Department of Pharmacy

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The Department of Pharmacy (IFA) is located on campus Tromsø. We educate prescription pharmacists (Bachelor of Pharmacy), master pharmacists (Master of Pharmacy), and Ph.D. candidates.


Pharmacists are pharmaceutical experts and healthcare professionals. Pharmacists possess unique pharmaceutical knowledge that spans from research and development, through production, to the clinical use of drugs. Pharmacists work in pharmacies, hospitals, nursing homes, community healthcare, the pharmaceutical industry, research, teaching, and public administration.

At the department, we have a close collaboration with the University Hospital of Northern Norway and have established clinical pharmacy practice with a focus on interdisciplinary cooperation and interaction between patients and pharmacists.

The department has six research groups that investigate various issues in the field of pharmacy. Researchers in these groups provide most of the teaching at the institute. This ensures that new knowledge is generated regularly and that our students receive up-to-date education at all times. Read more about our study programs and research groups below.

Employees at Department of Pharmacy:



Experimental Health Research Conference (EHRC) - 2025

16. juni     09:00     Tromsø     Tromsø