Bilde av Sørheim Nilsen, Toril
Bilde av Sørheim Nilsen, Toril
Associate professor/Specialist in clinical psychology for children and adolescents Department of Psychology +4777625159 You can find me here

Toril Sørheim Nilsen

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Research interests

My main research interests concerns topics that are relevant for the development and improvement of mental health services and practice, as well as psychological professional development. Current main topics for the research I am involved in are: 1) Problematic school absenteeism - development and improvement of help service, 2) Systematic use of Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT) in mental health services for children and youth, 3) What works for whom? Mechanisms of change in psychological treatment for children and adolescents and their families. 


Jeg er subject manager for the subject PSY 2802-2 clinical psychology, and I teach topics within clinical psychology.  I am practice supervisor in the Psychological clinic at UiT, and I am a mentor for seminargroups in psychologist vocational subjects. 

I supervise PhD-candidate, and masterthesis at the professional program in psychology. 

My main clinical fiels are anxiety and depression in children and youth, cognitive behavioural therapy, and problematic school absenteeism.