Bilde av Laholt, Hilde
Bilde av Laholt, Hilde
Department of Health and Care Sciences +4777660725 You can find me here

Hilde Laholt

Associate professor masterprogram in public health nursing/ Research group leader Courage2B

Job description

Long experience as a health nurse in health station and school health services, and as a lecturer in health nursing education.

Also supervising master's and Ph.D. students.

I have been the academic responsible for the master's programme in health nursing.

I am now the research group leader for Courage 2B

  • Hilde Laholt, Anne Mary Gerard Clancy :
    Sykepleiefaglig grunnlag i norske helsesykepleierutdanninger – en dybdeanalyse av pensuminnhold og abstraksjonsnivå
    Klinisk Sygepleje 2024 FULLTEKST
  • Elisabeth Ovanger Barrett, Hilde Laholt, Geir Fagerjord Lorem, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Exploring public health nurses' acceptability of clinical assessment tools in a Norwegian child health centre
    Primary Health Care Research and Development 12. February 2024 DOI
  • Hilde Laholt, Anne Mary Gerard Clancy :
    "En stein i lomma kan bidra til trøst: En kvalitativ studie av helsesykepleiers bruk av gjenstander i helsedialoger i skolehelsetjenesten»
    Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning 29. January 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Maren Johnsen, Tonje Bjørndal Braaten, Guri Skeie, Hilde Laholt, Solrunn Hansen :
    Midwives and public health nurses' knowledge and clinical practice in securing sufficient iodine status in relation to pregnancy. A cross-sectional study
    Nursing Open 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lise-Marie Bergvoll, Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal, Anne Mary Gerard Clancy, Monica Martinussen, Hilde Laholt :
    How do public health nurses in Norwegian school health services support siblings of children with complex care needs?
    Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anne Mary Gerard Clancy, Julia Thuve Hovden, Runa Anneli Andersen, Hilde Laholt :
    Public health nurses experiences of ethical responsibility: A meta-ethnography
    Nursing Ethics 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anne Mary Gerard Clancy, Hilde Laholt :
    Trøstens stille stemme i helsesykepleiekonsultasjoner
    Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anne Mette Nygaard, Hege Selnes Haugdahl, Hilde Laholt, Berit Støre Brinchmann, Ranveig Lind :
    Professionals' narratives of interactions with patients' families in intensive care
    Nursing Ethics 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hilde Laholt, Lise-Marie Bergvoll, Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal, Anne Clancy :
    An analysis of Norwegian public health nursing curricula: Where is the nursing literature?
    Public Health Nursing 28. September 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Helen Mulcahy, Patricia Leahy-Warren, Hilde Laholt, Lloyd Frank Philpott, Lise-Marie Bergvoll, Anne Clancy :
    Public health nursing in Ireland and Norway: A comparative analysis
    Public Health Nursing 06. December 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hilde Laholt, Marilys Guillemin, Kim McLeod, Ellinor Beddari, Geir F Lorem :
    How to use visual methods to promote health among adolescents: A qualitative study of school nursing
    Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN) 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hilde Laholt, Kim McLeod, Marilys Guillemin, Ellinor Beddari, Geir F Lorem :
    Ethical challenges experienced by public health nurses related to adolescents' use of visual technologies
    Nursing Ethics 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hilde Laholt, Marilys Guillemin, Kim McLeod, Randi Elisabeth Olsen, Geir F Lorem :
    Visual methods in health dialogues: A qualitative study of public health nurse practice in schools
    Journal of Advanced Nursing 04. August 2017 DOI
