Cinematic Perspectives on the Future: Film series at VT

CRAFT & ENCODE present... is a film series at Verdensteatret Cinematek. The current theme of the screenings is cinematic perspectives on the future.

Since the spring term of 2023 the CRAFT-research group (BFE/UiT) and the ENCODE-network (HSL/UiT) have run a series of film screenings in cooperation with Verdensteatret Cinematek. The initiative is aimed at facilitaing the dissemination of research results from associated projects such as AGiC (NordForsk 2020-22), AFO-JIGG (RCN 2021-24) or Futures4Fish (RCN 2023-26), and at improving recruitment to relevant study programmes at BFE and HSL.

Each semester, scholars associated with CRAFT and/or ENCODE will select three movies that take up pressing issues for the future such as automation and the development of autonomous technical systems, the implications of rapid advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning, the societal, political, cultural, and economic ramifications of digitization, climate change and other environmental hazards, the sepcter of exacerbating inequalities, and the growing power of billionaires and multinational companies. Each film will be introduced by a scholar associated with the two groups. After the screenings there will be an opportunity to ask questions and discuss issues taken up in the movies.
The film series is organized by CRAFT (BFE) and ENCODE (ISK/HSL) and supported by Verdensteatret Cinematek.