Oda Klavestad Moen,
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson,
Mathieu Roelants,
Ulrike Spielau
Seasonal variability in body mass index, waist circumference, and skinfolds in Norwegian children
American Journal of Human Biology 2024
Reetta Varpula,
Outi Äyräs,
Anna J. M. Aabakke,
Kari Klungsøyr,
Teresia Svanvik,
Julia Kanerva
et al.:
Early suppression policies protected pregnant women from COVID-19 in 2020: A population-based surveillance from the Nordic countries
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2024
Ingvild Halsør Forthun,
Mathieu Roelants,
Helle Katrine Knutsen,
Line Småstuen Haug,
Nina Iszatt,
Lawrence M. Schell
et al.:
Exposure to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances and Timing of Puberty in Norwegian Boys: Data from the Bergen Growth Study 2
Environmental Science and Technology 2024
Guttorm Raknes,
Stephanie Jebsen Fagerås,
Kari Anne Sveen,
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson,
Marianne Sørlie Strøm
Excess non-COVID-19 mortality in Norway 2020–2022
BMC Public Health 2024
Mikael Norman,
Maria Christine Magnus,
Jonas Söderling,
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson,
Lars Navér,
Anne K. Örtqvist
et al.:
Neonatal Outcomes After COVID-19 Vaccination in Pregnancy
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) 2024
Melissa R. Balthasar,
Mathieu Roelants,
Bente Brannsether-Ellingsen,
Ragnar Bjarnason,
Ingunn H. Bergh,
Liv G. Kvalvik
et al.:
Trends in overweight and obesity in Bergen, Norway, using data from routine child healthcare 2010–2022
Aaron S. Kelly,
Melanie Bahlke,
Jennifer L. Baker,
Carine de Beaufort,
Ruth M. Belin,
Helena Fonseca
et al.:
Considerations for the design and conduct of pediatric obesity pharmacotherapy clinical trials: Proceedings of expert roundtable meetings
Pediatric Obesity 2024
Jonas F. Ludvigsson,
Siri Eldevik Håberg,
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson,
Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen,
Stine Kjaer Urhoj,
Olof Stephansson
Three Scandinavian countries did not see the same increase in foetal situs inversus observed in China during the COVID-19 pandemic
Acta Paediatrica 2024
Hanna Maria Eng,
Kari Anne Sveen,
Stephanie Jebsen Fagerås,
Marianne Sørlie Strøm,
Lien My Diep,
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson
et al.:
Introduction of electronic death notification in Norway—Impact on diabetes mortality registration
Maren Sofie Talmo,
Ingvild Skogedal Fløysand,
Guro Ørndal Nilsen,
Tone Shetelig Løvvik,
Rønnaug Astri Ødegård,
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson
et al.:
Growth Restriction in the Offspring of Mothers With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Guro Ørndal Nilsen,
Melanie Rae Simpson,
Liv Guro Engen Hanem,
Tone Shetelig Løvvik,
Rønnaug Astri Ødegård,
Live Marie T Stokkeland
et al.:
Anthropometrics of neonates born to mothers with PCOS with metformin or placebo exposure in utero
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2023
Bente Øvrebø,
Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal,
Tonje Holte Stea,
Andrew Keith Wills,
Elling Tufte Bere,
Per Minor Magnus
et al.:
The influence of immigrant background and parental education on overweight and obesity in 8-year-old children in Norway
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson,
Ingvild S. Bruserud,
Ninnie Helen Bakken Oehme,
Andre Madsen,
Ingvild Halsør Forthun,
Melissa Rajini Balthasar
et al.:
Deep phenotyping of pubertal development in Norwegian children: the Bergen Growth Study 2
Annals of Human Biology 2023
Ingvild Halsør Forthun,
Mathieu Roelants,
Line Småstuen Haug,
Helle Katrine Knutsen,
Lawrence M. Schell,
Astanand Jugessur
et al.:
Levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in Norwegian children stratified by age and sex - Data from the Bergen Growth Study 2
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2023
Miriam Evensen,
Søren Toksvig Klitkou,
Mette Christophersen Tollånes,
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson,
Øystein Kravdal
Parental income gradients in child and adolescent mortality: Norwegian trends over half a century
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2023
Melissa Rajini Balthasar,
Mathieu Roelants,
Bente Brannsether-Ellingsen,
Kristine Marie Stangenes,
Maria Christine Magnus,
Siri Eldevik Håberg
et al.:
Evaluating national guidelines for monitoring early growth using routinely collected data in Bergen, Norway
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2023
Bente Øvrebø,
