Kjerstin Uhre :
    Contested Landscapes
  • Kjerstin Uhre :
    Framtiden på spill?
  • Kjerstin Uhre :
    Gruvedrift og landskapsendringer i Sápmi
  • Kjerstin Uhre :
    Borgermedvirkning og urban transformasjon i Nuuk
  • Kjerstin Uhre :
    Nasjonal kartlegging av nordlige landskap
  • Reni Jasinski Wright, Tatiana Wara, Kjerstin Uhre, Thor Eirik Eriksen :
    Tall og trengsel på UiT
    Nordlys 07. November 2016
  • Kjerstin Uhre :
    When the migratory route is home
  • Kjerstin Uhre :
    Sketches of Fennoscandia
  • Andrew Morrison, Henry Mainsah, Peter Hemmersam , Aileen Aseron Espiritu, Kjerstin Uhre, Cheryl Ball et al.:
    Re-fictioning Arctic Exploratory Narrative
  • Kjerstin Uhre :
    Sápmi and the Fennoscandian shield – on and off the map
  • Kjerstin Uhre :
    ...gruvedrift i nord
  • Kjerstin Uhre :
    Det fysiske rommets betydning for kulturen og den psykiske helsa
  • Kjerstin Uhre :
    Berekraftssamfunnets periferiutfordringer i Nordområdene
  • Kjerstin Uhre :
    Ambassadør for det ufødte liv
    Tidsskrift for jordmødre 2014
  • Kjerstin Elisabeth Uhre :
    Eksistens og sameksistens; Byggjer minerala samfunn?
  • Kjerstin Elisabeth Uhre :
    Mineralstrategien tømmer språket for mening
    21. March 2013 DATA
  • Tanya Busse, Emilija Skarnulyte, Kjerstin Uhre :
    Introduction text v/ Kjerstin Uhre: Mapping, tracking and finding a path
  • Janike Kampevold Larsen, Andrew Morrison, Peter Hemmersam , Aileen Aseron Espiritu, Kjerstin Uhre :
    Northern arrival
    2013 DATA
  • Kjerstin Uhre :
    Contending Aspirations - the extractive industries looks north
  • Kjerstin Uhre :
    Anmeldelse af Possible Greenland: Hjemme i verden men hvor blev »kritiske revy« af
    Sermitsiaq.AG 30. November 2012
  • Kjerstin Uhre :
    La Byen Synges
    Nordlys 12. January 2012
  • Knut Eirik Dahl , Kjerstin Uhre :
    Made in the North
  • Knut Eirik Dahl , Kjerstin Uhre :
    Appearing and Disappearing Landscapes 2.0

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →
