Heidi Katarina Harju-Luukkainen,
Karianne Berg,
Asbjørn Rørslett Kolberg
You Just Need to Shower Them in the Sami Language -
Practices Teachers Use to Revitalise Children’s South Sami Language
Brill Academic Publishers 2025
Ida Kristensen Sætherskar,
Rebekka Walleraunet Borgan,
Karianne Berg
Stroke social network scale: Norsk oversettelse og pilotering av kartleggingsverktøyet SSNS
Norsk tidsskrift for logopedi 2024
Sarah J Wallace,
Lisa Anemaat,
Michelle Attard,
Caroline Baker,
Karianne Berg,
Marcella Carragher
et al.:
Best Practice in Post-Stroke Aphasia Services According to People with Lived Experience. A Modified Nominal Group Technique Study
Anne Randi Fagerlid Festøy,
Karianne Berg,
Anne-Lise Sæteren,
Torill Moen,
Ingvild Åmot
Overgang barnehage-skole for barn med særskilte behov - en systematisk litterturgjennomgang fra perioden 2015-2021
Heidi Katarina Harju-Luukkainen,
Karianne Berg,
Asbjørn Kolberg
Collaborating with parents for South Sámi language learning: A study in an indigenous preschool in Norway
Routledge 2021
Heidi Katarina Harju-Luukkainen,
Karianne Berg,
Asbjørn Kolberg
“I sámifize it...” Preschool in the Centre of South Sámi Language and Culture Learning in Norway
International Research in Early Childhood Education 2021
Karianne Berg,
Jytte Kjaergaard Isaksen,
Sarah J Wallace,
Madeline Cruice,
Nina Simmons-Mackie,
Linda Worrall
Establishing consensus on a definition of aphasia: an e-Delphi study of international aphasia researchers
Karianne Berg,
Torunn Askim,
Marit By Rise
What do speech–language pathologists describe
as most important when trying to achieve client
participation during aphasia rehabilitation? A
qualitative focus group interview study
International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 2017
Karianne Berg,
Torunn Askim,
Susan Balandin,
Elisabeth Armstrong,
Marit By Rise
Experiences of participation in goal setting for people with stroke-induced aphasia in Norway. A qualitative study
Disability and Rehabilitation 13. June 2016
Karianne Berg,
Marit By Rise,
Susan Balandin,
Elisabeth Armstrong,
Torunn Askim
Speech pathologists' experience of involving people with stroke-induced aphasia in clinical decision making during rehabilitation
Disability and Rehabilitation 2016
Karianne Berg,
Ida Kristensen Sætherskar,
Rebekka Walleraunet Borgan
Stroke Social Network Scale - Norway
Karianne Berg,
Hilde Christine Hofslundsengen,
Melanie Kirmess
Tverrfaglig samarbeid rundt stamming i barnehagealder
Karianne Berg,
Signhild Skogdal
A call for SLTs in the field of AAC
Signhild Skogdal,
Karianne Berg
“Participation in conversations for individuals with aphasia using AAC”
Line Haaland-Johansen,
Karianne Berg
We ask about aphasia, they talk about life (Lightning talk; Short platform presentation)
Signhild Skogdal,
Wenche Andersen Helland,
Frøydis Morken,
Monica Irene Norvik,
Karianne Berg
Logopeders arbeidssted, fagområder, kompetanse og kompetansebehov
Norsk tidsskrift for logopedi 2022
Karianne Berg,
Trine Lise Dahl,
Monica Nordvik,
Frøydis Morken,
Wenche Andersen Helland,
Signhild Skogdal
Logopedifagets fremtid
Dagens medisin 19. April 2021
Gabriele Kitzmüller,
Karianne Berg,
Line Haaland-Johansen,
Dafna Olenik
Puhetta terveydestä. Kuvatuki terveydenhuollon
keskusteluihin. Avuksi henkilöille, joilla on afasia
Karianne Berg,
Line Haaland-Johansen
Metaphorically speaking – Aphasia according to people with aphasia
Gabriele Kitzmüller,
Karianne Berg,
Line Haaland-Johansen,
Dafna Olenik
Samtal om hälsa. Ett visuellt kommunikationsstöd för personer med afasi i samtal med personal inom hälso- och sjukvården
Gabriele Kitzmüller,
Karianne Berg,
Line Haaland-Johansen,
Dafna Olenik
Conversations about health. Support for health conversations with people who have aphasia
Karianne Berg,
Line Haaland-Johansen
The person with aphasia as expert
Line Haaland-Johansen,
Karianne Berg
"Hvordan føles det å ha kommunikasjonsvansker?" Råd til logopeder fra personer med afasi
Karianne Berg
An education programme improving Participation for persons with Aphasia In stroke Rehabilitation – PAIR Programme
Karianne Berg
Hvordan legge til rette for brukermedvirkning – med utgangspunkt i et konkret eksempel
Line Haaland-Johansen,
Karianne Berg
The person with aphasia as text - a field trip in the archive
Line Haaland-Johansen,
Karianne Berg
The person with aphasia as text
Karianne Berg
Arbeid med pasientsentrerte mål for rehabilitering
Katarina Haley,
Jytte Kjaergaard Isaksen,
Karianne Berg
How does Goal Setting Happen? Perspectives from People with Aphasia and their Speech-Language Pathologists
Line Haaland-Johansen,
Gabriele Kitzmüller,
Karianne Berg
Snakk om det! Nytt bildemateriell kalt "Samtaler om helse"
Afasiposten 2017
Karianne Berg,
Linda Worrall
Establishing a consensus on an updated definition of aphasia
Karianne Berg,
Linda Worrall,
Sarah Wallace,
Caitlin Brandenburg,
Claire Penn,
Madeline Cruice
Establishing a consensus on an updated definition of aphasia
Line Haaland-Johansen,
Karianne Berg,
Dafna Olenik,
Gabriele Kitzmüller
A picture and a thousand words
Gabriele Kitzmüller,
Karianne Berg,
Line Haaland-Johansen,
Dafna Olenik
Samtaler om helse. En visuell kommunikasjonsveileder til bruk for helsepersonell i samtale med personer med afasi
Karianne Berg
Hvordan sørge for at pasienter med afasi kan delta aktivt i slagrehabiliteringen
Karianne Berg,
Marit By Rise,
Susan Balandin,
Elizabeth Armstrong,
Torunn Askim
Speech pathologists` experience with client participation for people with aphasia
Karianne Berg,
Torunn Askim,
Susan Balandin,
Elizabeth Armstrong,
Marit By Rise
Goal setting – the contribution of people with aphasia
Linda Worrall,
Tanya Rose,
Caitlin Brandenburg,
Alexia Rohde,
Karianne Berg,
Sarah Wallace
Aphasia in later life
Karianne Berg,
Line Haaland-Johansen
Afasi og livskvalitet
Logos. Audiologopædisk Tidsskrift 2015
Karianne Berg,
Marit By Rise,
Susan Balandin,
Elizabeth Armstrong,
Torunn Askim
Client participation in goal-setting and clinical decision making
Karianne Berg,
Line Haaland-Johansen
Measuring quality of life in aphasia: SAQOL-39 in Norwegian
Karianne Berg,
Line Haaland-Johansen
Quality of life in aphasia: Norwegian adaptation of SAQOL-39
Karianne Berg,
Line Haaland-Johansen
Teknologi til nytte eller besvær? Analyse av en afasifaglig e-møteplass