Håvar Brattli
Associate Professor
Job description
BED3031 Digital innovasjon
BED2054 Innovasjon i Praksis
BED2015 Entreprenørskap
BED2029 Org. og ledelse
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Research interests
Innovation, Design Thinking, Entrepreneurship, Student Entrepreneurship
BED3031 Digital innovasjon
BED2054 Innovasjon i Praksis
BED2015 Entreprenørskap
BED2029 Org. og ledelse
2022. Winner of UITs "Innovation award"
2019. Winner of HHT students "Propell Award"
2017-present. Project Manager for "Idegeneratoren ved UIT" financed by Troms Fylkeskommune
2017-present. Project Manager for "Entreprenørskapsfondet ved UIT" financed by Sparebank1 Nord-Norge / Samfunnsløftet
2015-2017. Work package leader in "DiamonDT - Development of Innovative Academy on the basis of DT Teaching" financed by the European Union Erasmus +
2015-2016. Work package leader in "Entreprenørskap og Design Thinking, et utdannings- og kompetanseutviklingsprogram for biomarin industry" financed by Innovation Norway
2014. Project manager for "Improving the Innovative Potential of UIT & NArFU through Design Thinking financed by Barentssekretariatet.
2014-present: Assistant Professor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
2013-2018: Project manager for "The Lab for Design Thinkers (DT Lab), financed by Innovation Norway.
2011-2013: Master of Science in Business Creation and Entrepreneurship