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Department of Medical Biology Tromsø

Jennifer Ann Lillebo Nunn

  • Saminathan Subburaj, Caroline Bedin Zanatta, Jennifer Ann Lillebo Nunn, Aline Martins Hoepers, Rubens Onofre Nodari, Sarah Zanon Agapito-Tenfen :
    A DNA-Free Editing Platform for Genetic Screens in Soybean via CRISPR/Cas9 Ribonucleoprotein Delivery
    Frontiers in Plant Science 12. July 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Maria Perander, Rania Al-Mahdi, Thomas Clemens Jensen, Jennifer Ann Lillebo Nunn, Hanne Kildalsen, Bjarne Herold Johansen et al.:
    Regulation of atypical MAP kinases ERK3 and ERK4 by the phosphatase DUSP2
    Scientific Reports 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Vladimir Kirkin, Trond Lamark, Yu-Shin Sou, Geir Bjørkøy, Jennifer Ann Lillebo Nunn, Jack-Ansgar Bruun et al.:
    A Role for NBR1 in Autophagosomal Degradation of Ubiquitinated Substrates
    Molecular Cell 2009 DOI
  • Jennifer Ann Lillebo Nunn :
    Cell signalling pathways - Communication lines inside the cell, from the outside into the nucleus.
  • Jennifer Ann Lillebo Nunn :
    Presentation of gene editing platform developed and published in the FoodPrint project
  • Jennifer Ann Lillebo Nunn :
    Fagpresentasjon av prosjektet "FOODPRINT: Traceability and labelling of gene-edited products in the food chain".
  • Jennifer Ann Lillebo Nunn :
    Presentasjon av prosjektet "FOODPRINT: Traceability and labelling of gene-edited products in the food chain"
  • Arinze Stanley Okoli, Jennifer Ann Lillebo Nunn, Anne Ingeborg Myhr, Idun Grønsberg, Najam Zubai, Nick Niyonzima :
    CRISPR/Cas9 as a potential sage and sustainable solution to the problem of infectious salmon anemia disease in Norway

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →