Alexandra Sofia Antunes De Sousa,
Rutuparna Kulkarni,
Mona Susan Johannessen,
Thorsten Wohland,
Natasa Skalko Basnet,
Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi
Decoding interactions between biofilms and DNA nanoparticles
Srijana Bastakoti,
Maiju Pesonen,
Clément Ajayi,
Kjersti Julin,
Jukka Corander,
Mona Susan Johannessen
et al.:
Co-culturing with Streptococcus anginosus alters Staphylococcus aureus transcriptome when exposed to tonsillar cells
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 2024
Laura Victoria Schulte-Werning,
Bhupender Singh,
Mona Susan Johannessen,
Rolf Einar Engstad,
Ann-Mari Holsæter
Antimicrobial liposomes-in-nanofiber wound dressings prepared by a green and sustainable wire-electrospinning set-up
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2024
Theresa Maria Wagner,
Anna Kaarina Pöntinen,
Carolin Fenzel,
Daniel Engi,
Jessin Janice,
Ana C. Almeida-Santos
et al.:
Interactions between commensal Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus lactis and clinical isolates of Enterococcus faecium
Stephen Dela Ahator,
Karoline Wenzl,
Kristin Hegstad,
Christian Stephan Lentz,
Mona Susan Johannessen
Comprehensive virulence profiling and evolutionary analysis of specificity determinants in Staphylococcus aureus two-component systems
Stephen Dela Ahator,
Kristin Hegstad,
Christian Stephan Lentz,
Mona Susan Johannessen
Deciphering Staphylococcus aureus–host dynamics using dual activity-based protein profiling of ATP-interacting proteins
Jonathan Hira,
Bhupender Singh,
Tirthankar Halder,
Anel Mahmutovic,
Clément Ajayi,
Arif Ahmed Sekh
et al.:
Single-cell phenotypic profiling and backtracing exposes and predicts clinically relevant subpopulations in isogenic Staphylococcus aureus communities
Silje Mork,
Mona Susan Johannessen,
Natasa Skalko Basnet,
May Wenche Bakke Jøraholmen
Chitosan and liposomal delivery systems for epicatechin or propyl gallate targeting localized treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2024
Roni Miah,
Mona Susan Johannessen,
Morten Kjos,
Christian Stephan Lentz
Development of an inducer-free, virulence gene promoter-controlled, and fluorescent reporter-labeled CRISPR interference system in Staphylococcus aureus
Srijana Bastakoti,
Clement Ajayi,
Kjersti Julin,
Mona Johannessen,
Anne Merethe Hanssen
Exploring differentially expressed genes of Staphylococcus aureus exposed to human tonsillar cells using RNA sequencing
Alexandra Sofia Antunes de Sousa,
Vegard Borøy,
Agnethe Hansen Bæverud,
Kjersti Julin,
Annette Bayer,
Morten B. Strøm
et al.:
Polymyxin B stabilized DNA micelles for sustained antibacterial and antibiofilm activity against P. aeruginosa
Journal of materials chemistry. B 2023
Theresa Maria Wagner,
Felipe Romero-Saavedra,
Diana Laverde,
Mona Susan Johannessen,
Johannes Hübner,
Kristin Hegstad
Enterococcal Membrane Vesicles as Vaccine Candidates
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023
Lisa Myrseth Hemmingsen,
Pimmat Panchai,
Kjersti Julin,
Purusotam Basnet,
Mona Nystad,
Mona Johannessen
et al.:
Chitosan-based delivery system enhances antimicrobial activity of chlorhexidine
Frontiers in Microbiology 2022
Lisa Myrseth Hemmingsen,
Kjersti Julin,
Luquman Mian Ahsan,
Purusotam Basnet,
Mona Johannessen,
Natasa Skalko-Basnet
Chitosomes-in-chitosan hydrogel for acute skin injuries: Prevention and infection control
Bishnu Joshi,
Bhupender Singh,
Aftab Nadeem,
Fatemeh Askarian,
Sun Nyunt Wai,
Mona Johannessen
et al.:
Transcriptome profiling of staphylococcus aureus associated extracellular vesicles reveals presence of small RNA-cargo
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 13. January 2021
Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi,
Anna Ngoc Phung,
Kjersti Julin,
Mona Johannessen,
Natasa Skalko-Basnet
Biofilm Responsive Zwitterionic Antimicrobial Nanoparticles to Treat Cutaneous Infection
Monika Kumaraswamy,
Kamilla Wiull,
Bishnu Joshi,
George Sakoulas,
Armin Kousha,
Gustav Vaaje-Kolstad
et al.:
Bacterial membrane-derived vesicles attenuate vancomycin activity against methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus
Laura Schulte Werning,
Anjanah Murugaiah,
Bhupender Singh,
Mona Johannessen,
Rolf Einar Engstad,
Natasa Skalko-Basnet
et al.:
Multifunctional Nanofibrous Dressing with Antimicrobial and Anti-Inflammatory Properties Prepared by Needle-Free Electrospinning
May Wenche Jøraholmen,
Mona Johannessen,
Kirsten Midttun Gravningen,
Mirja Puolakkainen,
Ganesh Acharya,
Purusotam Basnet
et al.:
Liposomes-in-hydrogel delivery system enhances the potential of resveratrol in combating vaginal chlamydia infection
Pharmaceutics 11. December 2020
May Wenche Jøraholmen,
Abhilasha Bhargava,
Kjersti Julin,
Mona Johannessen,
Natasa Skalko-Basnet
The Antimicrobial Properties of Chitosan Can be Tailored by Formulation
Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi,
Kjersti Julin,
Elizabeth G. Aarag Fredheim,
Mona Johannessen,
Natasa Skalko-Basnet
Liposomal delivery of antibiotic loaded nucleic acid nanogels with enhanced
drug loading and synergistic anti-inflammatory activity against S. aureus
intracellular infections
Journal of Controlled Release 2020
Dmytro Kravtsov,
Mona Susan Johannessen,
Mauri A Kostiainen,
Natasa Skalko Basnet,
Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi
Rational design of aptamer-based nanostructures for bacterial biofilm applications
Alexandra Sofia Antunes De Sousa,
Mona Susan Johannessen,
Annette Bayer,
Morten Bøhmer Strøm,
Natasa Skalko Basnet,
Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi
Study of the penetration ability of DNA nanoparticles in biofilms
Mona Susan Johannessen
Hva menes med antibiotika-resistense, og hva kan vi gjøre med det?
Foredrag for ungdomsskole-klasser, helsedagene-2023. 2023
Srijana Bastakoti,
maiju Pesonen,
Clément Ajayi,
Kjersti Julin,
Mona Susan Johannessen,
Jukka Corander
et al.:
Co-culturing with Streptococcus anginosus alters Staphylococcus aureus transcriptome when exposed to tonsillar cells
Anne-Merethe Christiansen Hanssen,
Clément Ajayi,
Mona Susan Johannessen,
Kjersti Julin,
Maiju Pesonen,
Jukka Corander
et al.:
Co-culturing with Streptococcus anginosus alters Staphylococcus aureus transcriptome when exposed to tonsillar cells
Srijana Bastakoti,
Maiju Pesonen,
Clément Ajayi,
Kjersti Julin,
Jukka Corander,
Mona Susan Johannessen
et al.:
Co-culturing with Streptococcus anginosus alters Staphylococcus aureus transcriptome when exposed to tonsillar cells
Srijana Bastakoti,
Maiju Pesonen,
Clément Ajayi,
Kjersti Julin,
Jukka Corander,
Mona Susan Johannessen
et al.:
Co-culturing with Streptococcus anginosus alters Staphylococcus aureus transcriptome when exposed to tonsillar cells
Theresa Wagner,
Felipe Romero-Saavedra,
Diana Laverde,
Mona Johannessen,
Johannes Hübner,
Kristin Hegstad
Enterococcal Membrane Vesicles as Vaccine Candidates
Alexandra Sofia Antunes de Sousa,
Kjersti Julin,
Annette Bayer,
Morten Bøhmer Strøm,
Mona Johannessen,
Natasa Skalko-Basnet
et al.:
Drug-loaded DNA nanoparticles against bioflms
Carolin Kornelia Fenzel,
Anna K. Pöntinen,
Mona Johannessen,
Kristin Hegstad,
Theresa Wagner
Characterization of competition between commensal and clinical strains of Enterococcus faecium
Theresa Wagner,
Anna Kaarina Pöntinen,
