Jürgen Kasper,
Turid Kristin Bigum Sundar,
Lisbeth Valla,
Anne Marie Lilleengen,
Anne Grete Rydtun Haug,
Kjersti Engen Marsdal
et al.:
How the master’s level is implemented in internships within master’s programmes — exploring the views of students, clinicians, and educators in midwifery and public health nursing
Bente Sparboe-Nilsen,
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Milada Hagen,
Lisbeth Valla
Norwegian Public Health Nursing Students’ Experiences with the Transition from Classroom to Online Lectures: Benefits and Challenges
Education Sciences 2024
Lisbeth Valla,
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Milada Cvancarova Småstuen,
Bente Sparboe-Nilsen
Quality of life and associated factors among Norwegian public health nurse students during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study
Sigrun Henjum,
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Eivind Andersen,
Merethe Øyaland Flåten,
Marianne Morseth
Developing a risk score for undiagnosed prediabetes or type 2 diabetes among Saharawi refugees in Algeria
Eivind Andersen,
Idun Kjellså,
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Sigrun Henjum
Insufficient physical activity level among Sahrawi adults living in a protracted refugee setting
BMC Public Health 19. January 2021
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Camilla Ihlebæk
Modern health worries in Pakistani immigrant women in Oslo,
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 2020
Sigrun Henjum,
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal,
Merethe Øyaland Flaaten,
Marianne S. Morseth,
Eivind Andersen
Prevalence of type 2 diabetes and associated risk factors among Saharawi refugees in Algeria
European Journal of Public Health 2020
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Camilla Ihlebæk
Bidimensional Acculturation and Psychological Distress in Pakistani Immigrant Women in Norway: A Cross-Sectional Study
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 2018
Ekaterina Parfentyeva,
Sarama Saha,
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Steffi Kopprasch,
Peter EH Schwarz
Assessment of small C-fiber status for screening of oxidative stress in patients at risk of diabetes
Hormone and Metabolic Research 2014
Kaja Marie Kigen,
Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal,
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Benedikte Bjørge,
Gerd Holmboe-Ottesen,
Margareta Wandel
Maintenance of changes in food intake and motivation for healthy eating among Norwegian-Pakistani women participating in a culturally adapted intervention
Public Health Nutrition (PHN) 2014
G. Müller,
J Olschewaski,
T Stange,
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
S Bornstein,
PEH Schwarz
Non-invasive Screening of Diabetes Risk by Assessing Abnormalities of Sudomotor Function
Experimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes 2014
Bishwajit Bhowmik,
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Akhtar Hussain
Global migration and prevention of diabetes
John Wiley & Sons 2013
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal,
Benedikte Bjørge,
Gerd Holmboe-Ottesen,
Margareta Wandel,
Kåre I. Birkeland
et al.:
The InnvaDiab-DE-PLAN study: A randomised controlled trial with a culturally adapted education program improved the risk profile for type 2 diabetes in Pakistani immigrant women
British Journal of Nutrition 04. May 2012
Marianne Sylvana Haug Lunde,
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Arne Torbjørn Høstmark
Slow Post Meal Walking Reduces the Blood Glucose Response: An Exploratory Study in Female Pakistani Immigrants
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 2012
Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal,
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Benedikte Bjørge,
Gerd Holmboe-Ottesen,
Margareta Wandel
Food perceptions in terms of health among Norwegian-Pakistani women participating in a culturally adapted intervention
International Journal of Public Health 2011
Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal,
Tone V. Telle Hjellset,
Benedikte Bjørge,
Gerd Holmboe-Ottesen,
Margareta Wandel
Perceptions of risk factors for diabetes among Norwegian-Pakistani women participating in a culturally adapted intervention
Ethnicity and Health 2011
Marianne Sylvana Haug Lunde,
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Gerd Holmboe-Ottesen,
Arne Torbjørn Høstmark
Variations in Postprandial Blood Glucose Responses and Satiety after Intake of Three Types of Bread
Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 2011
Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal,
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Benedikte Bjørge,
Gerd Holmboe-Ottesen,
Margareta Wandel
Intention to Change Dietary Habits, and Weight Loss Among Norwegian-Pakistani Women Participating in a Culturally Adapted Intervention
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 2011
Tone V. Telle Hjellset,
Camilla Martha Ihlebæk,
Benedikte Bjørge,
Hege Randi Eriksen,
Arne Torbjørn Høstmark
Health-related quality of life, subjective health complaints, psychological distress and coping in Pakistani immigrant women with and without the Metabolic Syndrome. The InnvaDiab-DEPLAN study on Pakistani immigrant women living in Oslo, Norway
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 2011
Tone V. Telle Hjellset,
Benedikte Bjørge,
Hege Randi Eriksen,
Arne Torbjørn Høstmark
Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes Among Female Pakistani Immigrants: The InvaDiab-DEPLAN Study on Pakistani Immigrant Women Living in Oslo, Norway
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 2011
Arne Torbjørn Høstmark,
Victoria Telle Hjellset
Er selvrapportert fysisk aktivitet egnet til å belyse helsevirkninger av lett fysisk aktivitet? :
Norsk Epidemiologi 2011
Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal,
Tone V. Telle Hjellset,
Benedikte Bjørge,
Gerd Holmboe-Ottesen,
Margareta Wandel
Barriers to healthy eating among Norwegian-Pakistani women participating in a culturally adapted intervention
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2010
Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal,
Tone V. Telle Hjellset,
Benedikte Bjørge,
Gerd Holmboe-Ottesen,
Margareta Wandel
Food perceptions in terms of health among Norwegian-Pakistani women participating in a culturally adapted intervention
International Journal of Public Health 2010
Jürgen Kasper,
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Marianne Molin,
Anke Steckelberg
Mapping the quality of Norwegian health information – is it sufficiently facilitating informed choices?