Tonje Holte Stea,
Ingunn Holden Bergh,
Elling Tufte Bere,
Pål Suren,
Per Minor Magnus
et al.:
A nationwide school fruit and vegetable policy and childhood and adolescent overweight: A quasi-natural experimental study
Hanna Flækøy Skjåkødegård,
Rachel P. K. Conlon,
Sigurd William Hystad,
Mathieu Roelants,
Sven J. G. Olsson,
Bente Frisk
et al.:
Family-based treatment of children with severe obesity in a public healthcare setting: Results from a randomized controlled trial
Ingrid Revheim,
Melissa Rajini Balthasar,
Rupali Rajendra Akerkar,
Kristine Marie Stangenes,
Grethe Almenning,
Eva Nygaard
et al.:
Trends in the prevalence of breastfeeding up to 6 months of age using structured data from routine child healthcare visits
Øyvind Helgeland,
Marc Vaudel,
Pol Sole-Navais,
Christopher Flatley,
Julius Juodakis,
Jonas Bacelis
et al.:
Characterization of the genetic architecture of infant and early childhood body mass index
Tone Engen,
Katrine Mari Owe,
Julie Horn,
Gerhard Sulo,
Øyvind Erik Næss,
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson
et al.:
Preconception leisure-time physical activity and family history of stroke and myocardial infarction associate with preterm delivery: findings from a Norwegian cohort
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2022
Yngvild Sørebø Danielsen,
Hanna Flækøy Skjåkødegård,
Marit Mongstad Nybakk,
Sigurd William Hystad,
Sven J. G. Olsson,
Malin Mandelid Kleppe
et al.:
Objectively measured physical activity among treatment seeking children and adolescents with severe obesity and normal weight peers
Obesity Science & Practice 2022
Hanna Flækøy Skjåkødegård,
Sigurd William Hystad,
Ingvild Særvold Bruserud,
Rachel P. K. Conlon,
Denise Wilfley,
Bente Frisk
et al.:
Perceived barriers in family-based behavioural treatment of paediatric obesity – Results from the FABO study
Rachel Bedenis Forster,
Camilla Kjellstadli,
Tor Åge Myklebust,
Grace M. Egeland,
Gerhard Sulo,
Tone Bjørge
et al.:
Treatment and 30-Day Mortality after Myocardial Infarction in Prostate Cancer Patients: A Population-Based Study from Norway
Andre Madsen,
Bjørg Almås,
Ingvild Særvold Bruserud,
Ninnie Helen Bakken Oehme,
Christopher Sivert Nielsen,
Mathieu Roelants
et al.:
Reference Curves for Pediatric Endocrinology: Leveraging Biomarker Z-Scores for Clinical Classifications
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (JCEM) 2022
Benjamin Matthew Clarsen,
Magne Nylenna,
Søren Toksvig Klitkou,
Stein Emil Vollset,
Carl Michael Baravelli,
Anette Kocbach Bølling
et al.:
Changes in life expectancy and disease burden in Norway, 1990–2019: an analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
The Lancet Public Health 2022
Hilde Mjell Donkor,
Helene Toxe,
Jørgen Hurum,
Robert Bjerknes,
Geir Egil Eide,
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson
et al.:
Psychological health in preschool children with underweight, overweight or obesity: A regional cohort study
Angela Spinelli,
Marta Buoncristiano,
Paola Nardone,
Gregor Starc,
Tatjana Hejgaard,
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson
et al.:
Thinness, overweight, and obesity in 6- to 9-year-old children from 36 countries: The World Health Organization European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative—COSI 2015–2017
Obesity Reviews 07. July 2021
Hilde Marie Engjom,
Anna J. M. Aabakke,
Kari Klungsøyr,
Teresia Svanvik,
Outi Äyräs,
Eva Jonasdottir
et al.:
COVID‐19 in pregnancy – characteristics and outcomes of pregnant women admitted to hospital because of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection in the Nordic countries
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2021
Liv Guro Engen Hanem,
Øyvind Salvesen,
Andre Madsen,
Jørn Vegard Sagen,
Gunnar Mellgren,
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson
et al.:
Maternal PCOS status and metformin in pregnancy: Steroid hormones in 5–10 years old children from the PregMet randomized controlled study
Ximena Ramos Salas,
Marta Buoncristiano,
Julianne Williams,
Maryam Kebbe,
Angela Spinelli,
Paola Nardone
et al.:
Parental Perceptions of Children's Weight Status in 22 Countries: The WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative: COSI 2015/2017
Maria Christine Magnus,
Laura L. Oakley,
Håkon K. Gjessing,
Olof Stephansson,
Hilde Marie Engjom,
Ferenc Macsali
et al.:
Pregnancy and risk of COVID-19: a Norwegian registry-linkage study
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2021
Cecilie Svanes,
Randi Jacobsen Bertelsen,
Simone Accordini,
John W. Holloway,