Carolin Kornelia Fenzel,
Daniel Engi,
Jessin Janice,
Ana Almeida-Santos
et al.:
Competition between commensal Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus lactis and clinical isolates of E. faecium
Ingeborg Mathiesen,
Anna Kaarina Pöntinen,
Mona Johannessen,
Kristin Hegstad,
Theresa Wagner
Characterization of Putative Virulence Factors in Enterococcus faecium
Ingeborg Mathiesen,
Theodor Anton Ross,
Anna Kaarina Pöntinen,
Einar Holsbø,
Michael Kampffmeyer,
Mona Johannessen
et al.:
Characterization of Putative Virulence Factors in Enterococcus faecium
Jonathan Hira,
Bhupender Singh,
Clément Ajayi,
Mona Susan Johannessen,
Christian Stephan Lentz
Sorting out their differences – High-throughput phenotypic profiling of single cells and subpopulations within isogenic bacterial pathogen cell populations
Jonathan Hira,
Bhupender Singh,
Theresa Maria Wagner,
Kristin Hegstad,
Mona Susan Johannessen,
Christian Stephan Lentz
A high-throughput platform for phenotypic profiling of bacteria coupled to single cell-derived growth analysis
Srijana Bastakoti,
Clément Ajayi,
Kjersti Julin,
Mona Susan Johannessen,
Anne-Merethe Christiansen Hanssen
Exploring differentially expressed genes of Staphylococcus aureus exposed to human tonsillar cells using RNA sequencing
Ingeborg Mathiesen,
Mona Johannessen,
Kristin Hegstad,
Theresa Wagner
Characterisation of putative virulence factors in Enterococcus faecium
Mona Johannessen
Antibiotika-resistens- hva er det og hva gjør vi med det?
Foredrag for skoleelever i forbindelse med Forskningsdagene 2022 2022
Ingeborg Mathiesen,
Mona Johannessen,
Kristin Hegstad,
Theresa Wagner
Characterisation of putative virulence factors in Enterococcus faecium
Kjersti Julin,
Annette Bayer,
Morten Bøhmer Strøm,
Mona Johannessen,
Natasa Skalko-Basnet,
Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi
DNA Nanocarriers for improved biofilm penetration
Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi,
Anna Ngoc Phung,
Kjersti Julin,
Mona Johannessen,
Natasa Skalko-Basnet
Multi-responsive and Zwitterionic Nanohybrids for the Treatment of Biofilm Wound Infections
Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi,
Anna Ngoc Phung,
Kjersti Julin,
Mona Johannessen,
Natasa Skalko-Basnet
Zwitterionic hybrid nanoparticles for the treatment of biofilm wound infections
Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi,
Anna Ngoc Phung,
Kjersti Julin,
Mona Johannessen,
Natasa Skalko-Basnet
Zwitterionic Nanohybrids for the Treatment of Wound Biofilms
Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi,
Anna Ngoc Phung,
Kjersti Julin,
Mona Johannessen,
Natasa Skalko-Basnet
Multi-responsive and Zwitterionic Nanohybrids for the Treatment of Biofilm Wound Infections
Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi,
Anna Ngoc Phung,
Kjersti Julin,
Mona Johannessen,
Natasa Skalko-Basnet
Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi,
Kjersti Julin,
Elizabeth G. Aarag Fredheim,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Mona Johannessen,
Natasa Skalko-Basnet
Liposomal delivery of antibiotic loaded DNA nanogels against intracellular infections
Theresa Wagner,
Mona Johannessen,
Kristin Hegstad
Towards a vaccine based on enterococcal membrane vesicles
Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi,
Kjersti Julin,
Elizabeth G. Aarag Fredheim,
Mona Johannessen,
Natasa Skalko-Basnet
Liposomal delivery of Nucleic Acid Nanogels to Enhance Entrapment Efficiency and Sustain Release of Antibiotics against Staphylococcal intracellular infections
Theresa Wagner,
Clement Ajayi,
Mona Johannessen,
Kristin Hegstad,
Gro Grimnes,
Ingrid Hemmingsen
Brukermøte 2020