Working Group
RT1 Global drivers and feedbacks
Are Olsen (leader), UiB, chemical oceanography/ carbon cycle
Elana Wilson Rowe, NUPI, international politics
Trude Storelvmo, UiO, atmosphere physics & chemistry
Kari Ellingsen, NINA, ecosystem biodiversity/invasive species
RT2: The changing Arctic Ocean
Paul Dodd (leder), NP, physical & chemical oceanography
Bodil Bluhm, UiT, biology
Øystein Jensen, FNI, law of the sea
Terje Thorsnes, NGU, marine geology
Jerry Tjiputra, NORCE, biogeochemistry
RT3: Abrupt changes and extreme events
Paul Renaud (leder), APN, biology/benthos
Katrine Husum, NP, paleoceanography
Pricilla Mooney, NORCE, atmosphere physics
Helene Langehaug, NERSC, oceanography
Knut Einar Skodvin, UiB, law/international law/civil processes & conflict resolution
RT4: Prospects and Consequences of human use
Sissel Jentoft (leder), UiO, ecosystems
Randi Ingvaldsen, HI, physical-biological coupling/management
Janne Søreide, UNIS, ecosystems
Steffen L. Jørgensen, UiB, seafloor/geobiology
Vito De Lucia, UiT, law of the sea
Ida B. Øverjordet, SINTEF, contaminations
RT5: Advances in Modelling and Observing
Malte Müller (leder), MET, ocean & atmosphere/ weather/ models/ digital twin solutions & Copernicus
Asgeir Sørensen, NTNU, cybernetics/autonomous systems
Laurent Bertino, Nansen Center, Digital Twin & Copernicus
Volker Oye, NORSAR, Seismology/Geology
RT6: Polar Ocean Pathways
Dorothy Dankel (leder), SINTEF, sustainability/complex systems
Andreas Østhagen, FNI, geopolitics
Marius Nyquist Pedersen, FFI, security
Lis Lindal Jørgensen, HI, ecosystems