Guest lectures by Professor Aldo Chircop
Professor Aldo Chircop will hold two guest lectures at JCLOS: Wednesday 25 January at 9 - 10 am: "The Extended Continental Shelf is not for Free! How Canada is Poised to be the First to Implement an International Royalty on Offshore Oil and Gas Production." Friday 27 January at 9 - 10 am: "Good Seamanship and Collision Avoidance in Polar Navigation: More Unfinished Business for International Maritime Safety Regulation." Both lectures will be held in room 4.402 at Teorifagbygget H4.
Professor Aldo Chircop is a Professor at Dalhousie University, Schulich School of Law in Halifax in Canada. Chircop's principal areas of research are in Canadian maritime law, international maritime law and international law of the sea. In particular, his maritime research focuses on the international regulation of shipping in polar regions, especially in the Arctic.
Page administrator: Christin Skjervold
Last updated: 13.01.2017 12:54
Last updated: 13.01.2017 12:54