Mattias Åhren

Professor (PhD)

Job description

Professor in International Law, Indigenous Rights Law, and Sami Law

  • Jon Mattias Åhrén :
    The relevance of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to vibrant, viable and sustainable Sámi communities
    Routledge 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mattias Åhren :
    An Unsettled Liberal Democratic Order and Indigenous Peoples' Legal Rights
    Routledge 2022
  • Mattias Åhren :
    Indigenousness as a Protected Ground of Discrimination
    Scandinavian Studies in Law 2022 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Mattias Åhren :
    Indigenous resource rights at their core (and what these are not)
    Edward Elgar Publishing 2022
  • Mattias Åhren :
    Recognition of indigenous peoples’ rights to lands, territories and resource
    United Nations publication 2021
  • Jon Matthias Åhren, Martin Scheinin :
    Relationship to Human Rights, and Related International Instruments
    Oxford University Press 2018
  • Mattias Åhren :
    Rättigheternas renässans och samiska markanvändares egendomsrättigheter till land
    Retfærd. Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift 2018
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Indigenous Creativity and the Public Domain - Terra Nullius Revisited
    Brill|Nijhoff 2017 DOI
  • Jon Matthias Åhren, Rebecca Lawrence :
    Mining as colonisation: the need for restorative justice and restitution of traditional Sami lands
    Routledge 2017
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    To What Extent Can Indigenous Territories Be Expropriated?
    Ashgate 2015 DOI
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    International Human Rights Law Relevant to Natural Resource Extraction in Indigenous Territories - an Overview
    Nordisk miljörättslig tidskrift 2014
  • Jon Matthias Åhren, Antti Aikio :
    A reply to calls for an extension of the definitoin of Sami in Finland
    Arctic Review on Law and Politics 2014 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Jon Matthias Åhren, Antti Aikio :
    Suomalaisen Lakimiesyhdistyksen aikakauskirja
    Lakimies 2013
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Några folkrättsliga aspekter på Finnmarksloven läst i ljuset av Finnmarkskommissionens första rapport
    Retfærd. Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift 2013
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Indigenous Peoples' Status in the International Legal System
    Oxford University Press 2016
  • Jon Mattias Åhrén, Stephen James Anaya :
    The Finnmark Estate and indigenous peoples' rights to self-determination and self-government
  • Mattias Åhren :
    Sámi Constitutional Rights
  • Mattias Åhren, S. James Anaya :
    The Finnmark Estate's management of natural resources; its compliance with international law on indigenous peoples' right to self-determination and self-governance - tentative observations
  • Mattias Åhren :
    The Girjas Case
  • Mattias Åhren :
    Skäl att bruka samisk traditionell kunskap om rovdjur och bruk av sådan kunskap i vetenskapliga sammanhang
  • Mattias Åhren :
    The Sustainability in viewing lands and resources in the Sami traditional areas as a Collective Sami Commmons (as distinct from Sami community rights)
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Rättvisa och spöken i samiska kulturlandskap
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Reindriftslovens förenlighet med folkrätten
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Parameters within which to find agreement on international legal instrument(s) protecting TK and TCEs
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Folkretten og dens relevans for reindriftens rettigheter i Norge
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Legal Relevance of Constitution Recognition of the Aboriginal Peoples of Australia
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Australia's international legal obligation's towards First Nations
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Rättslig analys av förslaget till Nordisk Samekonvention
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Hur kan samiskt självbestämmande stärkas genom samarbete över landsgränserna?
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Folkrättens betydelse för ingrepp i samiska områden - en guide till domaren
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Samiska rättigheter som mänskliga rättigheter
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Endring av reindriftsloven
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Background and Significance
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Samisk reindrift och norsk gruvdrift - fallet Nussir
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Girjasdomen - det samiska genombrottet?
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Det materielle innehållet i eiendoms- og bruksrettsbegreppet i urfolksretten
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    New Working Methods and the Way Forward
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Laponiaförvaltningen som en historisk folkrättslig händelse - uttryck för genuint samiskt självbestämmande
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Folkrättsliga aspekter på reintalsreduktionen i Finnmark
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    A New Mandate For the UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    The Proposed Nordic Saami Convention: National and International Dimensions of Indigenous Property Rights
    Nordic Journal of Human Rights 2014
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Extractive industries in the North
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    The Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Final Report on Extractive Industries and Indigenous Peoples' Human Rights
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    International legal framework for the protection of indigenous peoples' rights
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Människorättsaspekter på Sveriges Mineralpolitik i Renskötselområdet
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Indigenous Peoples' Rights
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Indigenous Peoples' Rights to Marine Natural Resources
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Samerna och gruvindustrin; olika syn på samma landskap
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Indigenous Peoples' Rights
  • Jon Matthias Åhren :
    Commentary to OECD Guidelines

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →
