Bilde av Nilssen, Trude Nergård
Bilde av Nilssen, Trude Nergård
Professor of Special Needs Education/Educational Psychology Department of Education +4777646324 You can find me here

Trude Nergård Nilssen

Job description

My subjects cover topics such as dyslexia, developmental language disorders (DLD), reading comprehension difficulties, and interventions for handling reading and language difficulties. Students who take these subjects are updated with the latest research, so they are better equipped to implement research-based methods in their teaching and support for children, young people, and adults with learning challenges.

My research interests are particularly centred around developmental language disorders and dyslexia. I am keen to discover what underlies these cognitive-linguistic conditions by exploring their characteristics and origins. An important part of my work involves examining reading-related cognitive difficulties and the complex interplay between language skills and reading abilities.

I am proud to have developed innovative tools for screening and diagnosing dyslexia that enable the identification and assessment of reading and writing difficulties, as well as their underlying cognitive-linguistic skills, across ages from 5 to 90 years.

Currently, I am leading a major randomised controlled trial. The overarching goal is to contribute to evidence-based research on how we can better target interventions for children and young people struggling with decoding and reading comprehension.

Through my research and teaching, I aim to provide valuable insights into the fields of educational psychology and special needs education. My goal is to equip future special needs teachers, speech therapists, psychologists, and educators with the knowledge and tools they need to offer the best possible support to individuals with language disorders and dyslexia.

Note: My author name is Trude Nergård-Nilssen (with a hyphen).

  • Line Walquist Sørli, Ømur Caglar-Ryeng, Bjarte Reidar Furnes, Trude Nergård Nilssen, Enrica Donolato, Monica Melby-Lervåg :
    Are Speech Sound Difficulties Risk Factors for Difficulties in Language and Reading Skills? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research 2024 DOI
  • Bjarte Reidar Furnes, Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Risiko for svake skriveferdigheter i tidlig skolealder: En retrospektiv studie
    Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2022
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen, Oddgeir Friborg :
    The Dyslexia Marker Test for Children: Development and Validation of a New Test
    Assessment for Effective Intervention (AEI) 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ømur Caglar-Ryeng, Kenneth Eklund, Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    The effects of book exposure and reading interest on oral language skills of children with and without a familial risk of dyslexia
    Dyslexia 2020 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Ømur Caglar-Ryeng, Kenneth Eklund, Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    School‐entry language outcomes in late talkers with and without a family risk of dyslexia
    Dyslexia 2020 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Ømur Caglar-Ryeng, Kenneth Eklund, Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Lexical and grammatical development in children at family risk of dyslexia from early childhood to school entry: a cross-lagged analysis
    Journal of Child Language 2019 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen, Kenneth Eklund :
    Evaluation of the psychometric properties of “the Norwegian screening test for dyslexia”
    Dyslexia 2017 DOI
  • Rannveig Grøm Sæle, Tore Sørlie, Trude Nergård-Nilssen, Karl-Ottar Ottosen, Charlotte Goll, Oddgeir Friborg :
    Demographic and psychological predictors of Grade Point Average (GPA) in North-Norway: A particular analysis of cognitive/school-related and literacy problems
    Educational Psychology 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Astrid Unhjem, Kenneth Eklund, Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Early markers of language delay in children with and without family risk for dyslexia
    First language 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen, Charles Hulme :
    Developmental Dyslexia in Adults: Behavioural Manifestations and Cognitive Correlates
    Dyslexia 19. May 2014 DOI
  • Astrid Unhjem, Kenneth Eklund, Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Early communicative gestures and play as predictors of language development in children born with and without family risk for dyslexia
    Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 2014 DOI
  • Ingrid C. Nordli, Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Fonetisk gestuell analyse av tidlig ordproduksjon
    Norsk tidsskrift for logopedi 2014
  • Trude Nergård Nilssen :
    Lærevansker relatert til skriftspråket
    Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget 2010
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Longitudinal case-studies of Developmental Dyslexia in Norwegian
    Dyslexia 2006 DOI
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Word-decoding deficits in Norwegian: The impact of psycholinguistic marker effects
    Reading and writing 2006 DOI
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Developmental Dyslexia in Norwegian: Evidence from Single-case Studies
    Dyslexia 2006
  • Trude Nergård Nilssen :
    Developmental Dyslexia in Norwegian:Evidence from Single -case Studies
    Dyslexia 2006 DOI
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Dysmate Håndbok for sertifiserte brukere
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Da elevene skulle skrive ned drømmene sine, hadde Johanne (15) en drøm som skilte seg klart ut i bunken
    25. April 2023
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen, Ømur Caglar-Ryeng :
    Ny test kan fastslå dysleksi før barna begynner på skolen
    24. April 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Utvikler dysleksitest - ønsker hjelp fra flere barnehager
    29. May 2020
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Ny test kan fastslå risiko for dysleksi – før barna begynner på skolen
    24. April 2020
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Tromsø-utviklet test skal hjelpe med å identifisere dysleksi allerede før barna starter på skolen
    05. May 2020
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Milliondryss til Tromsø-gründere: Kan hjelpe titusener med 40-minutters test
    22. December 2019
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen, Monica Melby-Lervåg, Minna Torppa :
    Parental reading comprehension predicts children’s outcomes: A longitudinal family-risk study
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Ny test kan avdekke dysleksi hos flere
    24. August 2017
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Ny test kan avdekke dysleksi hos flere
    24. August 2017
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Nytt fra Dysleksistudien i Tromsø
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Screening dyslexia in young adults
  • Astrid Unhjem, Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Tidlig språkutvikling hos barn med familiær risiko for dysleksi
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2016
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Dysleksistudien i Tromsø
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Dysleksi og psykisk helse
  • Rannveig Grøm Sæle, Tore Sørlie, Oddgeir Friborg, Charlotte Goll, Karl-Ottar Ottosen, Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    Forskningsresultater fra Ung vilje
  • Trude Nergård Nilssen :
    De gjenstridige ordene
    Nordlys 04. July 2013
  • Trude Nergård Nilssen :
    The Tromsø Longitudinal study of Dyslexia (TLD)
  • Trude Nergård Nilssen :
    NRK Nordnytt morgensending
    20. August 2010
  • Trude Nergård Nilssen :
    Skal studere dysleksi hos 1-åringer
    22. September 2010
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    "Slik kan man oppdage dysleksi i barnehagen"
    24. October 2008
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    "Dysleksiekspreter til Tromsø"
    20. June 2008
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    "Bruker feil metoder"
    20. November 2008 DATA
  • Trude Nergård-Nilssen :
    "Dysleksirisiko i treårsalderen"
    31. October 2008
  • Trude Nergård Nilssen :
    Developmental Dyslexia in Norwegian: A Study of Key Manifestations and Language Skills in Children born at Familial Risk
  • Trude Nergård Nilssen, Bente Eriksen Hagtvet :
    "Reading Problems in a Sample of Norwegian 11-Year-Old Children of Dyslexic Parents"

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Publications outside Cristin

    Nergård-Nilssen, T. (2024). Dysmate [handbook and test]. Literate AS, Tromsø, Norge

    Research interests

    • Developmental Language Disorders (DLD)
    • Developmental dyslexia
    • Language-related learning difficulties



    Special needs education/Educational psychology and speech therapy