Bente Sundsvold
Associate Professor
Job description
Bente Sundsvold is involved in several external financed research projects, all concerning more-than-human approaches, human-environmental relations and how local knowledge can contribute to safeguarding and mitigate environmental and climatic challenges. She is project leader of FUGLAN VEIT (NRC pr# 320848) lasting from 2021 to 2024. She is WP leader in FOODCOAST (NRC p# 295004) and led by NIVA, Oslo (2029-2023), and researcher in FutureArcticLives (EU BiodivERsA/ NRC# 323076) led by University of Copenhagen (2021-2023). She was also researcher and WP- leader in a recently ended resarch project COASTCHANGE led The Norwegian College of Fishery Science, financed by FRAM – Flagship Fjord and Coast, 2019-2021
She is also teaching on different courses at bachelor- and master programmes at Department of Social Sciences. to mention a few from last couple of years
SOA 2003- Antropologisk kunnskapproduksjon og metode, SVF- 3107 Visual Ethnography and ways of knowing, SVF 1050 Kvalitativ metode, SPL 1003 Kulturforståelse og lokale prosesser, SOA 100 Innføring i sosalantropologi, SOA- 3004 Minoritet, identitet og grenser og SOA-3006 Indigenous culture, resource management and human rights.
Work areas
TeachingThe 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →
Publications outside Cristin
Sundsvold, B & Armstrong, C (2019): “Found in translation: identifying ecosystem services through public consultation
statements in a marine spatial planning process” Ecosystems and people vol.15 issue 1.
Sundsvold (2017) ”To think like a bird” Ethnographic film in Journal of Anthropological Films, Vol.1.1.
Sundsvold 2010 ”Stedets herligheter”‐ the amenities of place: Eider down harvesting through changing time” in Acta Borelia 27:1, p.91‐115
Research interests
Domestication, relationbuilding between man-bird-environment, enactment of culture- and nature-relations, marine and coastal management, visual anthropology, science studies, ecosystem services
Researcher COREPLAN – Integrated coastal resource management and planning – ecosystem services and coastal governance Lead: NOFIMA Ann Magnhild Solås, post doc position linked to 3 WPs. 2016-2018
PhD- fellow The Nordland birdcare – interfaces of texts and practices in inscribing the Vega Archipelago as World Heritage, Thesis & film: “To think like a bird” (2015).