Udith Haputhanthri,
Kithmini Herath,
Ramith Hettiarachchi,
Hasindu Kariyawasam,
Azeem Ahmad,
Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
et al.:
Towards ultrafast quantitative phase imaging via differentiable microscopy [Invited]
Biomedical Optics Express 2024
Irene Sterpu,
Lotta Herling,
Jonas Nordquist,
Anna Möller,
Helena Kopp Kallner,
Hedvig Engberg
et al.:
The outcomes of team-based learning versus small group interactive learning in the obstetrics and gynecology course for undergraduate students
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2024
Irene Sterpu,
Lotta Herling,
Jonas Nordquist,
Jerome Rotgans,
Ganesh Prasad Acharya
Team-based learning (TBL) in clinical disciplines for undergraduate medical students—a scoping review
Ping Cao,
Josien Derhaag,
Edith Coonen,
Han Brunner,
Ganesh Prasad Acharya,
Andres Salumets
et al.:
Generative artificial intelligence to produce high-fidelity blastocyst-stage embryo images
Jerome I. Rotgans,
Irene Sterpu,
Lotta Herling,
Jonas Nordquist,
Ganesh Prasad Acharya
Exploring the dynamics of situational interest in team-based learning in undergraduate medical education
Alberto Sola-Leyva,
Amruta D. S. Pathare,
Apostol Apostolov,
Elina Aleksejeva,
Keiu Kask,
Triin Tammiste
et al.:
The hidden impact of GLP-1 receptor agonists on endometrial receptivity and implantation
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2024
An Chen,
Ganesh Prasad Acharya,
Min Hu,
Xin Gao,
Guizhi Cheng,
Lai Jiang
et al.:
Association of maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection at the time of admission for delivery with labor process and outcomes of vaginal birth: A cohort study
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2023
Amruta D.S. Pathare,
Marina Loid,
Merli Saare,
Sebastian Brusell Gidlöf,
Masoud Zamani Esteki,
Ganesh Prasad Acharya
et al.:
Endometrial receptivity in women of advanced age: an underrated factor in infertility
Human Reproduction Update 2023
Karine Stiberg Birkelund,
Solrun Rasmussen,
Simone E. Shwank,
Jonas Johnson,
Ganesh Acharya
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women's perinatal mental health and its association with personality traits: An observational study
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2023
Sara Alameddine,
Giulia Capannolo,
Giuseppe Rizzo,
Asma Khalil,
Raffaella Di Girolamo,
Carlotta Iacovella
et al.:
A systematic review and critical evaluation of quality of clinical practice guidelines on fetal growth restriction
Journal of Perinatal Medicine 2023
An Chen,
Kirsi Väyrynen,
Riikka-Leena Leskelä,
Paulus Torkki,
Seppo Heinonen,
Aydin Tekay
et al.:
The acceptability of implementing patient-reported measures in routine maternity care: A systematic review
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2023
Siv Boon Mundal,
Johanne Johnsen Rakner,
Gabriela Silva,
Lobke Gierman,
Marie Austdal,
Purusotam Basnet
et al.:
Divergent Regulation of Decidual Oxidative-Stress Response by NRF2 and KEAP1 in Preeclampsia with and without Fetal Growth Restriction
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022
Luis Villegas,
Vishesh Kumar Dubey,
Mona Nystad,
Jean-Claude Tinguely,
David Andre Coucheron,
Firehun Tsige Dullo
et al.:
Chip-based multimodal super-resolution microscopy for histological investigations of cryopreserved tissue sections
Light: Science & Applications (LSA) 2022
Chung Ho-Fung,
Ewa Andersson,
Huang Hsuan-Ying,
Ganesh Acharya,
Simone Schwank
Self-reported mental health status of pregnant women in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional survey
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2022
Anna Kajdy,
Dorota Sys,
Artur Pokropek,
Steven W. Shaw,
Tung-Yao Chang,
Pavel Calda
et al.:
Risk factors for anxiety and depression among pregnant women during COVID-19 pandemic—Results of a web-based multinational cross-sectional study
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2022
May Wenche Jøraholmen,
Pauliina Damdimopoulou,
Ganesh Acharya,
Natasa Skalko-Basnet
Toxicity Assessment of Resveratrol Liposomes-in-Hydrogel Delivery System by EpiVaginal™ Tissue Model
Priya Bhide,
Elizabeth Timlick,
Abhijit Kulkarni,
Anil Gudi,
Amit Shah,
Roy Homburg
et al.:
Effect of cigarette smoking on serum anti-Mullerian hormone and antral follicle count in women seeking fertility treatment: a prospective cross-sectional study
An Chen,
Kirsi Väyrynen,
Alexandra Schmidt,
Riikka-Leena Leskelä,
Paulus Torkki,
Seppo Heinonen
et al.:
The impact of implementing patient-reported measures in routine maternity care: a systematic review
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2022
Raffaella Di Girolamo,
Asma Khalil,
Giuseppe Rizzo,
Giulia Capannolo,
Danilo Buca,
