Bilde av Smidt, Helle Rønn
Bilde av Smidt, Helle Rønn
associate professor Department of Health and Care Sciences +4777644198 Tromsø

Helle Rønn Smidt

Job description

Affiliated with Master's in Psychomotor Physiotherapy.

  • Ellen Gabrielsen Hjelle, Helle Rønn Smidt, Anita Haahr, Silje Bjørnsen Haavaag, Dorthe Sørensen, Maria Victoria Navarta-Sánchez et al.:
    Filling the gap in service provision. Partners as family carers to people with Parkinson's disease: A Scandinavian perspective
    Chronic Illness 2023 DOI
  • Maria Victoria Navarta-Sánchez, Ana Palmar-Santos, Azucena Pedraz-Marcos, Claire Reidy, Dia Soilemezi, Anita Haahr et al.:
    Perspectives of people with Parkinson's disease and family carers about disease management in community settings: A cross-country qualitative study
    Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN) 02. February 2023 ARKIV / DOI

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Norwegian psychomotor physiotherapy, mind/body, mental health, identity, motivation, patient autonomy, aquired brain injury.

    Member of research group