Presentations from the workshop - Ocean Commons: Common Heritage, MGR and Biodiversity Conservation in ABNJ
On June, 13 2017, the K.G. Jebsen Centre for the Law of the Sea and the Institute for International Legal Studies, National Research Council of Italy, jointly organized a workshop titled «Ocean Commons: Common Heritage, Marine Genetic Resources and Biodiversity Conservation in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction». The workshop was held in Rome, Italy.
The aim was to discuss some of the key questions being raised and discussed within the context of the recently concluded preparatory committee of the United Nations tasked with delivering a draft text containing elements for an international legally-binding instrument under the United Nations Conventions for the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (the programme of the workshop is available by clicking on the link above).
Some of the presentations, held by experts in the field, are now made available on this page, in anticipation of the publication of full papers based on these presentations in a special issue of the Maritime Safety and Security Law Journal. The workshop convener, Dr. Vito De Lucia (JCLOS) and Dr. Gemma Andreone (ISGI/CNR), will co-edit the special issue.
Last updated: 15.09.2017 12:38