Marco Liberati
et al.:
Systematic review and critical evaluation of quality of clinical practice guidelines on the management of SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy
American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM (AJOG MFM) 2022
Rima D. Yarlagadda,
Jonas Johnson,
Åse Vårtun,
Kari Flo,
Ganesh Acharya
Maternal plasma pro-atrial and C-type natriuretic peptide levels and their associations with cardiovascular and renal function in the second half of normal pregnancy: a longitudinal study
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2021
Maria Stefopoulou,
Jonas Johnson,
Lotta Herling,
Peter Lindgren,
Torvid Kiserud,
Ganesh Acharya
Fetal Superior Vena Cava Blood Flow and Its Fraction of Cardiac Output: A Longitudinal Ultrasound Study in the Second Half of Pregnancy
Frontiers in Pediatrics 2021
Amarnath Bhide,
Ganesh Acharya,
Ahmet Alexander Baschat,
Caterina Maddalena Bilardo,
Christoph Brezinka,
Daniel Cafici
et al.:
ISUOG Practice Guidelines (updated): use of Doppler velocimetry in obstetrics
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2021
Karampreet Kaur,
Ganesh Acharya,
Heidi Chen,
Chevis N. Shannon,
Brittany E. Lipscomb,
Randa Newman
et al.:
Impact of fetal trisomy 21 on umbilical artery Doppler indices
Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2021
L. Herling,
J. Johnson,
K. Ferm-Widlund,
A. Zamprakou,
M. Westgren,
G. Acharya
Automated quantitative evaluation of fetal atrioventricular annular plane systolic excursion
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2021
Madhu Wagle,
Purusotam Basnet,
Åse Vårtun,
Ganesh Acharya
Nitric oxide, oxidative stress and streptococcus mutans and lactobacillus bacterial loads in saliva during the different stages of pregnancy: A longitudinal study
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 2021
Azeem Ahmad,
Vishesh Dubey,
Nikhil Jayakumar,
Anowarul Habib,
Ankit Butola,
Mona Nystad
et al.:
High-throughput spatial sensitive quantitative phase microscopy using low spatial and high temporal coherent illumination
Qiongjie Zhou,
Qiaomei Wang,
Haiping Shen,
Yiping Zhang,
Shikun Zhang,
Xiaotian Li
et al.:
Seroprevalence of Cytomegalovirus and Associated Factors Among Preconception Women: A Cross-Sectional Nationwide Study in China
Frontiers in Public Health 2021
Leena Alanne,
Amarnath Govind Bhide,
Juulia Lantto,
Heikki Huhta,
Merja Kokki,
Mervi Haapsamo
et al.:
Nifedipine disturbs fetal cardiac function during hypoxemia in a chronic sheep model at near term gestation
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2021
Daria Popova,
Priya Bhide,
Francesco D’Antonio,
Purusotam Basnet,
Ganesh Acharya
Sperm mitochondrial DNA copy numbers in normal and abnormal semen analysis: A systematic review and meta-analysis
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2021
Juulia Lantto,
Tiina Erkinaro,
Mervi Haapsamo,
Heikki Huhta,
Leena Alanne,
Merja Kokki
et al.:
Peripheral chemoreflex activation and cardiac function during hypoxemia in near-term fetal sheep without placental compromise
Journal of applied physiology 2021
Lars Thomas Johansen,
Geir Sverre Braut,
Ganesh Acharya,
Jan Fredrik Andresen,
Pål Øian
How common is substandard obstetric care in adverse events of birth asphyxia, shoulder dystocia and postpartum hemorrhage? Findings from an external inspection of Norwegian maternity units
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2021
Lars Thomas Johansen,
Geir Sverre Braut,
Ganesh Acharya,
Jan Fredrik Andresen,
Pål Øian
Adverse events reporting by obstetric units in Norway as part of their quality assurance and patient safety work: an analysis of practice
BMC Health Services Research 2021
Prakesh S. Shah,
Ganesh Prasad Acharya
Artificial intelligence/machine learning and journalology: Challenges and opportunities
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2024
Ganesh Prasad Acharya
Integrated functional analysis of endometrial transcriptome, microbiome, and immune cell profiling is needed to dissect mechanisms of uterine pathologies and implantation failure
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2024
Ganesh Prasad Acharya
Scientific integrity and Nordic quality will remain the hallmark of Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2024
Vishesh Kumar Dubey,
Azeem Ahmad,
Luis Enrique Villegas Hernandez,
Hong Mao,
Mona Nystad,
Ganesh Prasad Acharya
et al.:
Photonic-chip based multimodal optical imaging of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections (Conference Presentation)
Amarnath Govind Bhide,
Pål Øian,
Ganesh Acharya
Will WHO Labor Care Guide have a positive effect on objectively measured health outcomes as well as patient reported measures?