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson,
Eistine Boateng
et al.:
Exposures during the prepuberty period and future offspring's health: evidence from human cohort studies
Biology of Reproduction 2021
Yngvild Sørebø Danielsen,
Hanna Flækøy Skjåkødegård,
Bjørn Bjorvatn,
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson,
Ståle Pallesen
Polysomnographic comparison of sleep in children with obesity and normal weight without suspected sleep-related breathing disorder
Clinical Obesity 15. September 2021
Øyvind Helgeland,
Marc Vaudel,
Pol Sole-Navais,
Christopher Flatley,
Julius Juodakis,
Jonas Bacelis
et al.:
Correction to: Characterization of the genetic architecture of infant and early childhood body mass index (Nature Metabolism, (2022), 4, 3, (344-358), 10.1038/s42255-022-00549-1)
Nature Metabolism 2024
Hanna Flækøy Skjåkødegård,
Yngvild Sørebø Danielsen,
Sigurd William Hystad,
Rachel P. K. Conlon,
Denise E. Wilfley,
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson
Family-based behavioral treatment of children with obesity – Results from the FABO study
Hanna Flækøy Skjåkødegård,
Yngvild Sørebø Danielsen,
Sigurd William Hystad,
Rachel P. K. Conlon,
Denise E. Wilfley,
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson
Family-based behavioral treatment of children with obesity – Results from the FABO study
Yngvild Sørebø Danielsen,
Hanna Flækøy Skjåkødegård,
Denise Wilfley,
Rachel P. K. Conlon,
Helge Molde,
Aabel Skodvin Vilde
et al.:
Is there an elevated risk for developing eating disorder symptoms during family-based behavioral treatment for adolescents with severe obesity?
Yngvild Sørebø Danielsen,
Hanna Flækøy Skjåkødegård,
Denise Wilfley,
Rachel P. K. Conlon,
Helge Molde,
Aabel Skodvin Vilde
et al.:
Is there an elevated risk for developing eating disorder symptoms during family-based behavioral treatment for adolescents with severe obesity?
Tone Bjørge,
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson
Helseregistrene: Dataene er der – men får vi brukt dem?
Dagens medisin 2024
Yngvild Sørebø Danielsen,
Hanna Flækøy Skjåkødegård,
Rachel P. K. Conlon,
Denise Wilfley,
Helge Molde,
Vilde Aabel Skodvin
et al.:
Fører familiebasert atferdsbehandling hos ungdommer med alvorlig fedme til
en økning i spiseforstyrrelsessymptomer?
Liv Cecilie Vestrheim Thomsen,
Anne Kjersti Nesje Daltveit,
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson,
Kari Klungsøyr,
Ferenc Macsali,
Rupali Rajendra Akerkar
Årsrapport for Medisinsk fødselsregister 2022. Svangerskap og fødsler i Norge
Ann Kristin Skrindo Knudsen,
Christian Madsen,
Ingeborg Forthun,
Hilde Marie Tvedten,
Jesper Dahl,
Trude Marie Lyngstad
et al.:
Dødelighet i Norge under koronapandemien 2020–2022
Mette Løkeland-Stai,
Rupali Rajendra Akerkar,
Olaug Margrete Askeland,
Guri Sundgot Halvorsen,
Rannveig Heiberg-Andersen,
Mona Tornensis Hornæs
et al.:
Rapport om svangerskapsavbrot 2022. Register over svangerskapsavbrot (Abortregisteret)
Rønnaug Astri Ødegård,
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson,
Ane Sofie Kokkvoll,
Hege Kristiansen,
Unni Mette Stamnes Köpp,
Johannes Rolin
et al.:
Ungdom med alvorlig fedme bør få legemiddel på blå resept
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 2023
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson,
Mathieu Roelants
Should the Prader 3-mL orchidometer bead change colour?
Acta Paediatrica 2023
Mette Løkeland-Stai,
Rupali Rajendra Akerkar,
Olaug Margrete Askeland,
Linda Askvik Faugstad,
Guri Sundgot Halvorsen,
Rannveig Heiberg-Andersen
et al.:
Rapport om svangerskapsavbrot 2021 Register over svangerskapsavbrot (Abortregisteret)
Johannes Rolin,
Rønnaug Ødegård,
Viktoria Vedeler Amundsen,
Unni Mette Køpp,
Ane Sofie Kokkvoll,
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson
et al.:
Medikamentell tilleggsbehandling for vektreduksjon hos ungdom med alvorlig fedme
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 2022
Bente Øvrebø,
Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal,
Tonje Holte Stea,
Andrew Keith Wills,
Elling Tufte Bere,
Pål Suren
et al.:
Prevalence of overweight, obesity and central adiposity among children with immigrant background in Norway
Hanna Flækøy Skjåkødegård,
Yngvild Sørebø Danielsen,
Sigurd William Hystad,
Malin M. Kleppe,
Gustav Olsson,
Pétur Benedikt Juliusson
et al.:
Late Sleep Timing, and Less Organized Sport are Related to Lower Physical Activity Levels in Children and Adolescents with Severe Obesity
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 2021