Morten Lønhaug-Næss
Job description
If you want to get in touch with me, you can send me an e-mail or visit my office at MH2 U11. Feel free to contact me if you have any professional questions within my fields of interest.
Fields of interest:
Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Health Services Research (HRS), Registry data and health register databases, Clinical Nursing, Pathology, Medical calculation, Nursing Science
Research projects: - "Stormottakere av spesialisthelsetjenester"
Affiliated research group Center for Care Research + CCR's group for register data analyzes
Link to research group: - Center for Care Research
Link to Researchgate:
The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →
Research interests
Health Services Research (HRS)
Analyzis of registry data and health registries
Research projects: - High-Need High-Cost Patients with frequent unplanned hospital admissions
Research group affiliation:
- Health Services Research (HRS)
- Biostatistics and epidemiology
- Natural sciences
- Clinical nursing
Member of research group
2021-04 - 2025-03: Philosophiae Doctor (PhD). Thesis working title: "Utilization of community healthcare services among older high-utilization patients with unplanned hospital admissions. A Norwegian register-based study. University of Tromsø/UiT - Norges arktiske universitet.
2015-08 - 2017-05: MSc PH, Epidemiology and biostatistics. Thesis working title: "Cigarette smoking and pancreatic cancer risk among 83 500 Norwegian men and women". University of Tromsø/UiT - Norges arktiske universitet.
2008-08 - 2011-06: BSc N: Nursing. University of Tromsø/UiT - Norges arktiske universitet.
Previous employments:
2020-06 - 2021-04: Program director/Director of studies - BSc Nursing - (UiT) Department for Health and Care Sciences
2017-09 - 2021-04: Assistant professor - BSc Nursing - (UiT) Department for Health and Care Sciences
2015-08 - 2017-06: Registered nurse teacher (RNT) - Teacher supervisor in clinical practice - BSc Nursing - (UiT) Department for Health and Care Sciences
2013-01 - 2017-09: Registered nurse (RN)- University hospital of Northern Norway (UNN) Medical Intensive Care Unit and Cardiac Ward (MIHO)
2011-06 - 2013-01: Registered nurse (RN) - University hospital of Northern Norway (UNN) Neurosurgical Ward - Neurosurgery, neurology and orthopedic clinic
2021-04 - 2025-03: Philosophiae Doctor (PhD). Thesis working title: "Utilization of community healthcare services among older high-utilization patients with unplanned hospital admissions. A Norwegian register-based study. UiT - Norges arktiske universitet (180sp)
2015-08 - 2017-05: MSc PH, Epidemiology and biostatistics. Thesis working title: "Cigarette smoking and pancreatic cancer risk among 83 500 Norwegian men and women". UiT - Norges arktiske universitet. (120sp)
2008-08 - 2011-06: BSc N: Nursing. UiT - Norges arktiske universitet (180sp)
- Steering group member for the pilot project for more diversity and better gender balance in healthcare sciences.
- 2019-2020: Assistant program director/director of studies- BSc Nursing - (UiT) Department for Health and Care Sciences- UiT- The arctic university of Norway
- 2019 - Group leader of the competence group (National rguidelines and Health and Social Care Education) - UiT- The arctic university of Norway
- 2019 - Permanent Academic Representative on the Institute Counsil at the Department of Health and Care Sciences - UiT- The arctic university of Norway
- 2019 - Instructor Advanced CPR for healthcare personnel - NRR approved (Norsk rescusitasjonsråd)
- 2018-2020: Section Coordinator - BSc Nursing - (UiT) Department for Health and Care Sciences- UiT- The arctic university of Norway