Nandor Knust

  • Nandor Knust :
    Not Criminally Responsible in Norway—a Brief Overview of Section 20 and July 22
    Justice Report of the Canadian Criminal Justice Association 2024
  • Nandor Knust, Emmanouil Billis :
    Principle of Proportionality
    Edward Elgar Publishing 2023
  • Jon Petter Rui, Nandor Knust, Emmanouil Billis :
    The Typology of Proportionality
    Hart Publishing Ltd 2021
  • Jon Petter Rui, Nandor Knust, Emmanouil Billis :
    Künstliche Intelligenz und der Grundsatz der Verhältnismässigkeit
    Duncker & Humblot 2021
  • Emmanouil Billis, Nandor Knust, Jon Petter Rui :
    Artificial Intelligence and the principle of proportionality (Künstliche Intelligenz und der Grundsatz der Verhältnismäßigkeit)
    Duncker & Humblot 2021
  • Emmanouil Billis, Nandor Knust, Jon Petter Rui :
    The Typology of Proportionality
    Hart Publishing Ltd 2021
  • Nandor Knust, Kerttuli Lingenfelter :
    Contemporary slavery – Popular rhetoric and political practice, edited by Annie Bunting and Joel Quirk (Book review)
    Journal of Human Trafficking 2019
  • Nandor Knust, Kerttuli Lingenfelter :
    Individual Criminal Responsibility Beyond the State: Human Trafficking as Both a Transnational and an International Crime
    Palgrave Macmillan 2019
  • Nandor Knust, Roland Adjovi :
    Oxford University Press 2018
  • Nandor Knust :
    Pena, pena atenuada e impunidad: El papel del Derecho penal en sociedades de posconflicto
  • Emmanouil Billis, Nandor Knust :
    Alternative Types of Procedure and the Formal Limits of National Criminal Justice: Aspects of Social Legitimacy
    Duncker & Humblot 2018
  • Nandor Knust :
    Multi-level approach to Transitional Justice
    Justice Report of the Canadian Criminal Justice Association 2014
  • Emmanouil Billis, Nandor Knust, Jon Petter Rui :
    Proportionality in Crime Control and Criminal Justice
    Hart Publishing Ltd 2021
  • Emmanouil Billis, Nandor Knust, Jon Petter Rui :
    Proportionality in Crime Control and Criminal Justice
    Hart Publishing Ltd 2021
  • Nandor Knust, Emmanouil Billis, Ulrich Sieber, Valsamis Mitsilegas, Christos Mylonopoulos :
    Alternative Systems of Crime Control. National, Transnational, and International Dimensions
    Duncker & Humblot 2018
  • Yesid Reyes Alvarado, Albin Eser, Ulfrid Neumann, Nandor Knust :
    ¿Es injusta la justicia transicional?
  • Nandor Knust :
    Strafrecht und Gacaca: Entwicklung eines pluralistischen Rechtsmodells am Beispiel des ruandischen Völkermordes
    Duncker & Humblot 2013
  • Artem Galushko, Nandor Knust :
    International seminar on the collection of digital evidence during armed conflicts
    2024 FULLTEKST
  • Nandor Knust :
    AI, Trust & International Criminal Justice: The Use of New Technologies in International Criminal Investigations
  • Nandor Knust :
    Conversatorio sobre proceso, castigo e imposición de penas – Panel Discussion on Process, Punishment and the Imposition of Penalties with Julian Roberts (University Of Oxford), Emmanouil Billis (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law), Nandor Knust (UiT – The Arctic University of Norway) and Linus Ensel (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law). 28 March 2023. Ministerio Público de la Defensa, Buenos Aires/Argentina.
  • Artem Galushko, Nandor Knust :
    Open-source investigations (OSINT) and the digitalization of “in”-conflict transitional justice during ongoing armed conflicts
  • Nandor Knust :
    Investigation and Prosecution of crimes against ecosystems. ECO-CRIM-NET
  • Artem Galushko, Nandor Knust :
    New digital evidence and ‘grass-roots’ OSINT
  • Artem Galushko, Gaiane Nuridzhanian, Nandor Knust :
    The response of international law to Russia's invasion of Ukraine
  • Nandor Knust :
    Re-negotiating the social contract: Predictive policing and new technologies
  • Nandor Knust :
    AI in Criminal Justice – Opportunities and Challenges
  • Nandor Knust :
    Public Private Partnerships in International Criminal Law and Transnational Crime Control
  • Nandor Knust :
    Public-Private-Partnership in Fishery Crime Control
  • Jon Petter Rui, Nandor Knust, Emmanouil Billis :
    Book launch and panel discussion: Proportionality in Crime Control and Criminal Justice
  • Nandor Knust :
    FISKECRIM: The interaction of law & technology to combat fishery crimes
  • Nandor Knust :
    Weak state violence (WSV) and new models of International Backing and Support Mechanisms (IBSM)
  • Nandor Knust :
    Organized Crime, Corruption and Greed – the Linkage to International and Atrocity Crimes
  • Nandor Knust, Mandana Knust :
    “In-Conflict-Justice”: The Conflict in Afghanistan, Transitional Justice and the Use of Traditional Law
  • Emmanouil Billis, Nandor Knust :
    Alternative Types of Procedure and the Formal Limits of National Criminal Justice: Aspects of Social Legitimacy
    Duncker & Humblot 2018
  • Nandor Knust :
    The regionalization of criminal justice: different legal answers to transnational crimes
  • Nandor Knust :
    The UN Sanction Regime and its role in a holistic system of transnational-law-network of counter-terrorism finance law
  • Nandor Knust :
    The Nuremberg Principles – the golden thread within the system of International Criminal Justice
  • Nandor Knust :
    Creation & Protection of Historical Memory by Post-Conflict Systems: International, Regional, National and Local Approaches
  • Nandor Knust :
    The Nuremberg Principles: The basic guidelines of International Criminal Law and Transitional Justice?
  • Nandor Knust :
    Models of International Crime Control: The change of the landscape of International Criminal Justice
  • Nandor Knust :
    Case Study Rwanda - Pluralistic Model of Transitional Justice
  • Nandor Knust :
    Criminology and International Criminal Law (Kriminologie und Völkerstrafrecht)
  • Nandor Knust :
    Transitional Justice & Human Rights
  • Nandor Knust :
    African Criminal Court: Regional approach to criminal & transitional justice
  • Nandor Knust :
    New pluralistic complementarity-approaches within the system of International Criminal Justice
  • Nandor Knust :
    African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights and Transitional Justice
  • Nandor Knust :
    The International Criminal Court and the challenges of legal pluralism within the system of post-conflict justice
  • Nandor Knust :
    Crimes Against the Environment & Cultural Heritage: An International Criminal Law Perspective
  • Nandor Knust :
    Introduction: Book "Criminal Law and Gacaca"
  • Nandor Knust :
    Regional Human Rights Institutions and their approaches to Transitional Justice

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →