Employees – Department of Psychology

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Employees – Department of Psychology

Aagesen, Berit Olaug Sellæg

Department of Psychology
Faculty of Health Sciences

Abels, Monika

Associate Professor
Child development
Faculty of Health Sciences

Alexandersen, Andreas

Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Health Sciences

Aslaksen, Per M.

Research group for cognitive neuroscience
Faculty of Health Sciences

Barrett, Elisabeth Ovanger

Department of Psychology
Faculty of Health Sciences

Bergsnev, Kamilla

PhD Candidate
Research group for cognitive neuroscience
Faculty of Health Sciences

Bergvik, Svein

Associate Professor Health Psychology
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Health Sciences

Bjerkan, Bertil

Associate professor
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Health Sciences

Bjørkedal, Espen

Deputy leader of education
Research group for cognitive neuroscience
Faculty of Health Sciences

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