Bilde av Nilsen, Mia
Bilde av Nilsen, Mia
PhD candidate Eksperimentell og klinisk farmakologi +4777645917 Tromsø

Mia Nilsen

Job description

PhD candidate with the Pharmacology and toxicology Research Group. My research focuses on the effects of persistent organic pollutants, inflammation and endocrine disruption in type 2 diabetes mellitus. 

Research interests

In my PhD project I investigate the effects of persistent organic pollutants, inflammation and endocrine disruption on type 2 diabetes mellitus by using repeated measurements of the same individuals from The Tromsø Study. My project involves both labwork (measurement of inflammation markers, Luminex xMAP Technology) and statistical methods (linear mixed models, mediation analysis). 


I teach anatomy, pharmacology and clinical pharmokinetics at bachelor and master level within the education of pharmacy, odontology and biomedicine. I am also responsible for the bachelorthesis for biomedical laboratory scientists (bioingeniører).