  • Ann-Merete Bremnes, Monica Martinussen, Hilde Laholt, Elisabeth Valmyr Bania, Siv Kvernmo :
    Positiv sammenheng mellom psykisk helse og fysisk aktivitet blant ungdom i videregående skole
    Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening 2011
  • Anne Mary Gerard Clancy, Morten Auklend, Hilde Laholt :
    Søsken til barn med komplekse helsebehov. Bruk av lesegrupper i den videregående skole.
  • Anne Mary Gerard Clancy, Morten Auklend, Hilde Laholt :
    Søsken til barn med komplekse helsebehov. Bruk av lesegrupper i den videregående skole.
  • Hilde Laholt, Julia Thuve Hovden, Annelene Moberg, Anne Mary Gerard Clancy :
    Det er stor mangel på helsesykepleiere i distriktene
    Nordnorsk debatt - Nordlys 27. February 2023
  • Maren Johnsen, Solrunn Hansen, Tonje Bjørndal Braaten, Guri Skeie, Hilde Laholt :
    Jordmødre og helsesykepleieres praksis for å sikre tilstrekkelig jodinntak gjennom graviditet og ammeperiode MISA 2 – en tverrsnittsstudie fra Nord–Norge
  • Kinga Zdunek, Anne Mary Gerard Clancy, Hilde Laholt :
    Educating school nurses to promote a sustainable society through health education
  • Hilde Laholt, Kinga Zdunek, Anne Mary Gerard Clancy :
    Green transition starts with a green mindset - The role of public health nurses in promoting inclusive sustainable health goals in school
  • Hilde Laholt, Runa Anneli Andersen, Julia Thuve Hovden, Anne Mary Gerard Clancy :
    Kortere utdanning i helse-sykepleie er ikke løsningen Vi trenger helsesykepleiere med fullført mastergrad for å utdanne nok helsesykepleiere.
    Dagens medisin 20. October 2022
  • Hilde Laholt, Lise-Marie Bergvoll, Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal, Anne Mary Gerard Clancy :
    Analyse av pensum i norske helsesykepleierutdanninger - Hvor er sykepleielitteraturen?
  • Rigmor Katrine Johansen, Lars Ailo Bongo, Hilde Laholt, Geir F Lorem :
    GEN-Ethics: What do Norwegian women think of utilising genetic testing as part of breast cancer screening?
  • Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal, Bente Agnes Steinholt Simonsen, Hilde Laholt, Gunn Pettersen, Sidsel Tveiten :
    Utprøving av veiledningsmetode
    Tidsskriftet sykepleien 2022
  • Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal, Hilde Laholt, Morten Auklend, Anne Clancy :
    Siblings of children with complex health care needs. Reading groups as a health promotion intervention in upper secondary schools. An action research project.
  • Runa Anneli Andersen, Hilde Laholt, Anne Mary Gerard Clancy :
    Hva gjør en helsesykepleier?
    Tidsskriftet sykepleien 31. March 2022 DOI
  • Lise-Marie Bergvoll, Anne Mary Gerard Clancy, Monica Martinussen, Hilde Laholt :
    Optimizing school health services to promote mental health and well-being for siblings in families who have children with complex care needs.
  • Lise-Marie Bergvoll, Anne Mary Gerard Clancy, Monica Martinussen, Hilde Laholt :
    An action research approach to developing a conversational tool that will improve school nurses´ dialogues with siblings of children with CCNs.
  • Hilde Laholt, Runa Anneli Andersen, Anne Mary Gerard Clancy :
    Fullført mastergrad gir gode helsesykepleiere
    Nordnorsk debatt - Nordlys 01. June 2022
  • Anne Mary Gerard Clancy, Morten Auklend, Hilde Laholt :
    Siblings of children with complex health care needs. Reading groups as a health promotion intervention in school health services. An action research project.
  • Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal, Anne Mary Gerard Clancy, Morten Auklend, Hilde Laholt :
    Siblings of children with complex health care needs. Reading groups as a health promotion intervention in school health services. An action research project
  • Hilde Laholt, Lise-Marie Bergvoll, Anne Clancy :
    "Optimizing school health services to promote mental health and well-being for siblings in families who have children with complex care needs"
  • Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal, Hilde Laholt, Anne Clancy :
