JCLOS Final Conference: Balancing stability and flexibility in adapting to future challenges
The KG Jebsen Centre for the Law of the Sea (JCLOS) are pleased to announce the JCLOS Final Conference - (?)CLOS Starting Conference: "Balancing stability and flexibility in adapting to future challenges.The conference will be held in Tromsø, 19 - 20 September 2019.
During the last six years, the K.G. Jebsen Centre for the Law of the Sea has become an important contributor to research and building of competence within the law of the sea. This conference does not mark the end of the Centre. It rather aims at setting out some of the future research topics of the Centre building on the achievements during the K.G. Jebsen funding period.
For program, registration and more information, follow this link: https://en.uit.no/tavla/artikkel/594464/jclos_final_conference_balancing_stability_and_f?p_document_id=594464
Deadline for registration: 30 August.
Page administrator: Christin Skjervold
Last updated: 15.08.2019 10:20
Last updated: 15.08.2019 10:20