Bilde av Holmen, Heine Alexander
Bilde av Holmen, Heine Alexander
Institute of philosophy and first semester studies +4777625134 94154153 You can find me here

Heine Alexander Holmen

Associate professor

Job description


 Welcome to my personal website at!

Hello! I am a guy in the middle of life and who works as associate professor in philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy at UiT. I teach both examen philosophicum and at the philosophy programs (bachelor and master). As a researcher, I work primarily within the following areas:

the philosophy of life and -death, the philosophy of love, ethics and meta-ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, the philosophy of action and -religion and aesthetics.


Primary Interests

In general, I am interested in practical philosophy and questions that touches on significant aspects of our existence. Practical philosophy thereby engages with topics that may potentially alter the way we live. It could be questions about the quality of life or the good life, meaningfulness, happiness, love and sexuality, how we ethically speaking ought to live and how we should deal with the fact that we are mortal and vulnerable beings. In light of this I have interests in topics like the metaphysics of death, the meaning of life, evil, the nature of intentional actions and -knowledge/insight, religion and spirituality, as well as different forms of normativity and rationality, and questions concerning the normative authority of ethics.

In these days, I am particularly occupied with death and what it means for us. I am working on a project I call "The Meaning of Death", where the main issue is how vi shold live in light of the fact that we are mortal beings who both know about and have to deal with our own mortality. Can we - and, if so, how can we - find meaning, value, happiness and significance in a life whose singlemost certain factor is that we at some point will inevitably vanish, die and witter away for good? In this project, I try to show that death is not only a threat toward our lives, but also one of the more central components for making life meaningfull and valuable.



I am second-in-command at the Institute of Philosophy (IFF) and is in charge of the examen philosophicum at UiT. I am also member of the board that directs and develops the Bachelor- and Master program in philosophy at IFF. In addition, I am leading one of the institute's research groups - Ethics Research Group (ERG).


Off-campus I write for Store Norske Leksikon ( and occasionaly do blogging (Arktisk Metafysikk) plus engange in an occasional book project or two. I also have a small company - Holmen Meningsproduksjon - that may be used as a label for off-campus seminars.


Membership in Research Groups

2013 - today Ethics Research Group, UiT.

2017 - today The International Association for the Philosophy of Death and Dying (IAPDD)

2019 - today Death: Emotions, Relations and Culture (DERC)

2017 - today Phenomenology and Bodies of Knowledge - UiT

2016 - today Nordic Network of Metaphysics

2017 - 2019 today Feminist Philosophy Research Group (FemPhil) - UiT

2014 - 2017 Pluralism, Democracy and Justice Research Group - UiT


2010 - d.d. Affiliated at CSMN, UiO.