    Helsesykepleiere må kunne veilede om flerspråklighet
    Tidsskriftet sykepleien 2021 DOI
  • Hilde Laholt, Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal, Morten Auklend, Anne Clancy :
    Siblings of children with complex health care needs.Reading groups as a health promotion strategy in upper secondary schools.
  • Hilde Laholt :
    Visuelle metoder i helsedialog og folkehelsearbeid - en aksjonsforskningstilnærming for å forbedre arbeidet i skolehelsetjenesten
  • Hilde Laholt :
    Visual methods in health dialogue and public health work An action research approach to improve school nurses' work with adolescents
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2020
  • Hilde Laholt, Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal, Anne Gerd Karlsen, Anne Clancy :
    En svekket skolehelsetjeneste kan ramme særlig de mest sårbare elevene
    Sykepleien 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Hilde Laholt, Anne Clancy, Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal :
    "Barnas egen samtalepartner"
    13. October 2020
  • Elisabeth Ovanger Barrett, Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt, Geir F Lorem, Vibeke Moe, Hilde Laholt, Dag Nordahl et al.:
    Using Alarm Distress Baby Scale (ADBB) in well-baby clinics in Tromsø municipality
  • Hilde Laholt, Ellinor Beddari, Randi Elisabeth Olsen, Geir F Lorem :
    Gjennom en ung linse: - en kvalitativ studie for å forbedre helsesykepleieres arbeid i skolehelsetjenesten
  • Hilde Laholt, Geir F Lorem, Ellinor Beddari, Randi Elisabeth Olsen :
    Gjennom en ung linse: - en kvalitativ studie for å forbedre helsesykepleieres arbeid i skolehelsetjenesten
  • Hilde Laholt, Geir F Lorem :
    Visual Methods in health dialogues, a qualitative study of how visualization is utilized as school nursing practice
  • Hilde Laholt :
    Visualisering kan forbedre helsesamtalen
    Tidsskrift for helsesøstre 2017
  • Hilde Laholt, Geir F Lorem :
    A visual study on how Public health nurses use visualization in health dialogue with adolescents in school
  • Hilde Laholt, Geir F Lorem, Randi Elisabeth Olsen, Ellinor Beddari :
    Oppfølging av fagutviklingskurs: 2 timers work shop
  • Hilde Laholt, Geir F Lorem, Randi Elisabeth Olsen, Ellinor Beddari :
    Visuelle metoder i helsesamtalen. Heldagskurs i bruk av visuelle metoder for helsesøstre i Tromsø kommune
  • Hilde Laholt :
    Foredrag om masterutdanning studieretning helsesøsterfag LaH fagdager i Nordland 07.02.2013
  • Hilde Laholt :
    LaH fagdager i Bodø februar 2012
  • Ann Merete Jensen Bremnes, Monica Martinussen, Hilde Laholt, Elisabeth Valmyr Bania, Siv Kvernmo, Siv Kvernmo :
    Sammenheng mellom psykisk helse og fysisk aktivitet blant ungdom i videregående skole
  • Anne-Gerd Karlsen, Hilde Laholt, Marit Sundelin :
    Rapport fra et felles undervisningsprosjekt: vurdering av barns språk. Et samarbeid mellom helsesøsterutdanning og førskolelærerutdanning ved UIT
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2011

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

     I am interested in research on health promotion and prevention work (children and adolescents 0-20 years).

    I did my doctoral thesis that was action research on visual methods in health dialogue within the school health services.

    I have ongoing research within educational research in public health nursing and the ethical foundational phenomena of public health nursing.

    I collaborate with Lublin University on sustainability in public health nursing and school nursing education.

    I am also interested in research themes such as resilience, empowerment, and salutogenesis.


    I have extensive teaching experience in various subjects within the master's programme in health nursing.

    I have a special interest in communication, health dialogue, and guidance pedagogy.

    I also teach within the fields of science theory and qualitative research methods.