Bilde av Arnesen, Sarah Lisa
Bilde av Arnesen, Sarah Lisa
Universitetslektor School of Business and Economics in Tromsø +4777649213 You can find me here

Sarah Lisa Arnesen

Job description

PhD Research Fellow in Marketing with a research focus on sustainable consumption in the fashion industry. Has published a scientific article and contributed with expert articles on, as well as in newspapers and other publications, focusing on sustainability and consumer behavior. Has also given lectures and participated in international conferences, including the EMAC (European Marketing Academy Conference).

  • Sarah Lisa Arnesen, Nils Magne Larsen, Anders Hauge Wien :
    Beyond Green Promises: How Concrete Information Sparks Pride and Drives Sustainable Fashion
    Journal of Sustainable Marketing 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sarah Lisa Arnesen :
    Det er ikke fake news at klær belaster miljøet 2021
  • Sarah Lisa Arnesen :
    Kan shopping bli bærekraftig?
    Nordnorsk debatt - Nordlys 2021
  • Sarah Lisa Arnesen :
    Lyst til å kle deg mer miljøvennlig? Her er seks enkle råd
    Bergens Tidende 2021
  • Sarah Lisa Arnesen :
    Kunsten å kle seg uten å ødelegge klimaet 2021

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