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2023
Luis Villegas,
Vishesh Kumar Dubey,
Mona Nystad,
Kristin Andreassen Fenton,
Ganesh Acharya,
Jose M. Mateos
et al.:
Chip-based multimodal microscopy for histological investigations of cryopreserved tissue sections
Emma Nordtvedt,
Jørg Kessler,
Ganesh Prasad Acharya,
Tone Shetelig Løvvik,
Cathrine Ebbing,
Kjell Åsmund Blix Salvesen
et al.:
Doppler indices of placental and cerebral vascular impedance in fetuses of mothers with PCOS and the effect of metformin exposure
Emma Nordtvedt,
Jørg Kessler,
Ganesh Prasad Acharya,
Tone Shetelig Løvvik,
Cathrine Ebbing,
Kjell Åsmund Blix Salvesen
et al.:
Doppler indices of placental and cerebral vascular impedance in fetuses of mothers with PCOS and the effect of metformin exposure
Gynekologen 2022
Raffaella Di Girolamo,
Asma Khalil,
Giuseppe Rizzo,
Giulia Capannolo,
Danilo Buca,
Marco Liberati
et al.:
Erratum to systematic review and critical evaluation of quality of clinical practice guidelines on the management of SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy (American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM (2022) 4(5), (S2589933322000891), (10.1016/j.ajogmf.2022.100654))
American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM (AJOG MFM) 2022
Emma Nordtvedt,
Jørg Kessler,
Ganesh Acharya,
Tone Shetelig Løvvik,
Cathrine Ebbing,
Kjell Å Salvesen
et al.:
Doppler indices of placental and cerebral vascular impedance in fetuses of mothers with PCOS and the effect of metformin exposure
Emma Nordtvedt,
Jørg Kessler,
Ganesh Acharya,
Tone Shetelig Løvvik,
Cathrine Ebbing,
Kjell Å Salvesen
et al.:
Doppler indices of placental and cerebral vascular impedance in fetuses of mothers with PCOS and the effect of metformin exposure
Gynekologen 2022
Vishesh Kumar Dubey,
Azeem Ahmad,
Luis Enrique Villegas-Hernández,
Hong Mao,
Mona Nystad,
Ganesh Acharya
et al.:
Photonic-chip based multimodal optical imaging of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections.
Spie Bios 2022
Qiongjie Zhou,
Ganesh Acharya
Editorial: Placental Hormones and Pregnancy-Related Endocrine Disorders
Frontiers in Endocrinology 2022
Athina Samara,
Martin Falck,
Mari Spildrejorde,
Magnus Leithaug,
Ganesh Acharya,
Robert Lyle
et al.:
Robust neuronal differentiation of human embryonic stem cells for neurotoxicology
Sebastian Gidlöf,
Ganesh Acharya
Medical innovations are driven by controversies
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2022
Vishesh Kumar Dubey,
Luis Enrique Villegas Hernández,
Mona Nystad,
Jean-Claude Tinguely,
David Andre Coucheron,
Firehun Tsige Dullo
et al.:
Photonic-chip for multimodal super-resolution imaging in histopathology applications
Ganesh Acharya,
Kristina Gemzell-Danielsson,
Oskari Heikinheimo,
Vibeke Rasch,
Martin Rudnicki
Celebrating 100 years of AOGS with a focus on global health
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2021
Ganesh Acharya
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica (AOGS): Coming-of-age to embrace open science
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2021