Helene N. Andreassen
Job description
(ongoing tasks and projects only)
- Responsible for development and coordination of teaching and learning support, UiT University Library.
- Member, working group iKomp, an open, flexible and free online ressource on information literacy.
- Responsible for institutional research data management training program.
- Member, development and curator team, Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics (TROLLing).
- Co-chair, RDA Linguistics Data Interest Group.
- RDA/EOSC Future Domain Ambassador for Linguistics (November 2022- September 2023, co-funder: EU Horizon Programme call INFRAEOSC-03-2020).
- Project leader, Research integrity and open science: Knowledge, norms and attitudes among PhD students in Norway (RIOS-PHD).
- Project member, DocTalent4EU (2022-2024, Horizon EUROPE)
- Project member, CLARINO+ (2020-, Research Council of Norway).
Work areas
Academic honesty / Library / Research support / Research data management / Information literacy / Literature search / Plagiarism / TeachingError rendering component
Research interests
French phonology, phonological variation, acquisition of phonology
(ongoing teaching only)
- Information literacy (BA - PhD)
- Open science
- GEN-8001 Take control of your PhD journey (course responsible)
- Research data management
- Oral presentation techniques
- Dialects in Indre Troms