Beate Ytreberg
Job description
I am an Associate Professor in Physiotherapy at the Bachelor's program in Physiotherapy. Clinical practice is my main area of responsibility. I also supervise Master's students in Physiotherapy. As an Excellent Teaching Practitioner, I mentor teachers working to develop their pedagogical skills. I am also involved in educational development projects.
I view learning as a sociocultural and situated practice. In my opinion, in-depth learning, active deep learning, and the development of professional language are important for developing understanding. Pedagogically, I have a keen interest in how to integrate theory and practice knowledge, and how to teach and learn in practical-clinical education. I am also focused on facilitating students learning from each other. My research and professional development projects reflect this.
My professional interests in physiotherapy are primarily physiotherapy for adolescents. I have a background as a pediatric physiotherapist, extensive experience in sports, and occasionally practice as a psychomotor physiotherapist.
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Research interests
Pediatric and Adolescent Physiotherapy
Practice Knowledge
Active Learning
Collaborative Learning, peer teaching and learning
Clinical Reasoning