2007 - 2010 CSMN's Rational Agency Group, UiO,


  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Fiksjon og fakta i tv-serien Makta
    14. December 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Moderne dødssynder - Ukritisk
    04. June 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Kvite løgner for å få folk til å le?
    23. April 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Moderne dødssynd: Narsisisme
    24. April 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: "Tenke sjæl" eller lytte til andre?
    21. March 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Øl hos frisøren?
    25. April 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Hyttetur eller bypåske?
    20. March 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Korleis unngå arvestrid?
    18. March 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Moderne dødssynd: fordomsfull
    19. March 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Må alle skeive flagge legning?
    29. February 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Moderne dødssynd: Trolling
    28. February 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Spytting på gata
    08. February 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Er du einsam? Kven har ansvaret?
    26. February 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Kan forskning bli for tullete?
    07. February 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Tigging på Vipps
    07. February 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Simulert verkeleghet
    07. February 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Korleis avslutte eit vennskap?
    18. January 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Tenk deg til toppstilling
    14. February 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Kompass: Olavsfest: Er eit gamalt liv like mykje verdt som eit ungt?
    02. August 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Olavsfest: Vestfrontmøtet: Money talks
    2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Kompass: Olavsfest: Er verda ei illusjon?
    01. August 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Når ordkløveri i økende grad blir ryggmargsrefleks
    Universitetsavisa 24. January 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Olavsfest: Vestfrontmøte: Money talks
    03. August 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Kjefte på idioter i trafikken?
    03. July 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Slafsing, slurping og beina på bordet
    26. June 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Litteraturhuset Trondheim: En samtale om kjærligheten og døden med Frode Grytten
    2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Litteraturhuset Trondheim: Ibelin – hva er frihet i et liv med begrensninger?
    2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Sofaprat med Heine Holmen
    2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Hjelp venninna mi gifter seg med utlending
    11. June 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Kompani-Lauritzen-effekten
    05. June 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Tenk om du møtte eit romvesen?
    06. June 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Status å droppe sex?
    12. June 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Skal alle få bli det dei vil?
    13. June 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    De umuliges kunst
    Adresseavisen 2024 FULLTEKST / DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen, Cathrine Victoria Felix :
    Leder Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift 1/2/2024
    Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift 2024 DATA / DOI
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Slet med «gutta­stemning» og hersketeknikker. Nå går nye studenter på bøllekurs 2024
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Slik håndterer du hersketeknikker på studiet
    Universitas 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Filosofimiljøet tar grep – vil ta betre vare på dei nye studentane
    Universitetsavisa 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Slet med «gutta­stemning» og hersketeknikker. Nå går nye studenter på bøllekurs 2024 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Hallvard J. Fossheim, Dialog. En filosofisk tilnærming
    Agora 2023 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Korleis vere ein god ven på sosiale medier?
    23. November 2023 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Å drepe ein for å redde fem
    26. October 2023 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Hva er bra med å være skamløs?
    07. December 2023 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Etikketaten NRK: Dullar vi for mykje med dei unge?
    28. September 2023 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Panel debate: Health promotion the next decades: Challenges and opportunities
    2023 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen, Cathrine Victoria Felix :
    Leder Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 4/2023
    Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift 2023 DATA / DOI
  • Jan Frode Hatlen, Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Fullfør campussamlingen 05. January 2023
  • Jan Frode Hatlen, Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Fullfør campussamlingen 16. January 2023 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Ei ære å gi omsorg til dei eldre - Kompass NRKP2
    31. January 2023 DATA
  • Heine Alexander Holmen :
    Roper varsku om ukultur: – Lot som vi ikke var der da vi åpnet munnen
    01. April 2023 DATA

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    • Death
    • Meaning of life
    • Religious faith
    • Normativity, value theory and ethics
    • Happiness (or eudaimonia, flourishing, well-being)
    • Knowledge
    • Love and sexuality
    • Aesthetics


    2020 Language, Communication and Society MA, lecturer, UiT.

    2019 Philosophy of Life BAlecturer, UiT.

    2019 Metaphysics of Death MA, lecturer, UiT.

    2018 Philosophy of Life BA, lecturer, UiT.

    2018 Ethics - Introduction BA, lecturer, UiT.

    2018 -... Examen Philosophicum, leader, UiT.

    2016 - ... Examen Philosophicum - Internet, seminar teacher, UiT.

    2013 - ... Examen Philosophicum, seminar teacher, UiT.

    2017 -... Examen philosophicum - Lecture, lecturer, UiT.

    2017 Ethics - Introduction, lecturer, UiT.

    2016 Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind, lecturer, UiT.

    2016 Metaphysics and Epistemology: Metaphysics of Death (MA), lecturer, UiT.

    2015 History of Philosophy - Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, lecturer, UiT.

    2014 Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind, lecturer, UiT.

    2014 Examen Philosophicum, lecturer, UiT.

    2014 History of Philosophy - Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, lecturer, UiT.

    2013 Advanced Epistemology - Topic: Testimonay, Social Epistemology, the Nature of Knowledge, lecturer, UiO

    2013 Examen Philosophicum, seminar teacher, UiO.

    2012 Examen Facultatum - Philosophy, lecturer, UiO.

    2012 Introduction to Ancient and Moder Philosophy, seminar teacher, UiO.

    2012 Introduction to Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, seminar teacher, UiO.

    2011 Metaphysics and Philosophy of Science - Master Class - Topic: the Nature of Causation, lecturer, UiO.

    2011 Introduction to Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, lecturer, UiO.

    2005 - 2007 Introduction to Ancient and Moder Philosophy, seminar teacher, UiO.

    2006 Introduction to Logic and Philosophy of Language, seminar teacher, UiO.

    2005 Introduction to Metaphysics and Philosophy of Mind, seminar teacher, UiO.