Betül Cokluk,
Jürgen Kasper,
Marianne Molin,
Victoria Telle Hjellset
The Public Health Nurse in a paradigm shift – the role of health communication in the transition
Betül Cokluk,
Jürgen Kasper,
Marianne Molin,
Victoria Telle Hjellset
Mapping the quality of Norwegian health information – is it sufficiently facilitating informed choices?
Marianne Molin,
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Jürgen Kasper
Mapping the quality of Norwegian health information – is it sufficiently facilitating informed choices?
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Jürgen Kasper,
Marianne Molin
Health communication in Public Health Nursing
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Christina Gjestvang
Fra teori til handling – dagskurs i helsekommunikasjon!
Victoria Telle Hjellset
Kommunikasjons seminar
Jürgen Kasper,
Betül Cokluk,
Marianne Molin,
Anke Steckelberg,
The MappInfo prosjektgruppe,
Victoria Telle Hjellset
Å være helsekompetent i Norge ... gir ingen fordeler. En studie har kartlagt kvalitet på tilgjengelig nettbasert helseinformasjon.
Victoria Telle Hjellset
Perspektiver og innsikt fra deltagere på Naturskolen
Victoria Telle Hjellset
God kommunikasjon har magisk effekt
Lisbeth Gravdal Kvarme,
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Ann Karin Swang,
Lisbeth Valla
Helsesykepleiere trenger mastergrad.
Khrono.no 2022
Jürgen Kasper,
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Marianne Molin,
Simone Maria Kienlin,
Nicole Posch,
Andrea Siebenhofer-Kroitzsch
et al.:
MAPPinfo – instrument for kvalitetsvurdering av helseinformasjon – validert og nå?
Christina Gjestvang,
Victoria Telle Hjellset
Podcast Episode 45: Mestring kan gi bedre helse
26. October 2021
Victoria Telle Hjellset
Fra teori til handling – dagskurs i helsekommunikasjon!
Arne Torbjørn Høstmark,
Marianne Sylvana Haug Lunde,
Victoria Telle Hjellset
Short communication: Daily intake of 125 g of cheese for 2 weeks did not alter amount or distribution of serum lipids or desaturase indexes in healthy adults in an exploratory pilot study
Journal of Dairy Science (JDS) 2018
Tone Victoria Telle Hjellset
Diabetes og innvandrere
BestPractice Hjerte-karsykdommer: Faglig dialog mellom leger 2016
Tone Victoria Telle Hjellset
Nasjonale faglige retningslinjer for diabetes
Hege Hofstad,
Ruth Kjærsti Raanaas,
Helena Nordh,
Geir Aamodt,
Victoria Telle Hjellset
Helsefremmende lokalsamfunn - hva sier forskningen?
Plan: Tidsskrift for samfunnsplanlegging, byplan og regional utvikling 2016
Victoria Telle Hjellset
Kan noen legge på seg og bli syke av å spise for mange karbohydrater?
03. March 2014
Bishwajit Bhowmik,
Tone Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Hussain Akhtar
Global Migration and Prevention of Diabetes
John Wiley & Sons 2013
Tone Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Holmboe-Ottersen Gerd
Manual om forebygging av type 2 diabetes blant innvandrere
Tone Victoria Telle Hjellset
InnvaDiab-DEPLAN fysiologi, psykologi, enkeltmennesket og folkehelse - er alt mulig i et forskningsprosjekt?
BestPractice Hjerte-karsykdommer: Faglig dialog mellom leger 2012
Birger Svihus,
Victoria Telle Hjellset
Fedon inn i varmen
Dagbladet 29. November 2012
Marianne Sylvana Haug Lunde,
Victoria Telle Hjellset,
Arne Torbjørn Høstmark
Postprandial blood glucose regulation in Pakistani immigrant women as influenced by type and amount of ingested carbohydrates, and by post meal walking
Tropical medicine & international health 2011
Victoria Telle Hjellset
Derfor er midjemålet viktig
30. October 2011
Victoria Telle Hjellset
Dette bør men lære av kvinner – og omvendt
09. October 2011
Victoria Telle Hjellset
Forebygging av type 2 diabetes – er blodsukkerregulering svaret? InnvaDiab-DE-PLAN en randomisert studie
Norsk tidsskrift for ernæring (NTFE) 2011