Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Biology
Current Running Projects
Research Areas
Current Running Projects (a-z):
led by Assoc. Prof. Rune Sundset
led by Assoc. Prof. Jørn Hedløy Hansen
led by Dr. Federico Soria and Dr. Yu-Fen Chang (local contact, Tromsø & Bergen)
Work Package 2.1 "Small animal radionuclide preclinical imaging in atherosclerosis"
led by Assoc. Prof. Rune Sundset and Assoc. Prof. Karl-Erik Eilertsen
Research Areas:
- Development of novel radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostics and therapies
- Nuclear imaging and radiation therapy
- Personalized radiation therapy
- Translational research
- Machine learning

180N-preclinical workshop 2021
The 180N-preclinical workshop was held in Tromsø and online on 15 Feb 2021.
New article: Unsupervised supervoxel-based lung tumor segmentation across patient scans in hybrid PET/MRI
to be published in Expert Systems With Applications
New video: Tromsø PET Imaging Center
Welcome to our site!Group Leader: Rune Sundset Assoc. Prof., MD, PhD Leader, Preclinical Core Facility Department of Clinical Medicine UiT The Arctic University of Norway Leader, PET Imaging Center University Hospital of North Norway (UNN) |
Visit us Hansine Hansens veg 82, Tromsø UiT The Arctic University of Norway Colocated with PET Imaging Center The University Hospital of North Norway (UNN) |
Mailing address Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Biology Research Group Department of Clinical Medicine Faculty of Health Sciences UiT The Arctic University of Norway 9037 Tromsø Norway |